
  • 网络persuasive strategies
  1. 说服传播策略在广告中的运用

    The Utilization of Persuasive Tactics the Utilization of Persuasive Tactics in the Advertisement

  2. 试论警察说服的策略

    Talk Over the Tactics on Police Persuasion

  3. 本文选择以广告说服传播策略的模式与机制为切入点,分析广告人运用说服策略的形式和影响因素,通过定性分析与论证,探讨如何利用说服策略来增强广告的说服效果。

    In the basis of advertising persuasion tactics and models , the thesis analyzes the formats and influence factors . By the qualitative analysis and argumentation , it explores how to make use of the persuasive tactics to enforce the effect of persuasive advertisement .

  4. 分析文化和实地情景对于这方面的影响,即创造和管理用于向听众传达信息并说服他们的交际策略。

    Analyze the impact of culture and situational contexts on the creation and management of the communication choices used to inform and persuade audiences .