
  1. 《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集。

    The book of songs is the first anthology of verse in china .

  2. 《诗经》是中国古代第一部诗歌总集。

    The Book of songs was the first anthology of poetry in ancient China .

  3. 最早的诗歌总集《诗经》就是这种原始艺术,表现欢乐之情的篇章占很大比重。

    ShiJing as the oldest poetry is the primitive art integrating poem , music and dance .

  4. 唱和是唐代诗人创作的重要形式之一,唱和集几乎占唐代诗歌总集的三分之一。

    Collections of exchange of poems almost cover one third of all poem collections in Tang Dynasty .

  5. 余论部分将基于上述研究综述贵州诗歌总集的总体特征,并展望其研究前景。

    The Remaining Discourse reviews the overall characteristics and looks forward to the prospects based on this study .

  6. 第三章探讨贵州诗歌总集的类型及其划分标准,在各类之下对各集进行概述。

    The three chapter discusses the types and the classification standards of the Guizhou poetry collection , and generalizes the various types under various sets .

  7. 清人诗歌总集若从其所收作者籍贯范围看,有全国性的诗歌总集、地域性诗歌总集和家族性诗歌总集。

    From the Native perspective , the collection of Qing poetry can be divided into national poetry collection , regional poetry collection and familial poetry collection .

  8. 《明三十家诗选》是清代女诗人汪端所选的明代诗歌总集,充分展现了选诗者的诗学观和审美取向。

    A Collection of Poems by Thirty Poets of the Ming Dynasty is a full manifestation of Wang Duan ′ s understanding of poetics and her aesthetic taste .

  9. 明代人编选明代诗歌总集始于开国之初,一直延续到明朝末年,伴随整个明王朝的始终。

    From initial stage to late stage in Ming dynasty , the general collection of poems of Ming dynasty had being compiled by the people of Ming dynasty .

  10. 本论文以明嘉靖年间张之象所编诗歌总集《唐诗类苑》为研究对象。

    The present dissertation focuses on the poetic collection named " Classified Collection of Tang Poems ", compiled by Zhang Zhixiang who lived during Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty .

  11. 《楚辞》作为我国古代文学中最重要的一部诗歌总集,与《诗经》并列为中国诗歌的两大起源,对我国文学历史研究都具有重大的研究意义。

    Chu Ci , as the first romantic anthology in Chinese literature , regarded as one of the two origins of Chinese poetry , has great significance in both literature and history .

  12. 根据目录以及其他作品中作者所作的序,笔者认为《诚斋集》曾被作为诗集和诗歌总集的名称。

    Based on catalogs and some prefaces in his other works , the author thinks the collection of Cheng Zhai have been the name of collection of poetry and completed collection of poetry .

  13. 以民俗文化的视角研究我国第一部诗歌总集《诗经》的历史并不长,但这种独特的方法却挖掘出了古老的《诗经》中蕴涵的前人所未见的民俗文化底蕴。

    Although the history of studying on " The book of Songs " in a folklore culture perspective is not long , this unique method reveals the folklore culture details in an unprecedented way .

  14. 结语部分简要归纳了明人编选的汉魏六朝诗歌总集的理论价值和文献价值,希望能引起更多的重视,对此进行更为深入的研究。

    In the Afterword , the writer generalizes both the theoretical and documental value of the poems of Han , Wei and Six Dynasties edited during Ming Dynasty , and therefore deserves more careful study .

  15. 第五章从外部深入到内部,结合文本细读,揭示贵州诗歌总集在文献、文学和文化上的功能和作用。

    The fifth chapter reveals the function and role of the Guizhou poetry collection in document , literary and culture , which carries on from the external to the internal , and combined with the text reading .

  16. 《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集,她不仅涵纳着中华文化初始之期的符号密码,同时也承载着先民的原始冲动与情感表达。

    The Book of Songs is the first anthology of songs in China , who not only implicates the incipient symbol passwords of Chinese culture but also bears the expression of the ancients ' initial motivations and feelings .

  17. 《玉台新咏》是南朝徐陵编纂的一部以女性为主题选诗结集的诗歌总集,其中表现的女性美越来越被人们重视和欣赏。

    New Songs of the Jade Terrace , compiled by Xu Ling of the Southern Dynasty , is an anthology of poems collected with the thematic consideration of women whose beauty are becoming more and more widely valued and appreciated .

  18. 绪论部分主要涉及四个问题,即贵州诗歌总集的定义与范畴、贵州诗歌总集研究的历史回顾、贵州诗歌总集研究的可行性、目的和意义以及本文的研究思路和方法。

    The introduction involves four main issues : the definition and category of " Guizhou poetry collection ", the historical review of Guizhou poetry collection study , the feasibility , purpose and sense of Guizhou poetry collection study , and the logic thinking and method .

  19. 《诗经》是我国古代历史上第一部诗歌总集,代表了西周初年至春秋中叶的诗歌创作,是中国诗史的光辉起点。

    The Book of Songs is the first collection of poems in the history of ancient China , representing the poetry from Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of Spring and Autumn Period , which is a brilliant starting point of Chinese history of poetry .

  20. 《诗经》是中国第一部诗歌总集,作为五经之一,是中国古典文学的发端,它在审美追求、抒情方式和诗体特点等方面为中国的诗歌奠定了基础。

    The Book of Songs , as one of the Five Classics , is the first poetry collection in China , and the originator of Chinese classical literature . It lays the foundation for the aesthetic pursuit , lyrical way and stylistic features of Chinese poetry .

  21. 如早在中国第一部诗歌总集&《诗经》,里面已写了许多我们所熟知的鸟儿,如雎鸠、鸳鸯、燕子、喜鹊、大雁等,大约30多种。

    Like as early as in the Chinese first poetry sylloge - - " Poetry ", inside which has written many birds which we know very well , like osprey , mandarin duck , swallow , magpie , goose and so on , about 30 many kinds .

  22. 《诗经》作为我国第一部诗歌总集,是中国古老文化传统的瑰宝,也是儒家经典之一,具有极高的社会历史地位,因此长期以来引无数译家竞折腰。

    As the first poetry anthology of our country , The Book of Songs incarnating splendid national culture is one of the classics of Confucianism which enjoys a high social and historical position . Thus it has long been a great attraction to translators at home and abroad .

  23. 中国传统文学主要指从公元前11世纪,即中国第一部诗歌总集《诗经》中最早的诗篇出现起,直至1919年五四新文化运动以前的中国古代(含近代)文学。

    The traditional Chinese literature mainly refers to ancient Chinese literature including the modern literature which started from 11th century B.C. , namely , the appearance of the first collection of poetry in China , entitled The Book of Songs , and ended before the May 4th Movement .

  24. 最后阐述了《玉台新咏》在题材上、编选上、艺术上和保存上的重要价值,以强调《玉台新咏》对后世诗歌的创作和总集的编选所产生的深远影响。

    At last , expounds the very important value of Yu tai xin yong on theme , compiling , art and conservation , and probes into Yu tai xin yong have a far-reaching influence on poem creation and general collection compiling .

  25. 邓汉仪还以鲜明的历史意识为诗歌选本张目,借助诗歌总集《诗观》的编纂,以求成一代之伟观,使选本具有诗歌发展史的意义,这是对诗史观的发展。

    He also introduced history consciousness into poetry anthology , which could reflect the era 's situation and have the function of poetry development history .

  26. 而作为华夏文学的源头和古典诗歌的雏形,《诗经》,这部世界上最古老的诗歌总集之一,在中国文化中占据着相当重要的地位。

    As the source of Chinese literature and the ancestor of classical poetry , The Book of Songs is the earliest anthology , which is in rather important position in Chinese civilization .