
  • 网络Poetry Periodical;poetry
  1. 曾任广播电台和《诗刊》编辑。

    He was once editors of a broadcast station and of " Poetry Magazine " .

  2. 现为广东散文诗学会副会长、北京《新国风》诗刊编委。

    He is at present vice-chairman of Guangdong Prose Poem Academy and compiler of poetry New Lessons From the States .

  3. 他同时也把我自己写的一些诗在该诗刊上发表。

    Along with my translations , he also published some of my poems .

  4. 那位诗刊人最近很返常,我想他一定是在担心什么。

    The poet has not been himself recently . I think he must be worried .

  5. 曾在《诗刊》、《星星》、《诗选刊》等刊物发表诗歌作品。

    She has published poems in literary journals such as Shi Kan , Stars , Selected Poems .

  6. 不输前人&初读北京《稻香湖》诗刊前人关于唐代省试诗讨论的得失

    The Successes and Failures of Discuss of the Predecessors about the Poems on Imperial Examinations of Tang Dynasty

  7. 批评篇研究现代派与西方新批评的关系和诗评,资料篇研究本文发现的现代派诗刊。

    The chapter of criticism studies the relationship and poetry criticism between the modernists and the western new criticism .

  8. 作品见于《人民文学》、《中华散文》、《诗刊》、《星星》、《四川文学》、《诗选刊》等报刊。

    He has published works in various journals including The People 's Literature , Chinese Prose , Sichuan Literature .

  9. 《诗刊》是中国作家协会的机关刊物,也是中国当代最权威的诗歌刊物。

    Poem , the organ publishing of Chinese Writers ' Association , is the poem magazine with most authority .

  10. 本研究发现,解严后诗刊在刊物总量上有消退的现象。

    This research shows that the quantity of publishing poetic periodicals has been decreasing since the Post-Martial Law Era came .

  11. 在《诗刊》微信公众号推送了她的诗《穿越大半个中国去睡你》之后,余秀华在微信圈一夜成名。

    Yu broke through social media WeChat recently after Poetry magazine twitted her poem , Crossing Big China to Sleep With you .

  12. 建国后,曾任中国作家协会书记处书记,《诗刊》主编;

    After the establishment of New China , he was secretary at the Secretariat of Chinese Writers'Association , editor-in-chief of The Poetry Journal ;

  13. 他们和其他五位诗人在一九三三年共同创办了风车诗社并出版同名诗刊。

    With five other poets , they co-founded the Windmill Poetry Society in Tainan in1933 and published a journal under the same name .

  14. 现系澳大利亚《酒井园》诗刊主编,澳大利亚《酒井园》诗社秘书长。

    He is the chief editor of Barwell Garden Poetry Magazine , the Secretary General of Barwell Garden Poet 's union in Australia .

  15. 他的诗发表于《诗》、《哈德森评论》、《西北诗刊》、《南方诗评》等许多诗刊中。

    His poetry has been published in many periodicals , including Poetry , The Hudson Review , Poetry Northwest , and Southern Poetry Review .

  16. 曾任创世纪诗刊主编、国立中兴大学外文系主任,现任该系专任教授。

    He has served as chief editor of the Epoch Poetry Quarterly and chairperson of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature , National Chung-Hsing University .

  17. 常在《诗刊》、《中国作家》、《星星诗刊》、《人民日报》、《重庆日报》等报刊杂志发表作品。

    He often published literary works on " Poetry "," China Writers "," Star Poetry Journal "," People 's Daily "," Chongqing Daily " and so on .

  18. 就诗刊出版行为而言,上揭之意图在选题的实践中尤见展现。

    As far as the publication of poetry is concerned , the said purposes are especially and evidently shown in the practice of deciding on poetic subject matters .

  19. 1979年的《诗刊》正处在了承上启下的中间物的位置上,既可看出与传统的断裂也能发现朝着现代变革的新质。

    Poetry of 1979 has been occupying in the intermediate position . From that we can both see the traditional break and the new nature toward the modern age .

  20. 1979年的时代特征让《诗刊》呈现出诗歌交汇的时代景象,为随后大规模的诗歌创作与诗歌转向的讨论埋下了伏笔。

    The historical characteristics of 1979 let Poetry presents the scene times of poetry connection . The discussion has laid down the foreshadowing for the large-scale poetry creation and the poetry changes .

  21. 曾参加全国青年作家创作会议、《诗刊》社青春诗会及全国散文诗笔会。

    He has ever participated in the National Meeting on Literary Creation by Young Writers , the " Youth Poetry Meeting " by the Poetry Periodical and the National Prose-Poetry Pen Club .

  22. 解严后随著价值多元、网路媒体兴盛,诗人加入诗社或兴办诗刊风潮渐退。

    With the rise of diversified values and the rise of network and media after the Martial Law Era , the wave among poets of joining poetic clubs or founding poetic periodicals began to decline .

  23. 研究自1957年1月到1965年停刊的《诗刊》,可以清晰地把握当时的诗坛动态和文学环境,不失为五六十年代中国文学的一份生动史料。

    Probing into the " Poetry Periodical " from its first appearance in January 1957 to its final publication in 1964 can give us a clear picture of poetry circle and literature ongoings in those days actually .