
  1. 焦化粗苯加氢精制萃取精馏工艺优化去粗存精取精用弘&构式语法研究概述

    The Optimization of the Coking Crude Benzol Hydro-refining Extractive Distillation Process A Review on Construction Grammar in China

  2. 读书可以获得知识,思考才能去粗存精。

    You may glean knowledge by reading , but you must separate the chaff from the wheat by thinking .

  3. 因此,既然心理测验是有价值的,对其去粗存精将会使其拥有更大价值。

    Thus , while psychological tests are valuable , they would be more valuable if the chaff were separated from the wheat .

  4. 物理模型的建立,应根据具体条件,去粗存精,抓住主要矛盾,建立起抽象化的物理模型,使之符合人类的认识规律。

    Physical model building should be an abstract one which should be based on the concrete conditions , discard the dross and select the essential , seize the principal contradiction and conform to the knowledge law .