
  • 网络Market challenger
  1. 由此,如何作为商业存在的实体、市场挑战者,在当地市场存在、发展,实现有效益的增长,是网通湖北分公司面临的一个严峻、迫切的问题。

    Therefore , being a commercial organization and market challenger , survival , development and beneficial growth in the local market are the severe and urgent problems that facing CNC Hubei Branch .

  2. 兴业银行应当尽早转变观念、实现市场角色转型,从之前的市场挑战者转变为市场补缺者。

    The results showed that Industrial Bank should change its market role as a market niche instead of market challenger as soon as possible .

  3. 中国企业高管反驳称,西方企业之所以抱怨,是因为它们第一次面临来自新兴市场挑战者的真正竞争。

    Chinese executives retort that Western companies are moaning because they are facing for the first time real competition from emerging market challengers .

  4. 这些技术难题导致绝对回报策略崛起,成为传统参考市场投资的最大挑战者。

    These technical difficulties have led to the rise of absolute return strategies as the greatest challenger to conventional , market-reference investing .

  5. 沈阳联通在集团合并重组后,从昔日的市场领先者变为综合通信市场的挑战者。

    After the reorganization merger , Shenyang Unicom became the challenger in communications market .

  6. 根据各个证券公司的不同竞争地位,制定不同的市场营销战略,分为市场领导者战略、市场挑战者战略、市场追随者战略和市场补缺者战略。

    According to the competitive position of each company , there are 4 different marketing strategies : market leader , market challenger , market follower and market supplier strategy .

  7. 其中,作为市场追随者,在追随市场领导者的同时,还要承受来自市场挑战者的压力。

    The followers of market whose strategy is made in conformity with the leader of market will surely be under the pressure from the challengers of market .

  8. 从搞好市场营销的要求出发,对博弈论在创建营销价值网、帮助市场挑战者正确决策、科学选择总体进攻战略等方面的应用进行探讨。

    In this paper , based on the market , we use Game Theory to build marketing value-net to help enterprise make ( right ) decision and make total strategy .