
  • 网络Nottingham;The University of Nottingham
  1. 国王于1330年10月14日至19日在诺丁汉召集协商会议。

    The King held a council at Nottingham from 14 to 19 October 1330 .

  2. 诺丁汉森林队于星期二打败了特兰米尔队,取得了决赛资格。

    Nottingham Forest qualified for the final by beating Tranmere on Tuesday

  3. 我与诺丁汉的一位帅小伙儿交往过。

    I got off with a cute boy from Nottingham .

  4. 在诺丁汉我经历了自己在童话剧演出中最尴尬的时刻之一。

    I had one of my most embarrassing moments in panto in Nottingham .

  5. 布拉克赫斯特农业学院,在诺丁汉郡绍斯韦尔附近

    Brackhurst Agricultural College , nr Southwell , Notts .

  6. 起了疑心的爱好者揭发了这一勾当,警察在诺丁汉逮捕了一名男子。

    Suspicious fans exposed the racket and police arrested a man in Nottingham .

  7. 诺丁汉警方昨晚找到了他们声称的可疑包裹。

    Nottingham police last night found what they described as a suspicious package .

  8. 在阿斯顿维拉队主场以2比1战胜诺丁汉森林队的比赛中,麦格拉思打入了制胜的一球。

    McGrath scored the decider in Villa 's 2-1 home win over Forest .

  9. 诺丁汉郡议会将削减200个工作岗位,以逃避地方税限额。

    Notts County Council is to cut 200 jobs in a bid to escape being rate-capped .

  10. 那位职业赛马骑师周一从美国赶回诺丁汉参加比赛,但是一无所获。

    The jockey rushed back from America to ride at Nottingham on Monday but went unrewarded .

  11. 这3个人住在诺丁汉的两家旅馆里,而且都是在案发的前一天登记入住。

    The three men stayed at two hotels in Nottingham , booking in at one the day before the crime .

  12. 从诺丁汉到谢菲尔德大约30英里。

    It is about thirty miles between Nottingham and sheffield .

  13. 一些海外分校,比如纽约大学(newyorkuniversity)在阿联酋以及诺丁汉大学在中国开设的分校,已经建立起良好的声誉。

    A few offshore campuses , such as New York University in the UAE and Nottingham University in China , have already established a good reputation .

  14. WTO背景下中国高等教育创新的探索&宁波诺丁汉大学之案例分析

    An Exploratory Probe into the WTO and the Innovation of China 's Higher Education & A Case Study on Nottingham Ningbo Campus

  15. 诺丁汉大学商学院(NottinghamUniversityBusinessSchool)及剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)佳奇管理学院(JudgeBusinessSchool)在各自网站的显著位置宣传商业伦理与公司治理课程。

    The University of Nottingham 's Business School and Cambridge University 's Judge Business School both promote business ethics and corporate governance courses clearly on their websites .

  16. 这项研究的参与者之一、英国诺丁汉大学的PaulSharp说,在喀麦隆只发现了12名感染N型艾滋病病毒感染者。

    Type N has only been found in12 patients in Cameroon , says co-researcher Paul Sharp from the University of Nottingham , United Kingdom .

  17. 她一头金发,美丽迷人,并且依靠自己在诺丁汉经营的派对策划公司EloquentEvents每年可以赚得30万英镑。

    Shes blonde , glamorous and earns 300,000 a year running her own party planning business , Eloquent Events , in Nottingham .

  18. “我认为这是个好点子,”诺丁汉居民RobinIngram告诉记者。

    " I think it is a great idea ," Nottingham resident Robin Ingram told the service .

  19. 在加长的圣诞剧集中我们看到Robin终于见到了国王Richard,并且把诺丁汉长官卑鄙的计划告诉了他。

    A double Christmas episode would see Robin finally meet up with King Richard and warn him of the Sheriff of Nottingham 's dastardly plans .

  20. 诺丁汉大学(NottinghamUniversity)英国烟草控制研究中心(UKCentreforTobaccoControlStudies)主任,流行病学教授约翰布里顿(JohnBritton)表示,肉制品行业应从烟草业的错误中吸取教训。

    John Britton , professor of epidemiology and director of the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies at Nottingham University , says the meat industry should learn from the mistakes of the tobacco industry .

  21. 同时采用诺丁汉健康量表(NHPQOL)了解患者的生活质量。

    At the same time , NHP-QOL was used to study the quality of life of the patients .

  22. LG在手机上一下子超越三星,用足球打比喻,就像我最爱的乙级的诺丁汉森林队(NottinghamForest)的一名后卫把球从莱昂内尔•梅西(LionelMessi)的两腿之间传过去。

    LG leapfrogging Samsung 's phones is , in football terms , like a defender on my second-tier Nottingham Forest team nutmegging Lionel Messi .

  23. 英国诺丁汉大学政治历史教授StevenFielding表示,这些电视辩论对选举结果来说将是非常关键的。

    Steven Fielding , professor of Political History at Britain 's Nottingham University , says these televised debates may prove crucial to the of the election .

  24. 这位数学家之所以设计这条公式,是因为他在诺丁汉(Nottingham)曾经很能吸引游人的罗宾逊纪念馆(theTalesofRobinHood)上班时,不得不穿绿色长袜。

    The mathematician designed the equation after he had to wear green stockings when he worked at the Tales of Robin Hood , a former tourist attraction in Nottingham .

  25. 英国诺丁汉大学政策专家StevenFielding表示,对于英国军队撤离如此致命的地区,英国公众将会非常高兴。

    Politics expert Steven Fielding , from Britain 's University of Nottingham , said the British public will be happy for its troops to exit such a deadly region .

  26. 诺丁汉大学商学院主管国际化的副校长克里斯汀恩纽(christineennew)教授表示,财政收入并不是主要动机。

    Prof Christine ennew , pro-vice Chancellor for internationalisation at Nottingham University Business School , plays down the financial motive .

  27. 来自英国诺丁汉大学的心理学家ShaaronAinsworth与他人在《科学》杂志上共同发表了一篇论文。

    Psychologist Shaaron Ainsworth from the University of Nottingham in the UK co-authored an article on drawing in the journal Science .

  28. 诺丁汉居民因室内盗窃而提出保险赔偿的机率是Endsleigh保险公司全国平均水平的两倍之多。

    Residents in Nottingham were more than twice as likely to claim for household theft than insurer Endsleigh 's national average .

  29. 来自诺丁汉大学的当代中国研究学院教授曾锐生表示,土豪有点像是法语中nouveauriche暴发户,但指代更消极,还稍嫌粗俗。

    It 's like the term nouveau riche , says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham - but has even more negative connotations , suggesting a certain vulgarity .

  30. 瑞伊·斯梅尔(ZoieySmale)来自英国诺丁汉郡,今年28岁,6月荣获英国小姐桂冠,本来正在筹备9月将在厄瓜多尔举办的世界小姐比赛。

    Zoiey Smale , 28 , from Nottinghamshire , was crowned Miss UK in June and was preparing to compete at Miss United Continents in Ecuador in September .