
  1. 剧说天下Dan,你好,我是BlairWaldorf。我是Serena的朋友。

    I - - I 'm Blair Waldorf , Serena 's friend .

  2. 剧说天下既然Serena回来了

    Gossip Girl : But now that Serena is back ,

  3. 剧说天下为什么你想成为Dartmouth的接待生

    Man : And why should you be the Dartmouth usher ?

  4. 剧说天下:Leah,你看到普尔女士了吗?

    Fairfax : Leah , have you seen Mrs. Poole ?

  5. 剧说天下你可以去了什么今晚的常春藤周宴会你的名字会写在节目单等等之类的名单上

    Your name will be on the program and everything .

  6. 他们还说天下没有免费的午餐。

    And they say there 's no such thing as a free lunch .

  7. 90年代的流行复苏了。影视片花:剧说天下:

    The ' 90s are having a come back .

  8. 剧说天下你总是这么漂亮。

    Archibald : You look beautiful , as always .

  9. 剧说天下我喜欢你的书

    Nate : I liked your book .

  10. 我也感到如此,但人们说天下无不散的筵席。

    I feel that way too , but all good things must come to an end , they say .

  11. 过分强调就业增长与削减赤字间的朋友关系是错误的:我并不是说天下有免费的午餐。

    It would be wrong to overstate this friendship between job growth and deficit reduction : this is not an argument for a free lunch .

  12. 要是他跟我结了婚,他家里人就厌恶他,那我毫不在乎;至于说天下人都会生他的气,

    And with regard to the resentment of his family , or the indignation of the world , if the former were excited by his marrying me , it would not give me one moment 's concern

  13. 我想,我只能呐喊,把移民们心中的话设法说给天下人听!

    I want , I can shout , the heart to say words of immigrants to everybody to listen to !

  14. 他说,天下上用手机的人云云之多,纵然小危害也会带来年夜量的疾病和衰亡。

    With so many people worldwide using cell phones , even a small risk could translate into many illnesses and deaths , he said .

  15. 当有人问他中国人最残酷的一句话是什么时,他说:天下没有不散的筵席。

    When he was asked what was the most cruel Chinese saying , he quoted this proverb : 'However grand the feast , it always has to end ' .

  16. 那个做官的人装着无可奈何的样子说:“天下不喜欢戴高帽子的人实在太少了啊!像老师您这样的又能有几个呢!”

    The official pretended he had no way out and said : " Very few people under heaven are like you who dislike being flattered4 or presented with tall hats . "

  17. 就如中国人说的:天下无不散的宴席。

    As the Chinese say , @ All feasts must come to an end .

  18. 每个人都说他是天下最坏的青年;

    Every body declared that he was the wickedest young man in the world ;

  19. 她说:第一天下班之后,我眼前一片模糊。

    After my first day at work , my eyesight was blurry , she says .

  20. 就像他们说的,天下没有免费的午餐。

    Well , like they say , there 's no such thing as a free lunch .

  21. 上帝说:“天下的水要聚在一处,使旱地露出来。”

    And God said ," Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place , and let dry ground appear . "

  22. 上帝说:“天下之水要汇于一处,使干涸土地显露!”于是就出现土地。

    God said , 'let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place , so that dry land may appear ' ; and so it was .

  23. 每个人都说他是天下最坏的青年;每个人都开始发觉自己一向就不信任他那伪善的面貌。

    Every body declared that he was the wickedest young man in the world ; and every body began to find out that they had always distrusted the appearance of his goodness .

  24. 但此时的危机已不同于传统的王朝危机,由于西方文化的挑战,可以说整个传统天下文化共同体都面临着存亡危机。

    But this time the crisis was different from the traditional dynastic crisis , because of the challenges from Western culture , the traditional " tianxia " cultural community are facing survival crisis .

  25. 我的朋友说我是全天下最酷、最瘦、最聪明、最幽默的记者。

    According to my friends I am the coolest , thinnest , cleverest , funniest journalist in the universe .

  26. 老话说的好,天下没有免费的午餐。

    As the old saying goes , there is no such thing as a free lunch .

  27. 正如一句老谚语说的:“天下无难事,只怕有心人”,相信你自己并要对自己有信心。

    As the saying goes " Nothing In The World Is Difficult If You Put Your Heart Into It " Believe in yourself , and have confidence in yourself .

  28. 老子说:不敢为天下先,故能成器长,不违反道,保持谦虚的态度,依道而行,才成为天下的首领。

    Me said : " do not dare for the world first , so it can be long " does not violate the " Dao ", keep a modest attitude , according to Tao , to become the world leader .

  29. 有谁听到一个补鞋匠自己说,毕竟上没有靴子这种对象?可能一个裁缝师说,天下上悉数人都没穿过衣服?

    Who ever heard of a cobbler saying that there was no such thing as boots , or a tailor maintaining that all men are really naked ?