
  • 网络Voice message;voice sms
  1. 电力客户服务语音短信平台的设计

    Design for power customer voice message service platform

  2. 并以应用服务器(AS)侧发起的语音短信业务流程和网络侧发起的短信重听业务流程为例,描述了VXML语音浏览器功能实体之间的业务流程。

    Taking the service flow of voice mail launched at the side of application server and the service flow of voice mail replay at the network side as examples , the service flows between different function-entities of VXML voice browser are described .

  3. 在晚上10点钟给别人留工作语音短信?

    Leaving a work voicemail at 10 p.m. ?

  4. 移动语音短信业务新诠释

    New Explanation of Mobile Voice Short Message Service

  5. 通过分析比较提出一种新的语音短信业务实现流程。

    The implementation procedure of the new style voice short message is given by comparison .

  6. Web语音及短信自动通知系统的集成开发

    Development of voice and message auto-notification system based on Web

  7. 同时,移动通信网络中所承载的业务也发生了很大变化,由单一的语音、短信业务发展为多达几十种的丰富的数据业务,而不同的数据业务的QoS评估方式是不同的。

    At the same time , the mobile communication expands from the simple sound and short message business to dozens of rich data business .

  8. 随着3G时代的到来,移动电子商务的发展,手机不在仅仅局限于语音和短信功能。

    As the 3G era , the development of mobile e-commerce , mobile phones are not just limited to voice and messaging .

  9. CDR是语音或短信通讯而生成的。

    A CDR is generated for every voice or SMS connection .

  10. 像Twilio这样的开放式API平台就通过让开发者在应用中加入语音和短信功能丰富了移动体验。

    Open-api platforms like twilio help to enrich the mobile experience by letting developers add voice and messaging functionality to their applications .

  11. 谷歌的基本语音和短信服务月费将为20美元,同时1G移动数据的收费为固定的10美元。

    Google 's service will be $ 20 a month for basic voice and text service , along with a flat $ 10 per gigabyte of cellular data .

  12. 论证了可以通过网络的改造设计达到语音、短信、彩信业务顺利进行的目的。

    Proved through the network design to voice , SMS , MMS business smoothly purpose .

  13. 该终端具有心电采集分析、无线传输、语音和短信通信功能。

    So the terminal has functions such as ECG acquisition / analysis , wireless data transfer and voice / short message communication .

  14. 该系统还具有语音和短信通信功能,可实现使用者和远程监护中心之间的实时交互功能。

    Furthermore , the data transfer system has the ability of voice and short message communication to implement a real time communication with monitoring center .

  15. 测试用例中包含了语音、短信和数据业务,基本覆盖了该省分公司的所有网络和实际应用场景。

    Voice calling , SMS and data services are included in the test cases , which covering all networks and application scenarios of the branch in this province .

  16. 随着移动通信技术与互联网行业的飞速发展与融合,无线移动通信用户业务需求已经从单纯的语音和短信业务发展成为了结合互联网多媒体业务的混合多类型业务。

    With the rapid development of the mobile communication technology and Internet industry , wireless mobile communication has evolved from simple voice-SMS business to a rich mixture of different Internet services .

  17. 作为第五计算时代的发动机和生存模式,移动互联网已是大势所趋,传统电信运营商的语音、短信、彩铃增值服务等现金牛业务理论上来说都可以被新的技术替代。

    As the fifth engine and subsistence patterns , mobile networking is an irresistible trend . The cash cow businesses such as Voice , SMS and Personal Ring Back Tone theoretically can be replaced by new technology .

  18. 它将为中国及周边地区以及中东、非洲等地区的用户提供语音、短信和数据服务。还能覆盖太平洋和印度洋的地区。

    It will provide voice , messaging , and data services for users in China and its surrounding areas , as well as the Middle East , Africa and other regions . It will also reach areas in the Pacific and Indian oceans .

  19. 邮件、移动和IP语音视频、短信、即时消息、数据等逐步构成新的通信业务主体。

    E-mail , mobile phone , IP video and voice , short message , instant message and data service are becoming new mainstream of the telecommunication market .

  20. 同时各家厂商也已经开始使用符合标准的软件在实际的LTE网络中测试语音呼叫以及短信功能。

    Testing has also begun for voice calls and SMS messages on commercial base stations with standards-compliant software .

  21. 贾维斯和亚马逊的Alexa相似,可以通过语音(或短信)激活,并能连接家中的各种物品。

    Like Amazon 's Alexa , Jarvis can be activated by voice ( or by text ) and connect with various objects in the home .

  22. 语音/文字短信无线收发系统设计

    Design of Transceiver System for Sound and Letter Note

  23. 随着无线网络的日益普及,除了语音通讯、短信等常规业务,无线网络还能给我们带来什么样的变革?

    With the development of Wireless Net , what can it bring to us but communication ?

  24. 由于乌干达人使用的手机多数都只有语音通信和短信功能,因此这项计划将采用短信形式来发送信息。

    Since most cell phones in Uganda have only voice and SMS capabilities , the technology was built for SMS .

  25. 主要从语音服务和短信服务两种电信业务中探讨电信服务合同对第三人的效力问题。

    This paper discusses the effects of telecom service contract to the third party in the businesses of speeches and messages .

  26. 而在一般性任务和智力型任务两种任务类型下,使用手机语音通信或短信对合作绩效的影响差异都不大;(3)沟通满意度与合作绩效并不正相关。

    By general task and intellective task , there is no big difference between the impacts resulted by the two communication modalities . ( 3 ) The communication satisfaction is not positively correlated to the performance of teamwork .

  27. 谁给你留语音邮件而不是短信?

    Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you ?

  28. 世界很多地方已经厌烦了有关第三代无线技术(3G)的宣传。据称,除了基础的语音通话和文字短信以外,3G能让手机具有很多其它功能。

    Much of the world has grown tired of the hype surrounding third-generation wireless technology that supposedly makes mobile phones capable of far more than basic voice calls and text messaging .

  29. 平台综合了语音调度系统,短信平台,彩信平台等功能模块。

    Platform integrates voice dispatch system , SMS platform , MMS platform .

  30. 这是因为找回语音信箱比读短信或是电子邮箱更费时。

    This is because retrieving voice mail is more time consuming than reading a text message or email .