
chǔ xù jī ɡòu
  • Savings institutions;savings organization
  1. 6月份国民储蓄机构的总销售额为7.09亿英镑。

    National Savings gross sales in June totalled £ 709 million .

  2. SNLFinancial的排名囊括了在美国经营的、存款与资产比率至少为25%的银行和储蓄机构。

    SNL 's rankings include banks and thrifts operating in the U.S. with a deposits-to-assets ratio of at least 25 % .

  3. 德国储蓄机构IKB紧随其后。

    A German savings institution , IKB , was next .

  4. 储蓄机构监理局(ots)将被并入货币监理署(occ),这是一个不大的进展。

    The office of Thrift Supervision ( OTS ) is to be merged into the office of the Comptroller of the currency ( OCC ) , which is modest progress .

  5. 在冰岛经济濒于崩溃之际,landsbanki(在英国和荷兰颇受欢迎的储蓄机构icesave的母公司)和glitnir本周双双被冰岛金融监管部门接管。

    Landsbanki owner of the Icesave savings business popular in the UK and the Netherlands and Glitnir were this week taken over by the Icelandic financial regulator as the island economy came close to collapse .

  6. 契约储蓄机构包括养老基金和寿险公司。

    Contractual savings institutions include pension funds and life insurance companies .

  7. 因此中国在居民储蓄机构化方面的发展潜力巨大。

    Thus there is a huge potential unrealized for institutionalizing household savings .

  8. 论存款被冒领时银行储蓄机构应承担的法律责任

    Legal Liabilities of Savings Agencies in Case of False Withdrawal of Deposit

  9. 银行不能既是一个储蓄机构又是,一个投行。

    You could not be both a depository institution and an investment bank .

  10. 尽管一些储蓄机构也获得了提供活期存款的授权

    While some thrift institutions have acquired demand deposit authority

  11. 银行首先是储蓄机构。

    They are first and foremost depositary institutions .

  12. 银行所有储蓄机构网点代售、兑凭证式国库券。

    All savings outlets of the bank sell and redeem book-entry treasury bonds on commission .

  13. 该方案将关闭监管非银行的储蓄机构&储蓄监管局。

    The proposal would close the Office of Thrift Supervision , which oversees non-bank savings organizations .

  14. 来代替储蓄机构这个词。

    To a depository institution .

  15. 如果你看法律类文章的话,他们更倾向于储蓄机构这个词。

    If you look at what the law says , they tend to use the word depository institution .

  16. 如果投行只做投资业务的话,不能称作为一个储蓄机构。

    An investment bank , if it 's doing a pure investment banking business is not a depository institution .

  17. 湖南邮政储蓄机构一直沿用较陈旧的管理体制和业务发展模式,已不再适应邮政储蓄体制改革的需要。

    The old administration system and management mode of Hunan Post Savings is unaccommodated with the reform of post savings .

  18. 符合法律的互助储蓄机构,它的借贷要达到一定的百分率,例如家庭抵押。

    A thrift institution that is required by law to make a certain percentage of its loans as home mortgages .

  19. 货币供给量;M加上储蓄机构的存款(不包括定期存单)。

    A measure of the money supply ; M1 plus net time deposits ( other than large certificates of deposit ) .

  20. 美国国库中的存款、储蓄机构,外国银行和官方机构,甚至备用现金,都不包含在其中。

    Treasury , depository institutions , foreign banks and official institutions , as well as vault cash in depository institutions are excluded .

  21. 建议将邮政储蓄机构改造为与其他金融机构同等地位的邮政储蓄银行。

    The author proposes that postal saving system be transformed into postal saving banks with the equal status as any other financial institutions .

  22. 储蓄机构监理局(他们负责监管拥有10000亿美元资产的贷款机构)更是大刀阔斧。

    The Office of Thrift Supervision , which watches over lenders with around $ 1 trillion of assets , has gone even further .

  23. 一个真正的投行不是一个储蓄机构,当然一个真正的投行也不是证券公司-,或者发行公司。

    A pure investment bank is not a depository institution and it 's also & a pure investment bank is not a broker-dealer either .

  24. 传统意义上的金融中介机构,如银行、储蓄机构,在资金融通中扮演着重要角色。

    In the sense of traditional meaning , financial agencies , such as banks , saving organizations , play an important role in capital circulation .

  25. 要废除这些差异会产生大量不安的因素,尤其是在许多规管条例中,允许储蓄机构吸收活期存款。

    There is a great deal of agitation to remove this differential , especially since in many jurisdictions the savings institutions are permitted to accept demand deposits .

  26. 在会计学中,现金包括硬币、币、行汇票、款单和支票,存款在银行和储蓄机构的存款。

    In accounting , cash includes coins , paper money , bank drafts , money orders and checks , and money on deposit with banks or savings institutions .

  27. 储蓄机构办理储蓄业务,必须遵循“存款自愿,取款自由,存款有息,为储户保密”的原则。

    In handling savings businesses , savings institutions shall observe the principles of voluntariness in depositing , freedom of withdrawal , interest on every deposit and keeping secret for depositors .

  28. 住房抵押货款证券化作为一种金融创新兴起于二十世纪七十年代初的美国,当时主要是为了解决商业银行、储蓄机构的资产流动性不足问题,取得了巨大的成功。

    Mortgage-backed securitization ( MBS ), as one of the major forms of financial innovations , was originated from American , which was used to solve the asset problem of lacking liquidation and achieved great success . housing ;

  29. 20世纪70年代以后,利率上升和汇率波动使得银行和储蓄机构更加关注自己的风险暴露,金融机构在资产负债的管理上面临着巨大挑战。

    Since 1980 , the rising interest rates and exchange rate fluctuations make the banks and savings institutions pay more attention to their own risk exposure . The financial institutions in asset-liability management are facing an enormous challenge .

  30. 一连串叫不出名字的特别信贷额度被提供给非储蓄金融机构。

    Special credit lines with unpronounceable acronyms were made available to nondepository institutions .