
yòu guǎi
  • abduct;carry off by fraud;kidnap;carry by fraud
诱拐 [yòu guǎi]
  • [abduct;carry by fraud;kidnap] 为婚姻或其他利益骗走妇女、儿童或受监护的人

诱拐[yòu guǎi]
  1. 我们有时看到那些利用网络诱拐儿童的新闻都心惊肉跳。

    The news that we see those use network abduct children sometimes filled with apprehension .

  2. 你想来诱拐我其他的病人吗?

    You here to abduct another one of my patients ?

  3. 持械抢劫和诱拐案的案发率在全国范围内都有所上升。

    Armed robbery and abduction have been on the increase countrywide

  4. 她被控诱拐一个6个月大的孩子。

    She was charged with abducting a six-month-old child .

  5. 过去儿童谋杀犯常常携带一些小孩子的照片来诱拐他们的受害者。

    Child murderers in the past have very often carried photographs of young children to entice their victims away

  6. 警方挫败了诱拐小孩的企图。

    The police balked the attempt to kidnap the child .

  7. 我可以告你诱拐中学生。

    I can indict you for abducting high school student .

  8. 她被诱拐数年后,FARC叛军经过她的村庄,向她的家人提起她。

    Years after she was kidnapped , FARC rebels passed through her village and mentioned Melida to her family .

  9. 她当年遭到诱拐时住的那栋房子如今已被废弃。

    The home from which she had been abducted was abandoned .

  10. 美国处理儿童诱拐案件的立法与实践

    Legalisation and Practice on Dealing with Children Abduction in USA

  11. 并把他诱拐,带到亲爱的地下陵寝。

    And abducts himself to the beloved catacombs and vaults .

  12. 但当地警察认为这是一个生人诱拐案。

    But the local police are now considering this a stranger abduction .

  13. 当营救者做出某些“反诱拐”行动时,被诱拐者将重获自由。

    Freedom comes when a rescuer performs some kind of'reverse abduction ' .

  14. 莫特:他们在找诱拐的对象,你就是一个。

    Mulder : they 're taking abductees . you 're an abductee .

  15. 你不介意把门打开吧?我们在调查一宗诱拐案。

    Would you mind opening up ? I 'm investigating a kidnapping .

  16. 我们得要她说出诱拐者的名字,对吧?

    Lightman : We need her to name her abductor , right ?

  17. 你说有个小男孩被诱拐了是么?

    About a boy being abducted , is that right ?

  18. 官媒很少会报道儿童诱拐个案。

    Individual cases of abduction are rarely reported by the state-controlled media .

  19. “我被诱拐了!”我气愤地想。

    I 've been kidnapped ! ' I thought angrily .

  20. 他曾企图诱拐这两名儿童。

    He had attempted to abduct the two children .

  21. 2.被劫持;被诱拐警方认为失踪的男孩子是被拐走了。

    The police think the missing boy has been abducted

  22. 妖魔群已经攻击区域并且诱拐国王的女儿。

    Demon hordes have attacked the realm and abducted the king 's daughter .

  23. 在被诱拐及谋杀的儿童中。

    Of the children that are abducted and murdered .

  24. 诱拐者会叫他们名字。

    An abductor can then call them by name .

  25. 为什么没有关于诱拐漂亮的经济学家的论文?

    Why was there no article about the abduction of the beautiful economist ?

  26. 你被诱拐那年你几岁?

    How old were you when you were abducted ?

  27. 涉及1973穆德尔德姐姐被诱拐。

    Pertaining to the1973 abduction of mulder 's sister .

  28. 可能是离家出走,更有可能是被人诱拐了。或是离家出走,后被人拐走。

    Possible runaway , probable abduction . Or both .

  29. 诱拐地离这片树林有多远?

    How Faris the abduction itefrom these woods ?

  30. 而是看那个诱拐我的人。

    I see the man who took me .