
  • The Man Who Lies;The liar
  1. 对说谎的人除了蔑视你能有别的感情吗?

    Can you have anything but contempt for a liar ?

  2. 你不会想要和一个说谎的人住在一起的。

    You wouldn 't want to live with a liar .

  3. 没有人喜欢说谎的人。

    Nobody likes a person who tells lies .

  4. 但这对谁不好呢?事实上,说谎的人会因自己的不诚实行为而伤害自己。

    But who is it bad for ? In fact , those who lie will hurt themselves by their own dishonest behaviour .

  5. 我憎恶那些欺骗和说谎的人。

    I execrate people who deceive and tell lies .

  6. 2009年在《社会与人际关系杂志》(JournalofSocialandPersonalRelationships)上发表的一篇研究论文指出,在伴侣主动对其说谎的人中,71%的人称这样做会产生距离感。

    A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships in 2009 found 71 % of people whose partners actively lied to them said it created distance .

  7. 他们一贯瞧不起骗子和说谎的人。

    They have always held cheats and liars in low regard .

  8. 说谎的人为了得到信任,会故意去看你的眼睛。

    Liars may deliberately make eye contact to seem more sincere .

  9. 你可以因为我刚才所做的说我是个说谎的人。

    You may tell a falsehood just as I did .

  10. 任何一个说谎的人都不能受到信赖。

    Any man who tells a lie cannot be trusted .

  11. 来看看我到底是不是个说谎的人。

    Come and check whether I am the one lying .

  12. 说谎的人叫做撒谎者。

    A man who tells a lie is a liar .

  13. 不喜欢吹牛皮,最讨厌说谎的人。

    Don 't like braggart , dislike the person of the lying .

  14. 她特别不喜欢说谎的人。

    She especially doesn 't like people who tell lies .

  15. 吉姆认为杰拉尔德是一个说谎的人得了,他们俩人半斤八两。

    Jim called Gerald a liar-well , it takes one to know one !

  16. 女孩讨厌说谎的人,尤其是骗子。*

    Girls hate liars , and especially cheaters . *

  17. 说谎的人也不可能跟你对视。

    They may also avoid eye contact with you .

  18. 他几乎等于是说我是说谎的人。

    He as good as called me a liar .

  19. 她是最不可能说谎的人。

    She is the last woman to tell lie .

  20. 然而仍有许多爱说谎的人。

    Then there are those who lie a lot .

  21. 说谎的人我不喜欢。

    People who make fakes give me the chills .

  22. 它就像一种传染病,只能活在愿意说谎的人身上。

    Like an infection , they can exist only in a living organism .

  23. 他是个说谎的人。他一贯说假话。

    He is a liar ; he tells stories .

  24. 说谎的人需要好的记忆力。

    A liar have need of good memories .

  25. 以自己承认说谎的人带来的新征据不足以证明复审是有理由的。

    New evidence from a selfconfessed liar was not enough to justify a retrial .

  26. 被指责为胆小鬼和说谎的人。

    Stigmatized as a coward and a liar .

  27. 他是一个从不说谎的人。

    He is a man that we respect .

  28. 说谎的人被绑在铁轨上。

    A liar is bound to the rail .

  29. 通常这种行为常见于说谎的人。

    Often such behavior is seen with liars .

  30. 最会夸夸奇谈的人也是最会说谎的人!

    A best talker is a best lair .