
wù gōng
  • loss of working time;delay one's work;be absent or late for work
误工 [wù gōng]
  • (1) [delay ones work]∶延误了工作

  • 工作条件不好,容易误工

  • (2) [be absent or late for work;loss of working time]∶指劳动迟到或未到

误工[wù gōng]
  1. 第一百一十九条侵害公民身体造成伤害的,应当赔偿医疗费、因误工减少的收入、残废者生活补助费等费用;造成死亡的,并应当支付丧葬费、死者生前扶养的人必要的生活费等费用。

    Article 119 Anyone who infringes shall also pay the funeral expenses , the necessary living expenses of the deceased 's dependents and other such expenses .

  2. MDD函数在单机总误工排序问题中的作用

    MDD Function in Single Machine Total Tardiness Problem

  3. 这些工作既能够很好地解释常用的MDD规则的有效性,同时也说明MDD函数可以成为解决单机总误工排序问题的基本工具。

    These works can explain the efficiency of the commonly used MDD rule very well , and at the same time show that the MDD function can be a fundamental tool for the single machin .

  4. 将伤残调整寿命年(DALYs)和误工损失通过人力资本法折算为经济损失,评估SARS病例的直接和间接的经济损失。

    Disease-adjusted life years ( DALYs ) and loss of work hours were converted into economic indices through human capital method for further evaluation . Immaterial losses caused by SARS epidemic were also analyzed .

  5. 据经济合作与发展组织的研究显示,空气污染正在造成误工、医疗费用增加及农产量减少,到2060年,室外空气污染将使全球经济每年损失2.6万亿美元,占全球GDP的1%。

    Outdoor air pollution could cost the world a whopping $ 2.6 trillion a year , or 1 % of global GDP , by 2060 , says the study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development . The costs are a result of sick days , medical bills and reduced agricultural output .

  6. 本文证明了最短准备时间(SRT)排序使总的完工时间取得最小,并进一步分析了带有准备时间的带权误工工件数排序问题的一些性质。

    In this paper we prove that the shortest ready time ( SRT ) sequencing minimizes the total completion time , and analyse properties of the one-machine sequencing problem with ready time to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs .

  7. 移动CCIE实验室降低了为了参加考试而误工出国所需的昂贵的旅途、酒店、护照、签证等费用。

    The Mobile CCIE Lab reduces the need for costly travel , hotel , passport , and visa fees , missed days of work and the need to leave the country to take the CCIE Lab exam .

  8. 在Moore-Hodgson算法最优性证明的基础上,本文又分析和研究了求解几种推广的误工排序问题的算法,并且也给出相应的新的证明。

    Based on the proof of the optimality of Moore-Hodgson algorithm , we analyze and address the algorithms of some generalized scheduling problems to minimize the number of tardy jobs and give their corresponding new proofs .

  9. 07年:因员工生病误工一次。

    2007 : one days-away-from-work incident due to illness of employee .

  10. 基于遗传算法的最小误工任务数问题求解

    Solution of Minimum Tardy Task Problems Based on and Genetic Algorithms

  11. 不误工工件加工时间之和最小的最优解

    The Optimum with the Shortest total Processing Time of on-Time Jobs

  12. 我会通过加班来填补误工时间。

    And I will make up the lost days by working overtime .

  13. 带T约束最小化误工工件的一台机器排序问题

    Sequencing to Minimize the Number of Tardy Jobs on One-Machine with T Constraint

  14. 误工及交通费用明显低于开腹手术组(P<0.01),总费用两组无统计学差异。

    But the total costs of the 2 groups had no statistical difference .

  15. 带权误工工件数排序问题

    Sequencing to Minimize the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs

  16. 最小化误工个数的越库调度模型与启发式算法

    Cross Docking Scheduling Model and Heuristics to Minimize the Number of Tardy Jobs

  17. 在我们工人中,因病造成的误工大大减少了。

    Among our workers , absenteeism due to illness has been greatly reduced .

  18. 单机总误工问题的分解启发式算法

    Decomposition heuristic algorithm for the total tardiness problem

  19. 误工排序问题的赶工分析集装箱汽车列车与桥梁护栏碰撞分析

    Crash Analysis between Container-trucks and Guardrails

  20. 本文考虑了单机排序中带可分配工期的总误工问题的应急管理问题。

    This paper discusses disruption recovery for single machine scheduling with assignable due dates to total tardiness .

  21. 维护和保养所有设备,并控制误工时间。

    Preventive Maintenance and Downtime control for all equipment . Responsible for maintenance of facility electrical system .

  22. 专家认为,每年人们因为嘶哑而误工造成的产值损失达到几十亿美元。

    Experts say hoarseness costs several billion dollars a year in lost productivity from people missing work .

  23. 本文采用作业时间可压缩的方法来解决单资源调度中的误工问题。

    In this paper , we consider the delays problems in single resource scheduling with compressible processing time .

  24. 科学传播者必须动员受众参加科普讲座,某些情况甚至会为参加农村科普的农民支付误工费。

    Audiences have to be mobilised to attend science popularisation lectures , in some cases even paid money .

  25. 指出确定性环境下的最小化误工任务数单机调度问题是模糊情况的特例。

    Also , the deterministic counterpart of this single machine scheduling problem is a special case of fuzzy version .

  26. 对于成组加工中带可分配工期的误工任务数问题的不同模型,或给出其最优序,或证明了其是NP-难问题。

    For all these models , we either give the optimal schedules , or prove that they are NP-hard questions .

  27. 基于交货期的模具车间作业调度问题是解决不同类型工件的加工排序,使其误工最少。

    The mould manufacture scheduling based on due date is a problem of how to schedule operation processing sequence to minimize tardiness .

  28. 目标函数是使完工时间,提前完工时间和误工时间的加权和最小。

    The objective is to determine the optimal due-date and schedule simultaneously to minimize the completion time , earliness and tardiness penalties .

  29. 本文研究了成组加工时带可分配工期的误工任务数问题的排序与工期分配。

    In this paper , we discuss single machine scheduling with assignable due dates to minimize number of tardy tasks in batch processing .

  30. 通过避孕而避免计划外怀孕,从而节省人工流产费用及误工损失,净得效益1053万元。

    Fuzhou economizes the cost of induced abortion and lose of delay work times by contraception , the net benefit is 1053 ten thousand Yuan .