
  • 网络marketing strategy;marketing tactics;Strategic Marketing
  1. 本文首先从市场营销策略相关理论入手,运用宏观环境分析法(从PEST模型)、产业结构分析法对中国农业生产资料集团公司的营销环境进行了分析。

    First , it states the relevant theories of marketing strategy , introducing the analysis methods of macro-environment analysis ( from the PEST model ) and industrial structure analysis .

  2. 大连水泥集团市场营销策略研究

    The Marketing Strategy Study of Dalian Cement Group Co. , Ltd

  3. 基于Agent的企业市场营销策略模拟系统研究

    Study on Agent - based Enterprise Marketing Simulation System

  4. SUN公司中国服务器市场营销策略研究

    Research on the Marketing Strategy of the SUN Company

  5. K公司洗发用品东北区域市场营销策略的研究

    Research on Sell-Strategies of Shampoo Productions by Corporation K in the Northeast Region Market

  6. 而为了生存与发展,G公司的冻猪肉经营又该采取怎样的营销策略呢?鉴于此,同样处于激烈竞争之中的G公司研究和制定能适应经营环境需要的市场营销策略已成为发展的必然。

    For survival and development , how does G company make the marketing strategy for frozen pork business ?

  7. GM乳业股份有限公司市场营销策略

    The Marketing Strategies of GM Daily Limited Company

  8. 葫芦岛电信3G业务市场营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategy of Huludao Telecom 3G Business

  9. 四川联通CDMA的市场营销策略分析与研究

    An Analysis on the Marketing Strategy of Sichuan Unicom 's CDMA Mobile Service

  10. 3G时代电信运营商市场营销策略模型设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Telecom Operators ' Marketing Strategy Model in 3G Era

  11. D证券公司J理财产品的市场营销策略研究

    The Studies on the Marketing Strategy of the J Financial Products of Securities Company

  12. 重庆AB公司通用液压机市场营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Study for General-utility Hydraulic Press Equipment Based on AB Company of Chongqing

  13. GS管理咨询公司市场营销策略研究

    Studies on Marketing Tactics of GS Management Consulting Company

  14. 费申(真姓为汤普森)通过精明的市场营销策略建立起自己的事业,让他的网站在Google搜索排行榜上独占鳌头。

    Fashion , whose real surname is Thompson , built his business through months of shrewd marketing which saw his sites topping Google 's search rankings .

  15. 并且对A酒店进行了STP分析,给A酒店进行明确的定位,最后有针对性地提出了A酒店的市场营销策略。

    STP analysis to give clear positioning , and finally puts forward A hotel marketing strategy .

  16. 最后给出了ST公司半导体电源部中国市场营销策略,包括:产品策略,渠道策略,促销策略和大客户战略联盟策略。

    Finally , four marketing strategies are being used into the practice in ST Power B.U , including : production strategy 、 sales-channel strategy 、 promotion strategy and strategic-alliance strategy .

  17. 本文主要是对NEC手机市场营销策略中的重要组成部分-产品策略进行分析。

    This report analyzes one of the most important strategies of NEC Telecom , which is Product Strategy .

  18. 在此基础上,结合市场营销策略组合理论(4P)对RZ公司的营销策略进行分析并提出改进建议。

    Based on above analysis , a combination of marketing strategies is raised for RZ Company .

  19. 美国最高法院授予吸烟者起诉奥驰亚集团(AltriaGroup)和其他烟草公司的权利。吸烟者们声称,烟草公司对于淡型卷烟的市场营销策略有欺骗性。

    Smokers have been granted the right by the US Supreme Court to sue Altria Group and other tobacco companies over claims their marketing tactics for light cigarettes are deceptive .

  20. 市场营销策略部分在营销环境分析的基础上,确定了营销模式,提出了4PS营销计划方案。

    Marketing Analysis : making the marketing mode and 4Ps marketing plan on the basis of analysis of marketing environment .

  21. 长期以来,移动通信市场营销策略的制定一直围绕着4Ps展开,以定性分析方法为主。

    Marketing strategy formulation of mobile communication continuously concentrates on 4Ps and takes qualitative analysis method as primary method .

  22. 第四章则重点从企业层面和个人层面,结合自身多年的工作经验和所学的理论知识,提出了乌市电信我的e家产品的未来发展的市场营销策略和建议。

    The fourth chapter , focus from the enterprise level and individual level , combined with my years of work experience and theoretical knowledge , proposed Urumqi Telecom " ONE HOME " products in the future development of marketing strategies and recommendations .

  23. LEMO(雷莫)推拉自锁连接器中国市场营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategies of LEMO Push-Pull Connector in China

  24. A.O.史密斯热水器中国市场营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Study for A.O. Smith Water Heater in Chinese Market

  25. 同时,百事还遭受了市场营销策略失误带来的恶果,这包括对Tropicana糟糕的再包装及将Gatorade令人疑惑的重新推入市场。

    In the same period itsuffered several marketing flubs , including a botched Tropicana makeover and aconfusing relaunch of Gatorade .

  26. 认为ASB在ADSL方面具有一定的产品优势、价格优势,但在面临华为、中兴的巨大压力下,应该在市场营销策略方面加以优化和改进。

    The author thinks that ASB has some strength in product and price , but with the huge competition pressure from HUAWEI and ZTE , ASB should optimize and improve its ADSL marketing strategies .

  27. 为WH烟草公司制定了市场营销策略,包括品牌策略、分销渠道策略、促销策略、网络营销、体验营销等营销组合策略。

    Then the marketing strategy were drawed up for China Tobacco at WH , including brand strategy , distribution channel strategy , promotion strategy , network marketing , experiential marketing and so on .

  28. 在接下来的部分,论文总结了GS管理咨询公司在五年的发展过程中所采取的主要市场营销策略,包括其产品定位,产品策略,促销策略,合作商策略,咨询服务推进策略。

    From the chapter 3 , this article summarizes several important marketing tactics made by GS company during its 5 years ' development , including product position , product tactics , promotion tactics , representation tactics and consulting service promoting tactics .

  29. 再次,论文提出了KC公司第三终端市场营销策略,对产品策略、定价策略、渠道策略、促销策略进行了详细分析。

    Thirdly , the article presents the marketing strategy for KC Pharmaceutical Co , Ltd third medical terminal , analyzing products strategy , fixed price strategy , marketing channel strategy , and promote sales strategy thoroughly .

  30. 以及在发展战略目标下的经营策略:产品策略、自有品牌和OEM两条腿走路策略、市场营销策略、企业文化策略、企业信息化策略等竞争、经营策略。

    They are strategic agreement , strategic reform management and human resource management , and its products strategy , its own brand , OEM strategy , marketing strategy , enterprise culture strategy , enterprise information strategy by means of strategic evaluation .