
  • 网络The fitting room;dressing room;changing room
  1. 让我试试吧。试衣室在哪儿?

    Let me try it on . where 's the dressing room ?

  2. 请去试,试衣室在那边。

    Please do , the fitting room is over there .

  3. 先生,这里有间试衣室,里面有镜子。

    There 's a changing room here , sir , with a mirror inside .

  4. 试衣室就在那里。

    The fitting room is right over there .

  5. 我想她也许会在试衣室,就问售货员是否见过我母亲。

    Thinking she might be in the fitting room , I asked the saleswoman if she had seen my mother .

  6. 我去试衣室试衣时,把钱包放在百货公司的柜台上了。

    I leave my purse on the counter in the department store while I go to the fitting room to try the dress on .

  7. 顾客:我想在橱窗里试一试那件衣服。女售货员:对不起,太太,你必须像其他人那样使用试衣室。

    Customer : I 'd like to try on that dress in the window . saleslady : I 'm sorry , madam , you 'll have to use the fitting room like everybody else .