
  • 网络Market Development Strategy
  1. 中部市场发展战略与重点

    Market Development Strategy and Point in the Central Region of China

  2. 地勘企业市场发展战略的探讨

    Discussion on the market development strategy of the geological exploration enterprises

  3. 希望通过分析CYH公司的中国市场发展战略给中国本土汽车用品和服务企业带来启发和帮助,是论文的现实意义。

    I hope this paper will give China local car accessory and service corporations good suggestions and some help .

  4. 在此基础上,通过SWOT分析,提出了大型水电建筑企业的总体发展战略,并对水电建筑企业的市场发展战略、资本运营战略、品牌战略、体制创新战略及科技创新战略进行了详细的研究。

    On this basis , it used the SWOT analysis , the future general development strategy of large-scale hydropower construction enterprises was draw up . A detailed study of market development strategies , capital operation strategies , brand strategy , institutional strategy , technology innovation strategy .

  5. 辽宁省航运市场发展战略研究

    Research on Strategy of Shipping Market Development of Liaoning Province in China

  6. 中医药在澳大利亚的市场发展战略

    Strategy for Market Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Australia

  7. 浅议房地产经济的市场发展战略

    A Brief Talk On Market Development Stratagem Of Realty Economy

  8. 石家庄市绿色建材市场发展战略研究

    Study on the Strategy of the Green Building Materials Market of Shijiazhuang

  9. 重庆市消费品市场发展战略措施

    Developmental Strategic Measures of Consumer Goods Market in Chongqing

  10. 浅析我国汽车保险市场发展战略

    Analyze the Developed Strategy of Our Automobile Insurance Market

  11. 中国商务旅游市场发展战略思考

    Development strategy thinking on business travel market in China

  12. 华能集团广东电力市场发展战略研究

    Huaneng Group Guangdong Electric Power Market Development Strategy

  13. 十一五时期我国石油市场发展战略目标与政策建议

    Strategic Objectives and Policy Recommendations of China Oil Market during the Eleventh Five-year Plan

  14. 重庆市上市公司现状与资本市场发展战略

    On the Current Situations and Development Strategies of Chongqing 's Enterprises on the Stock Market

  15. 调整资本市场发展战略,充分实现其优化资源配置这一核心功能;

    The Capital Market gave great effect towards defining the enterprise 's intellectual properties and converting the firm 's administrative mechanism .

  16. 因此,如何客观有效地评价我国中小商业银行的竞争力,引导各中小商业银行抓住机遇,选择正确的市场发展战略,确立有效的提升途径和对策,将是一个重要的课题。

    It is an important topic to appraise the small Commercial bank competitive power effectively to establishes the effective promotion way .

  17. 在此背景下,张裕公司如何开展国际营销,实施海外市场发展战略,成为必须解决的问题。

    It becomes a serious problem under settlement for Changyu to expand international marketing and carry out developing strategy of overseas market .

  18. 河北省根据自身优势,应选择由交易中心向产地中心转化的批发市场发展战略。

    Hebei Province , considering its own advantages , shall adopt the development strategy of transforming from trading center to production center .

  19. 同时,在市场发展战略实施过程中,制定了战略控制方案和保障措施,保证了战略的执行和贯彻。

    Meanwhile , in the implementation process of strategy , developing the control programs and safeguards to ensure the implementation of the strategy and implement .

  20. 去年,米其林聘用了两名学生,他们曾参与为米其林设计印度市场发展战略的现实案例研究。

    Last year Michelin recruited two students who had worked on the live case to design a strategy for its development in the Indian market .

  21. 本文在分析批发市场发展战略选择五大原则的基础上,提出批发市场有静态和动态两种分类方法。

    Based on the analysis of five principles development strategy choice for wholesale market , this article divides the wholesale market into static and dynamic approaches types .

  22. 本文同时通过波士顿矩阵的分析方法得出焊管产品的市场发展战略和冷轧硅钢片的市场发展战略。

    In the same time , it make the welding steel pipe market exploit strategy and Grain Oriented Electrical Sheets marketing strategy by " BCG Grow-Share Matrix " .

  23. 通过贵州省旅游资源的共性与独特性的研究,提出相关的市场发展战略,以期为贵州省旅游业的可持续发展提供参考。

    This paper researches the similarity and speciality of tourism resources in Guizhou province , and puts forward related market development strategies , to provide suggestions for sustainable development of Guizhou provincial tourism .

  24. 目的:本研究主要为制定浏阳市某医院市场发展战略,推动区域医疗机构的管理水平的提高。方法:本文采用定量与定性结合的研究方法。

    Objectives : To formulate the market development strategy of a Hospital in liuYang city , and promote the management level of the regional medical institutions . Methods : This paper uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods .

  25. 本文主要分析BS公司进入中国市场的发展战略和策略。

    This article mainly introduces strategies that help BS entering developing in China market .

  26. 对W地产公司进入西安市场的发展战略进行了研究和探讨,从而制定出了适合W房地产公司在西安发展的长短期战略。

    The development strategy of W real estate company to enter Xi ' an market is studied in order to establish a short and long term development strategy for W real estate company in Xi ' an .

  27. 中国期货市场国际化发展战略研究

    Some Strategical Research on China 's Futures Market Development in Internationalization

  28. 利率改革、金融市场与发展战略

    Interrelationships among interest rate policy , financial markets and economic development

  29. 试论地质市场的发展战略

    A discussion on the strategy of developing the geological market

  30. 论武夷山旅游企业拓展市场的发展战略

    Development Strategy in Magnifying Market of Wuyi Mountain Tourist Enterprise