
  • 网络testing transformer;YDQ;YD-J
  1. 单元串联型多电平高压变频器的研究与设计串级工频试验变压器

    Research and Design of the Cell Series Multi-level High Voltage Frequency Inverter ; cascade power-frequency testing transformer

  2. 串级工频试验变压器

    Cascade power-frequency testing transformer

  3. 设计了工频耐压控制系统的主回路包括接触式调压器、试验变压器、NSP保护装置等。

    The designing of the main circuit of power frequency voltage-withstand control system which consists contact voltage regulator , test transformer , NPS protection equipment and so on .

  4. 为了适用于引进德国MWB公司的无局放试验变压器器身干燥的要求,我们研制了真空热风干燥浸油设备。

    In order to satisfy the requirements of the body of test transformer without local discharge introduced from MWB Compary of West Germany , the vacuum hot air drying equipment for oil impregnation is manufactured by us .

  5. 工频试验变压器快速保护装置中限流电抗器的参数选择

    Optimization of Current Limiting Chokes in Quick Protection Device of Test Transformer

  6. 用串级试验变压器产生特长波头操作波

    Generation of Long Wave Front Impulse Using a High Voltage Cascaded Transformer TESTING

  7. 无电晕短尾电容套管试验变压器

    Corona Free Test Transformer with Short Tail Capacitance Bushing

  8. 试验变压器空载合闸时涌流问题探讨

    Inrush-current Questions of the No-load Experiment-transformer Closed

  9. 用串级试验变压器进行超高压电流互感器绝缘热稳定试验的研究

    Performance of Insulation Thermal Stability Test for Ultra High Voltage Current Transformer Using Cascade Testing Transformers

  10. 搭建了基于油浸式温升用试验变压器的光纤光栅温度测量平台。

    Finally the temperature measuring platform is constructed for the temperature rise experiments of the oil-immersed transformer .

  11. 本文研究了高压试验变压器频率响应的测量和计算问题,提出了第一类消谐振频率的简化计算法和改善高压试验变压器频率响应的办法。

    This paper presents the study of measurement and simplified calculation of the frequency response of HV test transformers .

  12. YDJC-9000/2250工频试验变压器调试和升压技术的试验研究

    The Test for YDJC & 9000 / 2250 Cascade Testing Transformer and Experimental Investigation on Technique of Boosted Voltage with Cascade

  13. 目前,一些国家正在研制和试验变压器在线监测诊断系统,其目的是为了提高变压器的可靠性和效率。

    Transformer monitoring and diagnostic system is being developed and tested worldwide , which is to increase the reliability and efficiency of transformer .

  14. 介绍了一种基于工业控制计算机的试验变压器绝缘试验控制系统的硬件结构和软件设计思想,着重论述了试验电压测量和试品闪络保护。

    In this paper , a power frequency insulation testing system with industrial computer-based control is presented , measurement and protection is also introduced .

  15. 本文在查阅大量文献基础上,通过变压器内部温场分析计算以及试验变压器温升试验研究,对变压器热点温度估计方法进行研究。

    After research on literatures , this thesis conducted the estimating method of hottest spot temperature in oil-immersed transformers based on analysis of temperature distribution inside transformers and the data analysis of temperature rise experiment .

  16. 从理论分析入手,介绍了一种应用试验变压器供电的工频绝缘试验中,当试品发生闪络时的恢复过电压保护装置。

    When a flashover of tested equipment occurs in power frequency insulation experiments , a protection equipment of restoring over-voltage is presented in this paper based on theoretic analysis , to which the test voltage is applied from a testing transformer .

  17. 该装置的主电路采用了反并联在试验变压器一次侧的快速电力电子开关,控制电路由信号输入电路、放大电路、电平比较电路、定时电路、脉冲形成电路和强触发电路等组成。

    The main circuit of protection equipment is a fast power electronic switch negatively paralleled on the side of test transformer primary winding , the control circuits are mainly composed of input circuit , amplifier , voltage comparator , timer , forming pulse circuit and strong trigger .

  18. 特性试验在变压器故障诊断中的应用

    Application of the characteristic test in diagnosis of power transformer faults

  19. 采用低电压试验判断变压器绕组匝间故障

    Judgement of the Fault between Turns of Transformers by Test of Low-voltage

  20. 通过试验发现变压器制造中的问题

    To Find out Problems in Transformer Manufacture by Test

  21. 分析了几种常用试验对变压器绕组发热故障检查的应用及效果。

    The application and effect of using several normal tests to check transformer winding heat fault are studied emphatically .

  22. 电力机车主变压器冷却装置&风机和油泵的试验是变压器出厂试验的重要环节。

    The tests of main transformer cooling configuration on its blast furnace and oil pump are the key fac-tor of all measurements .

  23. 本文针对具体故障实例,采用对变压器油中气体含量进行分析并结合高压试验及变压器的运行状况判断的方法比较准确的定位出故障。

    This paper analyzes the gas content in the oil in the light of high pressure experiment and the transformer 's operation to locate the fault in specific instances .

  24. 短路试验法测变压器间隔CT变比和极性

    Short-circuit testing method to check the ratio and polarity of transformer compartment CT

  25. 西宁变750kV电容式电压互感器误差试验特高压变压器差动保护动态模拟试验研究

    Dynamic Simulation on Differential Protection of Ultra-high Voltage Transformer

  26. GB/T14517-1993绝缘胶粘带工频耐电压试验方法1000kV变压器带局部放电测量的长时感应耐压现场试验

    On-Site Long-Duration Induced AC Voltage Withstand Test With Partial Discharge Measurement of 1 000 kV Transformer

  27. 预防性试验在地铁变压器运行中的应用

    The Application of Preventative Test in the Transformer Operation of Metro

  28. 挖掘机翻车保护装置的计算机仿真与试验研究微机变压器保护实验装置的软件开发与实现

    Development and Accomplishment of Software for Micro-computerized Experimental Device for Transformer Protection

  29. 利用操作波感应耐压试验查找配电变压器绝缘缺陷

    Locating Transformer Insulation Defects with Induced Voltage Withstand Test for Switching Surge

  30. 用电压比试验结果查找变压器接线错误

    Finding out Transformer Connection Error by Voltage Transformation Ratio Data