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  • 网络Operation area;Bedienfeld
  1. C2液相加氢用固定床鼓泡反应器的适宜操作区

    The study on the proper operating region in a fixed-bed bubble reactor for the process of the hydrogenation of c_2 in liquid-phase

  2. 如果评估通过,这个贷款申请会自动转移到Approved操作区。

    If the assessment is positive , the loan application is automatically moved to the Approved work basket .

  3. CD线后方颞区为避免面神经颞支损伤的安全操作区。

    The temporal space after the line CD is a safety operation area for the protection of temporal branch of facial nerve .

  4. 传递窗打开时,首先利用传统PID控制操作区内部压力,记录压力随时间变化情况。

    When the transfer window opens , use the PID to control the internal pressure of operating area , and record the pressure values .

  5. 提出了将操作区改在灰熔点(T2)以上操作的建议。

    Operation at the temperature above slag melting point ( T_2 ) recommended .

  6. 前方是教师主控区,分为电脑区,录音播放区和语音系统总操作区三大部分。

    In the front of the class , you can see the teacher dominative area .

  7. 适用于操作区内局部净化级别要求高的区域。

    Be applicable to request the high clean level district of the inside operation part area .

  8. 手术操作区需以70%酒精或四级胺类消毒剂进行消毒。

    The surgical area should be disinfected with a70 % alcohol or quaternary ammonium compounds prior to surgery .

  9. 要求耐重压、耐强力冲击、耐腐蚀的机械厂、五金制品厂、化工厂操作区、汽车修理厂等。

    For machinery plant hardware factory , chemical factory , car-fixed factory , which need impact-resistance and anti-corrosion .

  10. 得到了在亚临界条件下溶剂脱沥青过程的相图及适宜的操作区。

    The phase diagram and the operational area of SDA process under subcritical conditions for the systems have been determined .

  11. 在打开传递窗时改变风机频率,记录操作区内部压力随时间变化情况。

    Change the fan frequency when the transfer window opens , and record the internal pressure of the operating area .

  12. 由此可确定由各无因次参数群所组成的相平面上的可操作区。

    Through multiplicity zone and runaway condition one can decide the operable region on the phase planes of dimensionless parameter groups .

  13. 这一控制器能够很好地处理推力器限制、操作区限制等约束条件,并实现了起重船运动的平稳控制。

    It not only deals well with the constraints of thrust restrictions and operating area , but aslo achieves smooth control of crane movements .

  14. 结果表明:在乳化操作区,液泛通量随着开孔率增加、脉冲强度和流比的减小而增大,与板间距无关;

    Experimental results indicated that the flooding rate increased with increasing packing free ratio and decreasing pulse strength , and was independent of packing distance .

  15. 该图反映了全塔的适宜操作区及在具体的工艺操作条件下,所有塔板上对应其操作点的最主要的水力学限制条件。

    The suitable operating zone and the main hydraulic restrictive conditions corresponding its operating points on all trays under specific conditions were shown on the chart .

  16. 工具软件一般具有标题栏、菜单栏、快捷按钮(工具)栏、正文操作区、右键快捷菜单栏、状态栏等界面结构。

    Computer Tools-Software 's interface generally contains title bar , menu bar , shortcut button bar , main operation bar , right button shortcut menu bar and status bar .

  17. 是一种局部净化设备,即利用空气净化技术使一定操作区内的空间达到相对的无尘、无菌状态。

    Clean Bench is a partial purification equipment , namely the use of air purification technology to a certain region of space operations to achieve a relatively dust-free , sterile condition .

  18. 生产表明,炉子工作正常,重油单耗由147kg/t下降到93kg/t,同时,大大改善了操作区的环境。

    Production shows that the smelter runs normal and that unit consumption of heavy oil is reduced from 1 47 kg / 1 to 93 kg / t. In addition , working conditions are improved greatly .

  19. 您还能够查看汇编期间出现的警告以及错误,这样在需要时您就可以操作工作区偏好了。

    You 'll also be able to get compilation warnings or errors so that you can act on the workspace preferences if required .

  20. 尽管只有最后一个步骤“发布到操作存储区”是生成报告所必需的,但如果没有前面的两个步骤,有些报告可能就会没有意义。

    Although only the last step , publishing to the operational store , is required for reporting , some reports may be uninteresting without the first two steps .

  21. ConnecttoArchive操作将工作区内的项目与一个CM档案联系了起来。

    The Connect to Archive operation connects the project in your workspace to a CM archive .

  22. 近十几年来,由操作系统缓冲区溢出漏洞导致的攻击带来了严重的网络安全问题,它的安全危害级别相当高。

    Buffer overflow vulnerabilities have endangered seriously the network security for the past decade .

  23. 毕竟,欧元区政界对市场(以及投机者)的敌对情绪要比美国政界严重得多,卖空操作在欧元区很容易遭到攻击。

    After all , there is far more political antipathy towards the markets and speculators in the eurozone than in the US ; short-selling is thus an easy target .

  24. 如果get操作试图写入工作区中的某一可写文件,则会发生这样的冲突。

    These conflicts occur when a get operation tries to write over a writable file in your workspace .

  25. 当来宾操作系统知道缓冲区可用时,调用getbuf返回完成的缓冲区。

    When the guest learns that buffers are available , the call to get_buf returns the completed buffers .

  26. 曾普遍适用于各种操作系统的缓冲区溢出漏洞攻击技术在WindowsVista以及.NET编译器的安全机制下被很好地遏制。

    Buffer overflow vulnerability attacking which was widely used in all kinds of operating system is successfully retrained by the new security mechanism of Windows Vista and . NET compiler .

  27. GB/T10021-1988办公机器双手操作键盘字母数字区的基本布局

    Office machines & Basic arrangement for the alphanumeric section of keyboards operated with both hands

  28. 您可以下载一个使用锁对内存进行写操作的循环缓冲区示例。

    You can download an example of a ring buffer using locks to write to memory .

  29. 在欧洲央行的三年期长期再融资操作中,欧元区银行去年12月份和今年2月份总共从欧洲央行借入了超过了1万亿欧元。

    Eurozone banks borrowed more than a € 1tn from the ECB in December and February via its three-year longer-term refinancing operations .

  30. 开发区创新平台由三个子平台构成,分别是开发区创新基础平台,开发区创新操作平台以及开发区创新服务平台三个子平台构成。

    The innovative platform of development zone consists of three sub-platforms , innovative basic platform , innovative operating platform and innovative service platform .