
  • 网络Operational risk;operation risk;operating risk
  1. N银行操作风险问题及其整改分析

    The Analysis for Problems & Correction of Operational Risk Management of Bank N

  2. POT模型在商业银行操作风险度量中的应用

    The POT Model for Operational Risk in Banks

  3. 第四章在损失分布法框架下用POT模型来度量操作风险。

    In the fourth chapter , Loss Distribution Approach ( LDA ) is used to measure operational risk .

  4. 在此期间,我对操作风险管理有了更深入的认识,进而针对N银行的操作风险问题及整改给国内银行业发展带来的影响和借鉴作用有所思考。

    All of these experiences let me to learn more about in-depth operational risk management , moreover I began to consider the impact of Bank N event on the domestic banking industry .

  5. DMO表示:为什么要冒这种毫无必要的操作风险呢?

    Why take operational risk when you don 't have to ? the DMO said .

  6. 实际情况证明也应该如此,如国外著名的巴林银行的倒闭,我国C银行的海外N分行(以下简称N银行)的信贷损失都是操作风险引发的问题。

    As a matter of fact it was the operational risk that resulted in the credit loss of Bank N , an oversea branch of Bank C of China , and the crash of famous Baring Bank .

  7. 针对此问题,文章结合操作风险管理(ORM)技术,对远洋运输系统进行人因可靠性定量分析。

    In this paper , in order to analyze this problem , quantitative analysis of human reliability is to be carried out in ocean shipping .

  8. 因此,巴塞尔监管委员会(Baselcommittee)在2004年正式发布的《新资本协议》中把操作风险纳入管理框架内,对国际银行业操作风险的度量和管理提出了新的要求。

    So , in 2004 , Basel Committee released " New Basel Accord ", which takes operational risk into the framework of management , and puts forward the new requirement on measurement and management of international bank operational risk .

  9. 结合IE连续改善的思想建立适合度量我国商业银行操作风险的定量模型,通过实证表明该模型是适合度量国内商业银行操作风险。

    Then it constructed the commercial bank 's operational risk measurement model making use of the IE continuous improvement and Wolfe method . It showed that this model is able to measure the operational risk through the demonstration .

  10. Basel新资本协议及时地将操作风险纳入监管的范畴,并在第一支柱中,要求银行通过量化操作风险而为其配置监管资本,具体提出了三类度量方法。

    " the New Basel Capital Accord " encompass OR in time , it requires the bank to collocate capital for OR through measuring it in Pillars 1 , and there is three methods to measure OR .

  11. 第三章详细论述了我国开放式投资基金所面临的三大风险,市场风险、流动性风险和操作风险的评估与管理方法,并着重的介绍了以VaR模型进行评估的方法。

    Chapter three has described three major risks that the open investment funds of our country face in detail , market risk , mobile risk and operating the assessment of the risk and office procedure , the introduction focused on carries on the method of the assessment with VaR model .

  12. 本章通过搜集中国工商银行和中国银行的风险数据,运用CAPM模型中的收入模型对中国工商银行和中国银行的操作风险程度进行度量和比较,在此基础上深入分析中国工商银行操作风险数据。

    We collect data of the ICBC and Bank of China in this chapter , and make measurements and comparison of OR extent between the two banks using the revenue model of CAPM model . Besides , this part analysis OR data in depth .

  13. 本文从流程管理的角度提出了基于作业的操作风险管理框架(ABORM)。

    In this paper , an activity-based operation risk management framework ( ABORM ) is offered from the perspective of working flow management .

  14. HRCS有着科学的模型作为支撑,是对操作风险预控这一目标的有益探索性研究,并能辅助管理人员工作,提高操作可靠性。

    HRCS has a scientific model as the internal support which is all for the goal of " operational risk pre-control " and we hope it could help managers improve operational reliability .

  15. 电子银行操作风险的法律防范研究

    Research on Legal Prevention and Regulation of Operational Risk of E-banks

  16. 新巴塞尔协议对保险企业操作风险管理的启示

    The Effect Basel ⅱ on Operational Risk Management in Insurance Companies

  17. 研究了我国商业银行操作风险内部管理体系的构建问题。

    Establishing an operational risk management system for Chinese commercial banks .

  18. 浦发银行沈阳分行运营操作风险管理研究

    Research on Operational Risk Management of Pudong Development Bank Shenyang Branch

  19. 操作风险管理的治本之道:金融制度创新

    The Basic Method of Operational Risk Management : Financial Institutional Innovation

  20. 基于证据理论的商业银行操作风险评价体系研究

    Research on Assessment of Banking Operational Risk Based on Evidence Theory

  21. 新巴赛尔资本协议与商业银行操作风险管理

    New Basel Capital Accord and Operating Risk Management of Commercial Bank

  22. 基于内部控制视角的银行操作风险管理研究

    Study of the Banks Operational Risk Management on the Internal Control

  23. 关于现代操作风险度量方法的适用性研究

    An Applicability Research on the Modern Operational Risk Measurement Method

  24. 本文的创新之处:1.对操作风险的定义和分类重新进行了审视和界定。

    Further checking and recognizing the definition and classification of operational risk .

  25. 近年来,由操作风险引起的损失呈上升趋势。

    Recently , loss events caused by operational risk surged .

  26. 商业银行操作风险度量及其经济资本分配

    Operational Risk Measurement and Economic Capital Allocation of Commercial Banks

  27. 国有商业银行面临的主要操作风险及防范对策

    Major Operating Risks of State-owned Commercial Bank and Relative Precautions

  28. 基于贝叶斯推断的操作风险度量模型研究

    Study on measuring model of operational risk applying Bayesian inference

  29. 商业银行操作风险管理的实践与探讨

    Practice and Discuss of Operation Risk Management of Commercial Banks

  30. 刍议中国商业银行操作风险管理体系之建设

    Building of Operational Risk Management System of Chinese Commercial Bank