
  • 网络operation ability;interoperability
  1. 补肾方对MMSE分类因子中的地点定向和操作能力有显著改善作用(P<0.01);

    Kidney Tonifying Formula could remarkably improve the place orientation and operation ability in MMSE ( P < 0.01 );

  2. 加强会计实验教学提高学生实际操作能力

    Strengthening Accounting Experiment Teaching and Improving Practical Operation Ability of Students

  3. 这些规范可帮助Web服务提供者和使用者发现为了启用这些服务的互操作能力而共享的功能和约束。

    These specifications help Web services providers and consumers discover the capabilities and constraints that they share to enable interoperability of these services .

  4. C语言编程,利用了C语言丰富的函数库资源,充分发挥了它的灵活性和对底层硬件的操作能力。

    We use the C language as the programming language , because it has the abundant resources and excellent operate ability to hardware .

  5. CORBA作为一种世界领先的中间件技术,为分布式对象提供了互操作能力。

    CORBA , as a world leading middleware solution , provide interoperability among distributed objects .

  6. MDA方法构建在较早期的系统规范标准的工作上,并且为定义相互连接的系统提供一种全面的具有互操作能力的框架。

    The MDA approach builds on earlier system specification standards work , and it provides a comprehensive interoperability framework for defining interconnected systems .

  7. Swing具有先天的操作能力,HTML+JS适合于简单的管理应用和信息发布,信息整合,在这些方面有非常大优势。

    Swing operates well initially and HTML + JS has remarkable advantage in simple management application , information release , and information integration .

  8. Web服务作为组件技术的延伸,由于其粗粒度特性和良好的互操作能力正在被软件开发领域重视和广泛使用。

    Web services technology , as the successor of distributed objects technology and component technology in software engineering domain , is widely used in many kinds of occasions because of its coarse-granularity and inter-operation feature .

  9. 另外,为了能够在分布式计算环境中利用该桥接器,必须为COM对象提供分布式操作能力。

    In addition , in order to use the bridge unit in distributed environment , the COM object must be provided with distributed operation capabilities .

  10. 使用金蝶ERP财务软件,熟练了软件操作能力,同时也巩固了自己专业知识的实际操作能力。

    I used the Kingdee ERP financial software to do ac , which skilled my operational capability , but also consolidated my expertise in the real operational capability .

  11. 作为一个标准,由于NFS与其他客户端和服务器的互操作能力而发展快速。

    As a standard , NFS grew quickly because of its ability to interoperate with other clients and servers .

  12. 【结论】ADHD组儿童的智力水平较低,其言语和操作能力发展不平衡。

    【 Conclusion 】 The lower intellectual level and inbalance between verbal ability and performance ability were found in children with ADHD .

  13. 通过心理学问卷调查、理论知识考试、操作能力考核进行综合评定,接受四步教学法学习的69名学生的学习成绩明显高于对照组(P<0.01)

    Though integrated evaluation according to the questionnaire on psychology , the test of theory knowledge , practical ability , the learning grades were higher in 69 students that accepted four process of practical teaching than in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  14. 在该迭代过程中,团队成员为E1中指定的特性构建最初的操作能力,为个人和家庭成员生成稳定的在线支付产品。

    Team members built initial operational capability for features specified in E1 during this iteration , producing a stable , online payment product for individuals and family members .

  15. 像Perl、REBOL、REXX和TCL一样,它是一种灵活的脚本语言,并且有强大的文本操作能力。

    Like Perl , REBOL , REXX , and TCL , it is a flexible scripting language with powerful text manipulation capabilities .

  16. 与精神分裂症患者相比,情感障碍患者语言能力总分[(72.54±16.70)分vs(60.10±18.26)分]显著升高(P<0.01)操作能力总分无显著变化(P>0.05)。

    Compared with schizophrenic patients , patients with bipolar disorders ( mania ) had higher ability in expression [ ( 72.54 ± 16.70 ) vs ( 60.10 ± 18.26 ) , P < 0.05 ) ] and no difference in executive functions ( P > 0.05 ) .

  17. 加强护生专科护理技能操作能力的培养探讨

    Improvement of skill and operating abilities of special nursing of nurses

  18. 通过不同学制不同的课程设置来提高学生的实际操作能力。

    Different school systems curriculum to improve students ' practical ability .

  19. 会家电,电信,音控为主,着重实际操作能力。

    Good at operating home electricity , telecom and sound control .

  20. 切断电流后,完全操作能力将保持1分钟。

    Complete functional capability for1 minute after interruption of the current .

  21. 初中生物理实验操作能力及品质的比较研究常用木工机床操作者生理指标变化比较研究

    The Comparative Research of Physiological Indices of the Common Woodworking Machinery Operators

  22. 具有很强大的动手操作能力。

    Have getting to work very big and powerful handling an ability .

  23. 软件升级将会给被提高自治的操作能力的漂泊者。

    The software upgrade will give the rover enhanced autonomous operational capabilities .

  24. 降压药对人体认知操作能力和主观嗜睡感的影响

    Effects of antihypertensive drugs on cognitive performance and subjective sleepiness

  25. 物理实验操作能力的结构模型初探

    The structure model of physics experiment manipulative ability for high school student

  26. 微流量输液泵动手操作能力;非体外循环下行冠状动脉搭桥术的手术配合

    Operative Assistance in Off - pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

  27. 具有较强的实验操作能力和分析解决问题的能力;

    Have the ability of experiment operation and settling problem ;

  28. 口腔正畸进修医师临床操作能力的培养

    Development of clinical abilities of advanced-study dentists in odontoplasty

  29. 论期刊编辑能力及实际操作能力的培养

    The Abilities of the Periodical Editors and Their Practice

  30. 低压聚乙烯装置己烷回收系统操作能力分析

    Analysis of Operating Capacity in Hexane Recovery System of Low Pressure Polyethylene Unit