
  • 网络pressure regulator
  1. 探讨以MCS-51单片微型计算机为基础的自动调压装置及在有载调压变压器上的应用。

    This paper introduces an automatic voltage regulating device which is baded on MCS-51 single chip microcomputer and its application in lood-ratio voltage transformer .

  2. 首先,论文详细阐述了系统的各硬件模块电路的设计(压力传感器信号调理电路、调压装置、LCD电路、键盘电路、通信接口电路)。

    Firstly , the thesis introduces the design of every hardware module , include pressure transducer signal condition module design , pressure adjusting module design , LCD module design , keyboard module design , communication interface module design .

  3. 用单片机组成晶闸管数字触发器,并结合PID调节技术,对晶闸管变流、调压装置进行闭环控制,实现输出电流、电压无差调节。

    The output current and voltage zero regulation are achieved through the close cycle control of the unsteady flow of thyristor and the pressure regulating device by means of the thyristor digit trigger composed of monolithic computers processors and by the use of PIB regulating technique .

  4. 辅助变压器调压装置使用ESBT设计逆变电焊机的辅助电源

    Auxiliary transformer regulation Design of 3 phase auxiliary power supply for inverter welding machine based on ESBT

  5. JZ-425型减压阀及调压装置的改进设计

    Model JZ-425 Pressure Reducing Valve and the Improvement Design of Voltage Regulating Installation

  6. 论文针对1140V供电的不均匀负载电动机,提出研制基于PWM技术的电动机调压装置,实现对电动机端电压的调节、控制,从而达到降低电动机损耗和节约电能的目的。

    This article focus on the motor which supplied by 1140v and driving the asymmetric load , prepares to manufacture the control voltage economic device basing on PWM , achieves to control the voltage on the motor in order to decrease the loss of motor and save the electric energy .

  7. 一种新型的交流斩波调压装置的实验研究

    Experiment of a new AC - chopping device for adjusting voltage

  8. 不均匀负荷电动机晶闸管调压装置的研究

    Research on Voltage-Adjustment Equipment with Thyristors for Motors with Unsymmetrical Load

  9. 橇装式调压装置在天然气管道站场的应用

    Application of a Skid-mounted Pressure Adjustment Device to Gas Pipeline Stations

  10. 无触点无级有载调压装置控制系统设计

    Design of Control System for Non-Contact Stepless On-Load Regulation Device

  11. 工频有芯感应电炉可控硅交流调压装置

    AC Voltage Regulation Device Using Thyristors for Cored Mains Frequency Induction Furnace

  12. 天然气调压装置不可逆损失的比较与分析

    Comparison And Analysis on Irreversible Loss of Natural Gas Pressure Regulation Equipments

  13. 多功能保护与告警自动调压装置

    An Apparatus for Controlling Automatic Voltage Regulators with Various Alarms and Protections

  14. 新型固井调压装置设计分析

    Design and analysis of a new type of pressure adjusting device of cementation

  15. 定子调压装置在起重机上的应用

    Application of voltage regulator for motor stator to crane

  16. 变电所直流系统自动调压装置的研制

    Development of Voltage Autoregulator in Substation DC System

  17. 将手动直流调压装置改造为自动调压装置及原理分析。

    C. pressure regulating device into automatic pressure regulating device and its principle analysis .

  18. 谐波励磁发电机的励磁调压装置分析

    The analysis of excitation and automatic voltage regulator set of harmonic wave excited generator

  19. 埋地式燃气调压装置的设计制造和应用

    Design Manufacture and Opertation of Buried Gas Regulators

  20. 辅助变速箱排挡位置辅助变压器调压装置

    TRANSFER CASE SHIFT LEVER POSITION auxiliary transformer regulation

  21. 可调制动器释放装置辅助变压器调压装置

    Adjustable brake release device auxiliary transformer regulation

  22. 辅助变压器调压装置

    Auxiliary transformer regulation power-assisted steering gear

  23. 通讯直流电源GTY&1型硅调压装置的应用

    The Application of GTY & 1 Type Silicone Voltage Regulation Instrument in Communication DC Power Supply

  24. 一种新型可控硅固态调压装置基于单片机技术的可控硅调压节能装置

    A new type voltage regulator with SCR Voltage-adjusted Saving Energy Device of SCR Based on Single-chip Microcomputer

  25. 利用自动调压装置治理采空区瓦斯异常涌出

    Application of the automatic regulation pressure system in controlling the gas exceptional gush in the mining hollow

  26. 本文介绍了竖(斜)井提升机制动系统电液调压装置的结构及工作原理,并对其调压工作特性及常见故障进行了分析。

    The paper describes the structure and working principle of the electro-hydraulic valve in the hoist brake system , and analyzes the working properties and faults of the valve .

  27. 扼要介绍小型盘式永磁发电机的结构特点,电磁设计以及调压装置的构成和试验结果。

    This paper analyses the structual characteristics of small generator with PM disc rotor , presents the electromagnetic design and the adjustable voltage device , and gives the experimental results .

  28. 针对风电场级控制,提出了风电场群两层多阶段无功电压协调控制模型,该模型计及了风功率的不确定性以及多时间尺度调压装置的响应特性。

    For the wind farm level control , a control strategy of two-tier and multi-stage of wind farm cluster is proposed . The model considers the uncertainty of the wind power and the response features of different time scale devices .

  29. 对各种谐波励磁发电机励磁调压装置进行了深入剖析和全面总结归类,揭示了种类繁多的励磁电路的本质,并指出其发展过程和趋势。

    We give an detail analysis and summary of different kinds of excitation and automatic voltage regulator set of harmonic wave excited generators , clarify the essence of various kinds of excitation circuit , and also point out the development process and trend .

  30. 基于PIC单片机的调压稳压装置

    A Voltage Regulating Unit Based upon PIC Microprocessor