
  1. 他的雇主——诺福克社会服务中心给予了他支持。

    His employers , Norfolk social services , backed him up .

  2. 我是一个来自诺福克的朴实的乡下男孩。

    I was a simple country boy from Norfolk .

  3. 诺福克自然生活的创始人贝拉·米德尔顿补充道:“我一点也不惊讶地毯比马桶圈要脏,这主要是因为人们清洁卫生间的频率比清洁地毯的频率高得多。”

    Bella Middleton , Founder16 of Norfolk Natural Living , added : ' I am not at all surprised that your carpets are dirtier than your loo seat , largely because people clean their bathroom a lot more often than they do their carpets .

  4. 该公司将转而聚焦于北美和北海的天然气投资项目,以及计划在诺福克郡海岸外修建的racebank风力发电场。

    The company would instead focus its investments on North America , North Sea natural gas and race bank , a wind farm it is planning to build off the Norfolk coast .

  5. 摄影师马特·波特斯在威廉王子一家在诺福克的AnmerHall家中拍摄了这张照片,路易斯看起来正在茁壮成长。

    In this most recent snap , captured by photographer Matt Porteous at the family 's Norfolk home of Anmer Hall , Louis seems to be growing up fast .

  6. 她可不会走访诺福克郡(norfolk)的幼儿园。

    No nurseries in Norfolk for her in old age .

  7. 该地区以前也曾进行过军事削减,但是从来都不像这次的规模那样大,所以这使得诺福克市长保罗·福拉姆(PAULFRAIM)非常惊讶。

    Some of its There have been military s in the region before , but nothing as significant as this , and it caught Norfolk Mayor Paul Fraim by surprise .

  8. Russell在诺福克探亲,并在他的智能手机上获得了Trammell的消息。

    Russell was visiting family in Norfolk and got Trammell 's message on his smartphone .

  9. HanburyEvansWrightVlattas建筑设计事务所(该事务所位于弗吉尼亚州诺福克市)主管

    Mike Evans , a principal at Norfolk , Va. , design firm Hanbury Evans Wright

  10. 还有几张照片是乔治小王子在由剑桥公爵夫妇命名的“WilliamAndCatherine”的木制秋千上或站或坐的情景,此外还有他在诺福克花园里散步的照片。

    The photographs also show him standing and sitting on a wooden swing , personalised with his parents names , William and Catherine , and walking through the family 's Norfolk garden .

  11. 香港作为殖民地的最后一任总督彭定康有一条名为“威士忌”(Whisky)的诺福克梗,1997年时在这条路上吞食了有毒的诱饵,差点丧命。

    Chris Patten , Hong Kong 's last colonial governor , almost lost his Norfolk terrier Whisky after the dog ate poisoned bait left along the road in 1997 .

  12. 从下月起,包括无人机在内的飞行器都被禁止在安墨厅(AnmerHall)周边1.5英里(约合2.4公里)的范围内飞行。安墨厅坐落在女王的桑德林汉姆庄园(SandringhamEstate),这座庄园位于诺福克郡金斯林附近。

    All aircraft - including drones - are to be banned from flying within 1.5 miles of Anmer Hall , situated on the Queen 's Sandringham Estate near King 's Lynn in Norfolk , from next month .

  13. 证明了这种中可以看出奥迪A6轿车(我们肯定奥迪的律师正在追踪这个太),最近被发现测试莲花附近的公司总部设在诺福克,英格兰。

    Proof of such can be seen in the A6 Coupe ( we 're sure Audi 's lawyers are keeping tabs on this one too ), which has recently been spotted testing near Lotus'corporate headquarters in Norfolk , England .

  14. 当地商会负责人JackHornbeck表示,“这对我们地区来说是毁灭性的。这是毫无疑问的,会造成很大的影响,很大的忧虑。”诺福克经济学家VinodAgarwal表示,当地经济依赖军事来赚取收入。

    Jack Hornbeck , who s the local of commerce , said " It 's for our region . There 's no question about that , a lot of impact , a lot of concern . " Vinod Agarwal , an economics professor in Norfolk , says local businesses the military for income .

  15. 澳洲和南太平洋诺福克岛的常绿树种。

    Evergreen of Australia and Norfolk Island in the South Pacific .

  16. 他们正在为诺福克的居民磨白面粉。

    They were grinding white flour for the people of norfolk .

  17. 这是诺福克与诺维奇大学医院的网站。

    This is the website of Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital .

  18. 他是诺福克精纺毛料行业的一名独立手艺人。

    He worked as an independent craftsman in the Norfolk worsted industry .

  19. 诺福克是一个环境优美的城市,我所就读的大学尤为如此。

    Norfolk is a beautifully neighbored city , my university in particular .

  20. 尽管诺福克公爵骨子里一直信奉天主教

    Although Norfolk may have been a Catholic at heart ,

  21. 据调查,该犯罪行为于1979年-1999年之间发生于诺福克。

    The crimes allegedly took place between 1979 and 1999 in Norfolk .

  22. 佛吉尼亚州诺福克首次为贝尔系统生产史端乔底板。

    First Strowger board manufactured for Bell System ( Norfolk , Virginia ) .

  23. 兰利号在诺福克海军基地转为第一艘美国航空母舰。

    Converted into the first US aircraft carrier at the Norfolk Navy Yard .

  24. 安娜·休厄尔出生于英格兰诺福克。

    Anna Sewell is born in Norfolk , England .

  25. 在这一竞赛的推动下,诺福克海军船厂干了一整天。

    Spurred on by the competition , Norfolk Navy Yard spent the whole day .

  26. 东窗事发时她直接把诺福克公爵关押在伦敦塔

    When the plot was exposed , she sent Norfolk straight to the Tower .

  27. 诺福克岛电视台:1987年建立。

    Norfolk Island Television Service : f.1987 .

  28. 当他向他们讲述他在诺福克的假期时,他们仍旧感到惊奇、哭笑不得。

    They were surprised and amused when he told them about his holiday in Norfolk .

  29. 该市北距费城125英里,南离诺福克125英里

    The city is 125 miles south of Philadelphia , and 125 miles north of Norfolk

  30. 诺福克公爵托马斯·霍华德

    Thomas Howard , Duke of Norfolk .