
  • 网络Verlorenes Leben
  1. 由此产生了所谓人的疏离问题,走向否定人自身和现实生活的虚无主义。要消除所谓存在危机,就必须将失落的人生意义找回来。

    Problem of human-distant denied the meaning of human being and real life , resulted in nihilism .

  2. 具体表现在以下几个方面:一是借艺术幻境补偿在现实中失落的人生目标和尘世欲求;

    Firstly , his unachieved life goals and desires of the worldly world are compensated in the artistic fairyland .

  3. 其他还有许多动力会驾驭你的人生,但这些全部导向一个死胡同&-埋没了的潜能,不必要的压力和失落的人生。

    There are other forces that can drive your life but all lead to the same dead end : unused potential , unnecessary stress , and an unfulfilled life .

  4. 人生支撑点的失落&论陶渊明的人生悲剧

    On Tao Yuanming 's Tragic Life