
  • 网络Market Leader
  1. 中国第二和第三大国有电信运营商的股价昨日大涨,原因是它们宣布将结成联盟与市场领先者中国移动(ChinaMobile)展开竞争。

    Shares in China 's second and third-largest state-owned telecom companies jumped yesterday on news of an alliance between them to take on market leader China Mobile .

  2. 市场领先者上汽集团(SAIC)仅在A股上市,而许多外国投资者都无法投资A股市场。

    The market leader , SAIC , is only listed in the A-share market , which is off-limits to many foreigners .

  3. Power系统和AIX&2010年无可置疑的UNIX市场领先者

    Power Systems and AIX & The undisputed UNIX leader in2010

  4. 该公司表示,与云计算相关的产品及服务营收到年底将实现翻番。分析师们普遍认为,IBM将成为云计算领域的市场领先者。

    Revenue from products and services related to cloud computing , one of the areas that analysts are watching for IBM to emerge a market leader , will double by the end of the year , the company said .

  5. 联通去年10月推出iPhone,成为这种手机在中国的唯一合法销售渠道。当时联通似乎把iPhone当作从昔日的垄断者、如今的市场领先者中国移动(ChinaMobile)那里挖走用户的神奇武器。

    When China Unicom introduced the iPhone in October last year , becoming the only legal channel for the handset in China , it seemed to count on the device as a wonder weapon for poaching subscribers from former monopolist and dominant market leader China Mobile .

  6. 尽管阿里巴巴仍是当仁不让的市场领先者,其旗下两家消费电商网站——淘宝网(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)——的人气在今年第一季度都有所下降,京东的人气则大幅上升。

    Although Alibaba remains the clear market leader , both of its consumer ecommerce sites - Taobao and Tmall - declined in popularity in the latest quarter , while JD.com was up sharply .

  7. 但是,这个行业整体上应该可以应对这次冲击,正如20世纪90年代,运动鞋行业适应了中国劳动成本上涨一样&当时,市场领先者耐克(Nike)面对的要求加薪的呼声最高。

    But the industry as a whole should be able to manage the shock , just as the sports shoe sector adapted to higher Chinese labour costs in the 1990s after a high-profile campaign against Nike , the market leader .

  8. 私有云是市场领先者的最爱。

    The private cloud is everything the incumbents love .

  9. 沈阳联通在集团合并重组后,从昔日的市场领先者变为综合通信市场的挑战者。

    After the reorganization merger , Shenyang Unicom became the challenger in communications market .

  10. 常识告诉我们:市场领先者享有得天独厚的优势。这一点得到了研究结果的证实。

    Research confirms what common sense already tells us : market leaders have all the fun .

  11. 我们工作十分努力,因此我们才可以保持市场领先者的地位。

    We worked very hard . So , we could maintain our reputation as the market leader .

  12. 不过,市场领先者有一点所言极是:对于大公司,完全云化殊为不易。

    The incumbents have a point , though : For larger corporations , going full cloud is not simple .

  13. 在冷冻罗非鱼,中国的市场领先者,无论对整个和鱼片市场。

    In terms of frozen tilapia , China leads the market , both for the whole and the fillet market .

  14. 与苹果签约合作,将使中国联通获得一个强大的工具,可从市场领先者那里争夺年轻的手机用户。

    A deal with Apple would give China Unicom a powerful tool to poach young mobile users from the market leader .

  15. 充分发挥企业现有的在营销、品牌方面的优势,选择积极进攻类型的市场领先者战略作为其基础战略;

    It should take advantage of established market network and good reputation on brand and select the style of initiative attack market leader strategy as its basic strategy ;

  16. 尽管阿里巴巴仍是显而易见的市场领先者,并在加大投资力度,但《中国投资参考》预计,在持续加大物流投资和用户基础扩大的帮助下,京东有望夺取更多地盘。

    Although Alibaba remains the clear market leader and continues to invest heavily , China Confidential expects JD.com to gain further ground , helped by the company 's ongoing investment in logistics and its growing consumer base .

  17. 宝马和戴姆勒正在追赶中国豪华车市场领先者奥迪。奥迪曾主导中国市场20多年,但近年失去了一些市场份额。中国已成为全球最大的豪华车市场之一。

    BMW and Daimler are chasing Chinese premium market leader Audi , which has lost market share in recent years after more than two decades dominating what has become one of the world 's largest premium car markets .

  18. Paul:WebsphereApplicationServer是市场的领先者,十多年的投资促进了无数次的革新。

    Paul : WebSphere Application Server is the market leader with over a decade of investments driving countless innovations .

  19. ARM系列微处理器作为全球16/32位RISC处理器市场的领先者,在许多领域内得到了成功的应用。

    As the leader of 16 / 32-bit RISC Microcontroller in world market , ARM Series Microprocessor has been used successfully in many fields .

  20. 如果他们想成为市场的领先者,公司必须确保他们的产品是高质量的。

    If they want to become the market leader , the company must ensure that their product is of high quality .

  21. 毫无疑问,RedHat是近几年Linux市场上的领先者,对于大企业市场尤其如此。

    Unquestionably , Red Hat has been the Linux market leader through the years , particularly for big business .

  22. 我们公司的每个人都愿意相信我们仍是市场上的领先者。

    Everybody in our company wants to believe that we are still the number-one player in the market .

  23. 四川省移动通信公司在四川省竞争性的通信服务市场占据了行业领先者地位,但现面临更大的市场竞争威胁。

    Now Sichuan Mobile Communications Corporations ( SCMCC ) is of course the leader of Sichuan mobile Communications Markets and is facing more and more competition .

  24. 在这种环境下,需要电信运营商有效地制定、实施企业的竞争战略,以使本公司充分发挥自身优势、克服缺点、把握机会、规避危险,从而在市场竞争中占据领先者的地位。

    In this environment , telecom operators need to effectively develop , implement competitive business strategies to enable the Company to give full play to their strengths , overcome weaknesses , seize opportunities , avoid risk , and thus a competitive edge in the market leader position .

  25. 市场跟进者与市场领先者的博弈&由《新闻报》、《申报》竞争模式看当前报业同质化现象浅析当代报刊版面设计的策略

    The Game between the Entrant and the Dominator & analysis of identical phenomena of current newspaper based on the competition between xinwen bao and shen bao Analysis on the countermeasures of the current newspaper layout

  26. 通力的专业力、想象力和创造力,使其在短短的时间内便迅速成为了在银行金融、资本市场以及公司领域的中国法律服务市场领先者。

    Llinks technical skill , imagination , and creativity has made it Chinas leading law firm in banking and finance , capital markets , and corporate law .

  27. 通过收购Skype,微软在移动市场的竞争力大为提升,并成为互联网语音和视频通信市场的显著领先者。

    By acquiring Skype , Microsoft becomes a much stronger player in mobile and the clear market leader in Internet voice and video communications .