
  • 网络Nou Camp;Camp Nou
  1. 梅西在诺坎普的前队友哈维称,C罗值得人们尊重,但感觉这位葡萄牙射手还是不如阿根廷人。

    Xavi , a former team-mate of Messi 's at Camp Nou , said Ronaldo deserved credit , but feels the Portuguese attacker is behind the Argentinian .

  2. 巴塞罗那立即出面澄清了谣言,贝基里斯坦表示这位明星前锋将会留在诺坎普。

    Barcelona have moved quickly to dispel the rumours and Berguiristain insists the classy forward is staying at Camp Nou .

  3. 伊布拉希莫维奇在诺坎普受到了如斯疯狂的欢迎。

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been welcomed by a rapturous Camp Nou .

  4. 如今,为梅西喝彩几乎也成为了诺坎普球场的固定风景。

    Now , for Messi cheers almost become a fixed scenic Camp Stadium .

  5. 尤其是在诺坎普球场最后一刻的平局让我们分外高兴。

    The recent last-gasp draw at Barcelona 's Nou Camp was a particular highlight .

  6. 在罗布森和之后的路易斯-范加尔麾下,他在诺坎普逐渐成长为一队教练。

    Under Robson and then Louis van gaal , he developed into a first-team coach at the Nou camp .

  7. 诺坎普,我喜欢看着巴塞罗那踢球,我希望有朝一日能够到那里踢球。

    The Nou Camp . I love watching Barcelona play and I 'd love to play there one day .

  8. 当大屏幕显示出诺坎普之战的结果时,我不禁叹了口气。

    There was a low groan when the big screen showed the score from the Nou Camp last night .

  9. 阿尔沙文:和巴萨对决将会很有趣,特别是在诺坎普体育场。

    AA : I think that it would be interesting to play with Barcelona , especially at Camp Nou .

  10. 对阵马竞的比赛之前,巴萨众人在诺坎普的大雨中进行了最后一堂训练。

    FC Barcelona made the final training session before the match against Atletico Madrid under the rain at the Camp Nou .

  11. 达夫和加拉正在接受治疗以使他们能在明天诺坎普的比赛中上场。

    Damien Duff and William Gallas were under treatment as work continued to get them fit for the Nou Camp tomorrow .

  12. 4月末,切尔西在巴塞罗那诺坎普体育场举行的欧洲冠军杯半决赛中对阵巴塞罗那队。

    Tonight their team is playing Barcelona in the semi-final of Europe 's Champions League in the Catalan city 's Camp Nou stadium .

  13. 但这名和诺坎普的合同在六月到期的南美球员,强调现在他会优先考虑留在巴塞。

    But the South american , whose Nou Camp contract expires in june , insists remaining at Barca is his top priority for now .

  14. 一年前,您退还了名誉主席徽章,到现在还没有回到过诺坎普。

    Hace un a ñ o usted devolvi ó la insignia de presidente de honor ( * ) y no ha vuelto al Camp Nou .

  15. 这名法国射手还透露巴塞罗那曾在今年夏天邀请他加盟,但他最终决定留在斑马军团,而不是转会到诺坎普。

    The Frenchman also revealed Barcelona came knocking on the door but he decided to stay on at Juventus rather than move to Camp Nou .

  16. 噢,有一点不足得是:巴塞罗纳在诺坎普球场以绝对优势战胜云达不莱梅获得小组出线。

    Oh , there is one bad point : barcelona scraped through to the knock-out stages with a win over Werder Bremen at camp nou .

  17. 阿根廷人和诺坎普的合同今年夏天到期,而他的博斯曼身份吸引了很多俱乐部的兴趣。

    The argentine 's contract with the Camp Nou outfit expires in the summer and his Bosman status has attracted the interest of numerous clubs .

  18. 他说有可能会离开诺坎普,但他的下一站目的地也将会是一个大俱乐部。

    He also spoke about possible destinations should he pack his bags at the camp nou , insisting that it would be just as big a team .

  19. 巴萨必须在等待一周加冕西甲冠军-礼拜六在诺坎普补时阶段的进球憾平。下图为比利亚尼亚尔扳平比分后队员们在庆贺。

    Barcelona were stunned by an injury-time equalizer in the Camp Nou on Sunday which means they must wait another week to clinch the Spanish Primera Liga title .

  20. 球队还将参加每年一次的甘伯杯,这次的对手是拜仁慕尼黑,周二晚上的诺坎普将迎来这场对抗。

    The team will also have participated inthe annual Gamer Trophy match , this time against Bayern Munich , which takes place in Camp Nou on Tuesday evening .

  21. 利用贝克汉姆名字登上诺坎普主席位置的拉波尔塔,因为签约贝克汉姆而震撼世界的弗洛伦蒂诺都送来了鼓励。

    David Beckham 's name used to board the location of Camp Nou President Joan Laporta , since signing David Beckham and shook the world have brought Florentino encouraged .

  22. 这名前马洛卡前锋表示,就个人意愿而言他还是希望留在诺坎普,但是如果给他施加巨大的压力他将可能转投意大利。

    The former Mallorca player has himself stated that he wants to remain with the Blaugrana , but may consider a move to Italy if he is pressured into leaving .

  23. 在周日晚上巴萨勉强的未能保住积分榜首的位置,一个预料中的失败去促使在诺坎普的一连串转会活动。

    Barcelona narrowly missed out on retaining the La Liga title on Sunday evening , a failure which is expected to prompt a flurry of transfer activity at the Nou Camp .

  24. 曼城早就已经表现出了对罗纳尔迪尼奥的兴趣,但是他们同样也知道,小罗离开诺坎普的话只会去圣西罗。

    City have long made their interest in the Barcelona outcast clear , but he has always maintained he will only leave the Nou Camp for a switch to San Siro .

  25. 诺坎普球场充满了欢快的气氛,不过当里昂在上半场结束前和下半场开始时,由马库恩和小儒尼尼奥攻入两入两球后,里昂生出了一线希望。

    The euphoria inside a packed Nou Camp was tempered , however , when Lyon scored either side of halftime through Jean Makoun and Juninho to give themselves a ray of hope .

  26. 接下来的一个赛季,重心又转移到欧洲,通往雅典的道路上,利物浦在诺坎普击败卫冕冠军巴塞罗那,在安菲尔德再次逼退魔力鸟的切尔西。

    The following season a remarkable run to another European cup final in Athens saw Liverpool defeat defending Champions Barcalona at the Nou Camp and again dispose of Mourinho 's Chelsea at Anfield .

  27. 这名前切尔西前锋在这个夏天已经被传要离开诺坎普,而阿森纳前锋亨利的到来无疑意味着他即将结束他的加泰罗尼亚之旅。

    The former Chelsea forward had already been linked with a Nou Camp departure this summer-but the impending arrival of Arsenal striker Henry will almost certainly spell the end of his Catalan career .

  28. 红黑军团首席执行官甘蒂尼本周在诺坎普参加欧洲俱乐部联合峰会,他告诉媒体意甲豪门依然希望得到这名射手。

    Rossoneri director , Umberto Gandini , is at Camp Nou this week for the European Club Association ( ECA ) conference and he told reporters that the Serie A giants'still wanted the striker .

  29. 万英镑的身价从利物浦转投巴塞罗那怀抱中,但事实证明他很难在诺坎普找到一席之地,其仅有九次联赛首发的纪录。

    Mascherano , who signed for Barcelona from Liverpool for around £ 17m in the summer , has found it difficult to command a regular spot at the Nou Camp and has only started nine league games .

  30. 但是,穆帅坚持由希拉里奥在诺坎普首发,该报称,库迪尼奇在同巴萨的比赛前遇见穆帅,暗示希望离开切尔西。

    But Mourinho stuck with Hilario for the trip to nou camp , and the paper says that Cudicini confronted the Blues boss before the match in Spain and indicated his desire to quit the West londoners .