
  • 网络no fault principle
  1. 最后,对过错原则,无过错原则与违法原则,结合我国与外国的具体情况,对其各自的优劣之处,作出了归纳与评价。

    Last combing with the foreign situation , the paper summarizes and analyzes the advantages and shortcomings of fault principle , no fault principle and irregularity principle .

  2. 这样就很难使人全面地认识实行无过错原则的意义。

    It makes very difficult to understand the significance of the principle of no-fault liability comprehensively .

  3. 但是日本的无过错原则在适用时有不同的地方,在文中会详细阐述。

    But if there is difference with the popular no-fault liability , details will be mentioned n this paper .

  4. 应明确违法的定义,扩大其内涵,并确立以违法原则为主,无过错原则为辅的归责原则。

    We should define the signification of the offence responsibility principle and combine the principle with the no-fault liability principle .

  5. 一般原则仍然是违法原则,而特殊原则包括过错原则、无过错原则和结果原则等,各项原则所适用的具体范围又有着一定的差异和不同。

    This principle should be a system in which the general principles and special principles exist together to deal with different matters .

  6. 工伤事故引发侵权责任适用的归责原则,经历了从过错原则到无过错原则的转变。

    The principle of liability applied to tort liability which caused by industrial accident has changed from fault principle to no-fault principle .

  7. 从世界范围来看,国家赔偿的归责原则可归纳为三种:过错原则、无过错原则和违法原则。

    In a world scope , responsibility-pertaining principle of state-compensation is divided into three kinds : fault principle , which contains subjective offence and objective offence ;

  8. 在离婚标准上,国际上有3种模式,即过错原则、无过错原则、破裂原则。

    On the standard of divorcing , there are three kinds of mode in the world , namely fault principle , non-fault principle , breaking principle .

  9. 笔者认为,(一)在高速公路上的机动车造成人员伤亡和财产损失,应当实行无过错原则。

    I think : ( 1 ) The motor vehicle on the express-way causes casualties and property loss , should abide by no responsibility principle of fault ;

  10. 我国雇主替代责任适用无过错原则有利于受害人的保护,具有很大的合理性,符合理论的发展趋势。

    Vicarious liability of employers to apply the principle of no fault in favor of protection of victims , with a lot of reasonable , consistent with theoretical trends .

  11. 在抗辩性无过错原则作为归责原则的前提下,使国家利益和公民个人利益获得双赢。

    Under the premise of taking the defense non-fault principle as its doctrine of liability fixation , the interests of the country and personal interests of citizens shall gain win-win result .

  12. 无过错原则是指只要当事人能证明自己遭受到的侵害结果,其就有权要求侵害人负赔偿责任,而不问双方是否有一定的过错责任。

    No-fault principle is that as long as the parties can prove their subjected against the results against the people of their right to request to be liable , regardless whether the parties have a certain liability .

  13. 根据民法基本理论及现行法律规定,笔者认为知识产权侵权归责原则既不是纯粹的过错原则,也不是单一的无过错原则;

    According to the general theories of civil law and the current legal rules , the writer takes the view that the ( above ) doctrine is neither pure doctrine of fault liability , nor unitary doctrine of non-fault liability .

  14. 关于在新技术条件下的知识产权领域侵权,可否以及是否有必要适用无过错原则,关涉到对知识产权所有人的保护与社会公众信息获得自由的利益平衡。

    Under the conditions of the new technology , whether the torts of intellectual property could and necessary apply the no-fault liability , touches on the balance between the protection of the owner of intellectual property and the freedom of the public to acquire information .

  15. 在此基础上,对适用无过错原则所要求的侵权类型的特殊性与知识产权侵权所表现的特殊性进行比较,分析在知识产权领域是否具有适用无过错原则的可能性。

    Based on this , the paper compares the particularities present in the tort of intellectual property with the particularities which are required in applying no-fault liability , so as to analyze whether there is any possibility for applying the no-fault liability to the torts of intellectual property .

  16. ICP的版权侵权都是直接侵权,对其版权侵权应适用无过错责任原则;

    The copyright infringement of ICP is all direct infringement , we should apply no-fault-liability for the copyright infringement of ICP ;

  17. 无过错责任原则确立原因透析

    On the Causes of Establishing the Principle of No Fault Liability

  18. 也存在某些特殊民事侵权行为可以适用无过错责任原则。

    No-fault liability principle is appropriate for some special tort .

  19. 台湾地区民法就债务不履行系采过错责任原则,而非如大陆合同法所采的无过错责任原则。

    On the contrary , Mainland contract law applies to non-fault liability .

  20. 无过错责任原则在临床试验受试者保护中的适用

    Application of No Fault Responsibility in Protection of Subjects in Clinical Trial

  21. 无过错责任原则及适用

    The Principle of No Fault Liability and Its Application

  22. 尤其是某些媒体、学者对新法确立的无过错责任原则横加指责。

    Especially some media and scholars have arbitrarily blamed the no-fault liability principle .

  23. 论无过错责任原则在未成年学生伤害事故中的适用

    The Application of the Principle of No-fault Liability to Under-age Students ' Accidents

  24. 第三章分析了海上侵权归责原则中的无过错责任原则的含义及其确立的依据,并指出其在海上侵权行为法中的适用范围;

    The third chapter analyses the connotation and application of principle of no-fault .

  25. 论无过错责任原则

    The Importance of Nothing On No-Fault Liability Principle

  26. 环境责任保险伴随着无过错责任原则而产生,为无过错责任的实行提供赔偿基础;

    ELI is based on the principle of no-fault and provides the basis for compensation .

  27. 循环经济法律责任的种类包括行政责任、民事责任和刑事责任,采用无过错责任原则。

    These responsibilities include administrative responsibilities , civil responsibilities and criminal responsibilities with non-fault responsibility .

  28. 无过错责任原则是本文研究的重点。

    The principle of no-fault liability is a re - search focus in my paper .

  29. 其分配原则主要是正义原则与无过错责任原则。

    The allocation principle is the principle of justice and the principle of no-fault liability .

  30. 无过错责任原则是其中一项特殊的归责原则,有其独立存在的价值和作用。

    No-fault liability principle is a special one and it bears unique value and function .