
shī xué
  • Out of school;be unable to go to school;be deprived of education;be obliged to discontinue one's studies;be obliged to interrupt one's studies
失学 [shī xué]
  • [be unable to go to school;be obliged to interrupt one's studies;be deprived of education] 没能上学或中途退学

  • 因家贫而失学

失学[shī xué]
  1. 联合国教科文组织(unesco)发布的一份报告显示,只有尼日利亚和巴基斯坦的失学儿童超过了印度。

    Only Nigeria and Pakistan had more out-of-school children than India , according to a report published by UNESCO .

  2. 联合国秘书长BanKi-moon表示郎朗将致力与帮助推进联合国优先项目:帮助全球570万失学儿童走进课堂。

    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Lang Lang will focus on a key UN priority : Getting 57 million children around the world who are currently not receiving an education into classrooms .

  3. Hashimi表示,犯罪率上升的原因除了对明年之后国际部队是否会继续留在阿富汗的不确定性以及外国援助是否撤回的担忧,持续的高失业率、贫困和失学同样是首都犯罪率攀升的主要原因。

    In addition to the uncertainty over whether international troops will remain in the country after next year and whether foreign aid withdraw , Hashimi says the persistent high levels of unemployment poverty and illiteracy are also major drivers of crime in capital .

  4. 学龄儿童失学状况分析

    Analysis on Deprivation of Education of China 's School age Children

  5. 贫困失学的后果往往是无法缓解的。

    It is often impossible to mitigate the results of deprivation .

  6. 我国西部边远地区女童失学原因调查与对策

    A Survey of Reasons and Counter-measures of Girl-dropouts in West China

  7. 春蕾计划是帮助贫困地区失学女童重返校园的。

    Spring Bud Project__ helped_ poor young girls__ reback_ to_ school .

  8. 集资帮助农村失学少年重返校园

    Raise money to help rural teenage dropouts go Back to school

  9. 她可以提供童年贫困失学的证据,以减轻罪责。

    In mitigation , she could offer evidence of a deprived childhood .

  10. 然而,少女仍然占失学人口的55%。

    Yet , girls still account for55 % of the out-of-school population .

  11. 现在,越来越多的农村孩子失学了。

    Now more and more children in the countryside are out of school .

  12. 保安族女童辍学失学问题的对策性分析

    The Analysis of School Drop-out Problems of Baoan Girls

  13. 她十岁就失学了。

    She was deprived of schooling at ten .

  14. 资助建立希望小学,使失学儿童重返课堂

    Fund the establishment of Hope primary schools and enable dropouts to return to classrooms

  15. 我们不可忘记数以百万计的失学儿童。

    We must not forget that millions of children are out of their schools .

  16. 我们乐意帮助失学儿童。

    We are happy to help out-of-school children .

  17. 农村儿童为何失学?&基于多层模型的经验研究

    Why So Many Rural Children Leave School ? & An Empirical Study with Multilevel Model

  18. 数百万儿童仍然失学。

    Millions of children are still unschooled .

  19. 甘肃贫困地区女童失学原因剖析

    Reasons of Girl 's Being unable to Go to School in Poverty-stricken Area in Gansu

  20. 这些儿童失学后游离在学校之外,无拘无束,引致的后果不堪设想。

    After they drop out of school , the endless freedom brings in disastrous consequences .

  21. 没有上过学的人语言技能非常贫乏;没上过学的天才;失学的儿童。

    Untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient ; an untutored genius ; uneducated children .

  22. 全世界有2亿青少年失学,相当于巴西的人口。

    Two hundred million adolescents are out of school worldwide , about the population of Brazil .

  23. 女孩戴面纱将失学!

    Face veils stop girls learning !

  24. 我想梅兰妮对曾失学有摆不脱的自卑。

    I think melanie 's got a bit of a hang-up about her lack of education .

  25. 同时,男孩们比女孩们更容易在高中失学。

    Boys , meanwhile , are more likely to drop out of high school than girls .

  26. 学生贷款证券化:解决贫困失学的新途径

    Loan for student backed securitization : a new way to solve the problem of drop-off for poverty

  27. 失学无业青年自信心调查与培养研究

    Research into What is the Unemployed Youth ' Confidence and How to Keep and Raise Their Confidence

  28. 因为无钱开学,许多在学学生有失学之忧;

    Because the schools have no money , many students fear that their education may be interrupted ;

  29. 约50%的小学失学适龄儿童居住在受冲突影响的地区。

    An estimated 50 per cent of out-of-school children of primary school age live in conflict-affected areas .

  30. 如果这种趋势继续下去,那么到2015年,失学人数将会增长而不是下降。

    If that continues , by 2015 numbers out of school will go up rather than down .