
  1. 中国传统建筑环境与诗美学

    The Art of Chinese Traditional Building Environment and the Aesthetics of Poetry

  2. 略论唐代边塞诗美学形态对前代的传承

    A Brief Comment on the Aesthetic Morphology of Frontier Poems in the Tang Dynasty

  3. 殷璠的诗美学在盛唐美学中作出了独特的贡献,有着显著的地位。

    Yin Pan 's Poetic Aesthetics makes great contribution to aesthetics in prosperous Tang Dynasty .

  4. 诗人简政珍转化后现代精神,以正面动力展现独特的诗美学形貌。

    Cheng-chen Chien the poet translates the postmodern spirit into the positive force of his poetry and presents it in an idiosyncratic aesthetic aspect .

  5. 这部分主要介绍问题的缘起、学术界的研究误区和诗美学对本文的启示。

    This section mainly introduces the causes of problems , the research errors made by academic societies , and the enlightenment of poem aesthetics to this essay .

  6. 文章开篇以《石涛画语录》中的一句话为引子,导出后文的诸多理念。这一章节主要介绍问题的起因、学术界的研究成果以及诗美学对本文的启示。

    This chapter mainly introduces the cause of the issue , the research achievements of academic circles , and poetic aesthetics on the enlightenment on this paper .

  7. 朦胧诗的美学特征及文学变革意义

    The Aesthetic Characteristics and the Significance of Literature Reform on Hazy Poems

  8. 注重意境,追求原诗整体美学效果,通过隐含意义取势。

    Emphasis on overall aesthetic effect by implied meaning .

  9. 把生活提升到理想&屠格涅夫《散文诗》美学思想浅论

    Raising Life up to Ideal On Aesthetic Ideology of Turgenev 's Prosaic Poems

  10. 古代山水画及其题画诗的美学审视

    The Aesthetic Observation of Ancient Chinese Landscape Paintings and the Poems Marking on Them

  11. 论中国山水诗的美学内涵

    On Aesthetical Implication of Chinese Landscape Poems

  12. 第二部分论述了何其芳的诗学理论建构,以及他们建构的现代格律诗的美学意义;

    Second , the most important , discussing his theory about poetry and the theory 's aesthetic sense .

  13. 形式整齐,声韵和谐,音节鲜明,语言洗练,是《老马》这首诗的美学特征。

    The poem has such aesthetic features as formal regularity , prosodic harmony , syllabic distinctiveness and concise diction .

  14. 品读中西文化审视异样之美&中英悼亡诗之美学比较我们所谓的悼亡词的伤悼对象主要是悼念亡妻以及悼妾、悼妓(实际上这是悼妻情感的外拓)。

    A Comparison of the Aesthetics in Elegies of Chinese and English So-called Mourn Poetry is to mourn the deceased wife , concubine and prostitute .

  15. 其次,在王小波的后期小说文本中,更注意在小说的情节以及叙述层次上营造一种诗的美学效果。

    Next , in Wang Xiaobo 's later novels , he paid more attention to the building of poetry esthetics effect in plot and the narration level .

  16. 本文从天山高、天山雪、天山松、天山路、天山湖泊诸方面论述了清代天山诗的美学价值。

    The essay gives ar analysis of the aesthetical value of the Qing Dynasty poems embodied in the height , snow , pines , paths and lakes of the mountains .

  17. 浅谈音乐艺术审美中的音与画孔子的美学思想有两个不同层次:诗的美学和乐的美学。

    Music and Image in the Aesthetics of Music Art In this essay , the author proposes two different levels in the aesthetic ideas of Confucius : aesthetics of poetry and aesthetics of music .

  18. 叙事剧的技法是以古为今用的创作态度来发挥一定的作用,而叙事诗的美学因素就是在历史人物的形象化方面起到一定的艺术效果。

    The narrative drama techniques play a role with the attitude of " Making the past serve the present ", and the aesthetic factors of the narrative poem produce some art affects on the symbolization of the historical figures .

  19. 国家兴而山水兴,故而出现了盛唐所特有的山水诗的美学形态,形成了盛唐诗人所特有的话语系统和诗歌高潮。

    With the prosperity of the country and beautification of the natural landscape , the specific aesthetics form of scenery poetry in prosperous Tang dynasty gradually came into being and finally the poets ' especial language system and poetry peak also formed .

  20. 九叶派诗的内向性美学探求

    On the Inmost Aesthetics Pursuit of " JiuYe Faction " Poems

  21. 关于陶诗自然平淡的美学评价

    Regarding the Aesthetic Value-Judgement That Tao Yuanming ′ s Poetry Is Natural & Plain

  22. 心灵的感动与关怀&浅谈《警察与赞美诗》的宗教美学思想及人文主义关怀

    On Religious Aesthetics and Humane Care & An Analysis of The Cop and the Anthem

  23. 其现代诗形建构的美学策略主要表现为:一、戏剧化的表达策略,二、知性化的语言策略。

    This was mainly shown as follows : First , dramatic expression strategy ; second , intellectual poetic expression .

  24. 而汪元量用形象的手法反映一代之历史,其“诗史”亦具有诗的意蕴和美学价值。

    On-the other hand , Wang reflected history with vivid expressions which gives his epic poetic conception and aesthetic value .

  25. 王维、陶渊明的田园山水诗均属优美的美学范畴,以平淡、静谧为主要风格。

    Wang Wei 's Idyll and Tao Yuanming 's Idyll both fall into the aesthetic category of " beauty ", with tranquility and nonchalance as their main style .

  26. 在当代“生态美学”观念理论背景下观照杜甫的诗,其生态美学意义以及对当代社会的现实意义就自然而然的显现出来。

    If we reflect upon Du Fu 's poetry from the modern theory of " ecological aesthetics ", we can seek out its ecological aesthetical significance and its realistic reference to Du Fu 's society .

  27. 题画诗是复合艺术的审美创造,题画诗可以揭示美学在审美艺术活动中的复合间性关系。

    Poem in painting is the aesthetic creation of compound art ; it may reveal the inter-compound relationship of aesthetic action .

  28. 研究表明,运用多模态理论分析视觉诗不仅扩大了多模态话语分析理论的影响和支配能力,而且能让读者更深入地了解视觉诗的文学与美学价值,为以后研究视觉诗提供新视角。

    The research shows that using the theory of multi-modal discourse analysis to study visual poems not only can improve the influence of the theory and its dominated ability , but also can help readers understand more deeply these poems ' value of literature and aesthetics .