
  1. 两颗番茄去逛街,第一颗番茄突然走得很快,第二颗番茄就问:“我们要去哪里?”第一颗番茄没有回答,第二颗番茄又问了一次。

    Two tomatoes went shopping . The first tomato walked fast . The second one asked , " Where are we going : " We are not tomatoes ?

  2. 生活在现在这个时代你可能不会有太多时间去逛街扫货赶时髦,也许有一天你会忽然惊觉自己衣橱里的东西糟透了——衣服堆得满满的,但是却找不出一件像样的可以穿。

    In today ’ s world there isn ’ t always time to shop or keep up with the latest fashion , and you may one day wake up and find your wardrobe a disaster -- full of clothes but you can ’ t find a decent piece to wear .

  3. Julie说你们明天要去逛街?

    Ross : So , uh , Julie tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow ?

  4. Mark还以为今天大家要一起去逛街,但是Marie今晚还要工作到很晚,所以今天他们主要还是观光。

    Mark : We 're going shopping today ? Tina : Actually , no. Marie said she needs to work late tonight , so I thought we 'd focus on sightseeing today .

  5. 如果有来世,我化身为F4或是周杰伦,我想我会戴上眼镜和帽子去逛街。

    If I have afterlife , I am F4 or Joy Zhou , I think I will go to shopping with glasses and hat .

  6. 你可以叫上我,我们一起去逛街。

    You can call on me and we go shopping together .

  7. A如果你有空的话,我们可以一起去逛街。

    We could go shopping if you have some free time .

  8. 我们刚刚为参加首映礼去逛街买了点衣服。

    We just went shopping for our outfits for the premiere .

  9. 另外有一次,梅格和莫莎莉去逛街。

    On another occasion , MEG and Sally Moffat went shopping .

  10. 如果你想去逛街的话,就尝试打电话给你妈妈。

    Try calling your mother if you want to go shopping .

  11. 今天下午我和妹妹去逛街。

    This afternoon I went shopping with my younger sister .

  12. 如果昨天雨停了,她应该会去逛街买东西了。

    She would go shopping if it stopped raining yesterday .

  13. 我去逛街因为我需要买几件衣服。

    I 'm going shopping because I need to buy some clothes .

  14. 还有,他会在周末带我去逛街。

    Also , he wants to take me shopping on the weekend .

  15. 不过无论如何,那时圣诞节我们去逛街了。

    But at any rate , this was Christmas and we were shopping .

  16. 您是否更乐于网上购物,而懒得去逛街?

    Have you been doing internet shopping rather than going to the stores ?

  17. 吃完早餐后夏绿蒂和我去逛街。

    After breakfast , Charlotte and I went shopplng .

  18. 下班后我想去逛街,你呢?

    I 'd like to go shopping after work , how about you ?

  19. 我们去逛街吧,我知道所有购物的好去处。

    Let 's go shopping together , I know all the best places .

  20. 新年前夕我们去逛街了。

    We went shopping on New Year 's Eve .

  21. 估计是去逛街或者学俞伽去了。

    They go to art galleries and do yoga .

  22. 你可不能为了杂志上的一件婚纱去逛街。

    You can 't go shopping for a wedding dress in a magazine .

  23. 所以我想我们去逛街吧,放松一下。

    so I was thinking we could go shopping , have some fun .

  24. 我跟你说了自己去逛街。

    I told you to go shopping without me .

  25. 我常在下午去逛街。

    I often go shopping in the afternoon .

  26. 你今儿是过来带我去逛街的?

    You does the son come over to take me to go shopping now ?

  27. 你什么时候有空?我想和你去逛街。

    When do you have time ? I want to go shopping with you .

  28. 带我们去逛街如何?

    How about you take us girls shopping ?

  29. 要是我有空的话,就会去逛街买东西。

    If I get some time on my hands then I 'll go shopping .

  30. 你有空去逛街吗?

    Would you be free to go shopping ?