
  • 网络Poetic Art;The Art of Poetry;ars poetica;arspoetica
  1. 通过对维柯诗性思维及相关研究的探讨,让我们注意到诗性思维与诗的艺术思维的共同特性:想象和联想的作用;情感的内在驱动;有象思维的参与;不确定性与创造性无处不在。

    By Vico " poetic thinking " and the related study , we took note of poetic thought and poetic art of the common characteristics of thinking : The role of imagination and association , Emotional driving , thinking as there is participation ; uncertainty and creativity everywhere .

  2. 平淡自然与深厚醇美的统一&从《归园田居》看陶渊明田园诗的艺术风格

    A Unity of Being Plain and Natural & Being Deep and Mellow

  3. 这种文体首先吸收了朗诵诗的艺术经验。

    This style first absorbed the experience of Reciting Poems .

  4. 贾岛送别诗的艺术特色研究

    A Study to the Artistic Characteristics the on Jia Daos Send-off Poems

  5. 杜牧诗歌中数字入诗的艺术

    The art of using numbers in Du Mu 's poems

  6. 简论冯至爱情诗的艺术特色

    On the artistic features of love poems by Feng Zhi

  7. 魏源山水诗的艺术成就

    On Art Achievements Of Wei Yuan 's Mountains-and-Waters poems

  8. 从歌谣的体制看《风》诗的艺术特点&兼论对《毛诗》序传解诗系统的正确认识

    On the Artistic Features of Feng Poetry through an Analysis of the Ballad Structure

  9. 一个则是艺术风格层面,主要讨论炳麟的诗学思想和炳麟诗的艺术风格。

    The other discusses the artistic styles of poems , including the poetic thought .

  10. 邱易东儿童诗的艺术魅力

    Artistic Charm of Qiu Yi-dong 's Children Poetry

  11. 唐代元宵诗的艺术价值及其影响

    On Artistic Value and influence of on the Lantern Festival Poems of Tang Dynasty

  12. 试论王安石晚年禅诗的艺术成就

    Talk about the art achievement of Wang Anshi 's Buddist Poetry in his old age

  13. 其次,探讨杜甫节令诗的艺术特征。

    Secondly , to explore the artistic features of the of Du Fu seasonal poem .

  14. 和乐而不失威仪&《诗经》校园礼仪诗的艺术美

    Harmonious and majestic & Artistic beauty of campus rite poems in the book of songs

  15. 宋元剧诗的艺术成就及影响

    Art Achievement and Effect of Chinese Traditional Opera Poem in Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty

  16. 最后从意象和结构两方面探讨了采摘诗的艺术风貌。

    Finally , I discussed the art of picking poems by studying the image and structure .

  17. 第三章是唐末士人隐逸诗的艺术特色,主要从语句锤炼、意象使用、抒情方式三个方面来分析。

    Temper from the statement , imagery use , lyrical way the three aspects of analysis .

  18. 诗体运用既体现了元诗的艺术,又反映了元诗艺术在中国古代诗歌发展史上的必然性。

    It also reflects the Inevitability of the poem of Yuan Dynasty in the ancient Chinese poem history development .

  19. 诗人在创作时应懂得诗的艺术规律,有强烈的文体意识。

    When composing a poem , a poet should understand the art regulations and have a strong sense of genre .

  20. 对诗的艺术性的重视是法国现代诗歌得以健康发展的主要原因。

    Attaching importance to the skill craft of writing poem is the main cause to French modern poem achieved a positive development .

  21. 杜甫在题画诗的艺术手法上匠心独运、大胆创造,为题画诗的发展奠定了一个良好的基础。

    DU Pu laid a good foundation for the development of poems written on paintings by his unique writing techniques and bold creation .

  22. 本文将就王维七言律诗在取材的广泛性,题材的多样性,风格丰富性的角度来论及其七律诗的艺术成就。

    This paper will discuss the art achievement of Wang Wei 's Seven-word formal poem in the variety of Subject matter , the variety of style .

  23. 描摹山水的意境风格,以画入诗的艺术表现,使诗人的山水诗成为其艺术成就最高的诗歌类型。

    Just because of this kind of artistic style , the mountains-and-waters poems become the highest type of poems which can represent the poet 's artistic achievements .

  24. 比兴手法的传承、书信体的运用以及情景交融等艺术手法的使用,更是极大地丰富了赠答诗的艺术表现形式。

    Than the transmission metaphor , epistolary interest in using artistic techniques such as scenario the use of blending , but also greatly enriched the Conversation Poems form of artistic expression .

  25. “快“与“慢”的区别,真实体现出主人公思想深处情感的变化,这种节奏上的跌宕变化,极大地增添了全诗的艺术效果和悲剧气氛。

    The difference between " quickness " and " slowness " showed the change of emotion of protagonist , the dramatic change in rhythm endowed the whole poem with art effect and tragic atmosphere .

  26. 研究方法是对诗歌作品的研究,搜索相关的文献资料,比较分析南北朝诗歌来看南朝边塞乐府诗的艺术特点。

    Research methods is in poetry Works of art , search the related literature research , comparative analysis of the northern and southern dynasties to see in the frontier fortress poetry artistic characteristics of poems .

  27. 穆旦诗歌的思维、语言及其诗的艺术的现代化为中国新诗的发展拓展了极大的诗性空间,在中国诗歌现代化历程中重塑了一座高标。

    The thinking , language and modern art showed in his poems expand the poetic space for the development of Chinese new poetry greatly and remodel a high standard in the modern history of Chinese poetry .

  28. 并从格律、音步、韵脚方面体味诗的艺术价值,给读者带来分析、鉴赏与评论这首诗的一家之言。

    And the artistic value of the poem can also be seen from the measure , foot and rhyme used , and one point of view is brought about to the reader by the analysis and appreciation of it .

  29. 第二部分主要结合具体的文本,分析新时期政治抒情诗的艺术表现,一是象征性意象和转喻性语言,二是反复渲染与铺陈的句式和章法。

    The second part mainly is the combination of specific texts , analysis of the New Political Lyrics artistic performance ; first , exaggerates repeatedly with the sentence type which methodicalness lays out ; second , the symbolic image and the extension explain of the language .

  30. 《原诗》的艺术主客体关系论

    On Artistic Presentation of the Subject Object Relationship in Yuanshi