
  • 网络hampshire;New Hampshire;hampshire county;Hants
  1. 他用化名在汉普郡的舰队街租了间房子。

    Using an alias , he had rented a house in Fleet , Hampshire .

  2. 煤气系统的官员正在调查一起瓦斯爆炸的起因,这起事故严重毁坏了汉普郡的一所房屋。

    Gas officials are investigating the cause of an explosion which badly damaged a house in Hampshire

  3. 这座花园位于地势连绵起伏的汉普郡的一处山岗上,环境十分优美。

    The garden is in a beautiful situation on top of a fold in the rolling Hampshire landscape .

  4. 1985年的今天,美国副总统乔治·H·W·布什宣布新汉普郡老师克里斯蒂娜·麦克奥莉芙将成为首位登上航天飞船的在校老师。

    1985-US Vice President George H.W.Bush announces that New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe will become the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the Space Shuttle .

  5. 设计者是来自汉普郡,南安普敦的游艇设计公司BMTNigelGee。

    The designer is BMT Nigel Gee , of Southampton , Hants .

  6. 问:12月我们想在汉普郡(Hampshire)的家中举办一场聚会,想邀请各种宗教信仰的朋友来。

    We are planning a party at our home in Hampshire in early December and would like to invite friends from various religious denominations .

  7. 同一天,在英国汉普郡比尤利国家汽车博物馆(BeaulieuNationalMotorMuseum)举行的收藏车年度拍卖会上,邦瀚斯还卖出一辆1929年产宾利(Bentley)4.5升三厢跑车。

    On the same day , Bonhams also sold a 1929 Bentley 4.5-liter Sports Saloon in its annual sale of collectors " cars at the Beaulieu National Motor Museum in Hampshire in England .

  8. 无独有偶,不久前,一台在汉普郡Milford-on-Sea餐厅的汇丰银行ATM也发生了类似故障,上百名村民获得了意外之财。

    Last month , hundreds of villagers in Milford-on-Sea in Hampshire enjoyed the same unexpected windfall after an HSBC cash machine experienced a similar glitch .

  9. 但是几天以后,Keith就要开车返回自己在50英里以外位于汉普郡维坎镇的家里。他单身一人,有着一份计算机程序员的工作。

    In a few days , though , Keith will drive back to Wickham , Hampshire , 50 miles away , where he lives alone and works as a computer programmer .

  10. Tyco公司是一家环球公司,它的办事处设在岛上一幢小办公楼内,而它的大部分业务则在新汉普郡经营。

    Tyco , the global conglomorate , has space in this small office building even though most of its operations are here in New Hampshire .

  11. 格林纳维30出头,来自英国汉普郡,是一位英国律师。2007年6月,她搬到圣卢西亚的玛丽格特湾(MarigotBay),她希望在这里度过她职业生涯中的空档年。

    She is a British lawyer in her early 30s from Hampshire , who moved to Marigot Bay in St Lucia in June 2007 for what she intended to be a career gap year .

  12. Turner与他87岁的新西兰国籍的妻子Doris决定离开居住的汉普郡村庄,前往新西兰南部的纳尔逊寻找冒险和消除妻子的乡愁。

    Eric King-Turner and his New Zealander wife Doris , 87 , have decided to leave their village in Hampshire , for the city of Nelson on the South Island , seeking adventure and a cure for her homesickness .

  13. 马克南担任英格兰南部汉普郡(Hampshire)帕克希尔饭店(Parkhillrestaurant)米其林星级餐厅LePoussin(如今已关张)主厨时只有21岁,有次受邀参加在北京香格里拉酒店(Shangri-Lahotel)蓝韵餐厅(BluLobster)举办的午宴。

    McKenna , who had become head chef of the ( now closed ) Michelin-starred Le Poussin at Parkhill restaurant in Hampshire , southern England , when he was just 21 , was asked to launch the Blu Lobster restaurant at the Shangri-La hotel .

  14. 要是没有特别的原因,律师是不会从伦敦赶到汉普郡来的。

    No lawyer would travel from London to Hampshire without good reason .

  15. 回新汉普郡,做个快乐的有钱人吧!

    Go back to New Hampshire and enjoy being rich !

  16. 我们撤出新汉普郡,把投在爱荷华,威斯康星的资金拿出来。

    We cut new hampshire , pull money out of Iowa and wisconsin .

  17. 欢迎光临英国汉普郡四季酒店。

    Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Hampshire , England .

  18. 去世之后,她被埋葬在汉普郡的温彻斯特大教堂。

    She died and was buried in Hampshire 's cathedral city of Winchester .

  19. 从8岁起乔治就在汉普郡的学校里住宿了。

    From the age of eight , George boarded at his school in hampshire .

  20. 我暂时到汉普郡的索桑普敦勋爵家住一阵。

    I 'm going to Lord Southampton 's home in Hampshire for a while .

  21. 他是汉普郡的上流绅士中的一员。

    He 's among the first gentlemen ofhampshire .

  22. 英格兰汉普郡警方已经向那些习惯在车外悬挂旗帜的驾车人提出了警告,警方认为随风飘扬的旗子会使过往的马匹受到惊吓。

    Police in rural Hampshire have warned motorists that their fluttering flags are frightening the horses .

  23. 奥斯汀生于1775年,她在英格兰南部的汉普郡度过了她的大半生。

    Austen , born in1775 , lived most of her life in Hampshire , southern England .

  24. 简·奥斯汀去世近200年之后,她的汉普郡当然还在。

    Nearly 200 years after her death , the Hampshire of Jane Austen is certainly there .

  25. 另一名海军服务人员被汉普郡警方逮捕,现在拘押中。

    A third Royal Navy serviceman has been arrested by Hampshire Constabulary and is now in custody .

  26. 在英国汉普郡,一只饥饿的松鼠觅食时钻入了一个头盔。

    A hungry squirrel in Hampshire , the UK , tucked into a helmet when looking for food .

  27. 当第一次内战结束时,在汉普郡已经没有爆发更大的政治冲突。

    When the first civil war ended , there was no bigger political conflict to break out in Hampshire .

  28. 可是没多久,1809年,她又搬到了汉普郡另一个安静的村庄,重新开始了创作。

    However , soon after her 1809 move to another quiet Hampshire village , she began to write again .

  29. 于是我有几个星期去了汉普郡帮威尔料理羊毛生意。

    but I went down to Hampshire for a few weeks to do some business for Will about some sheep .

  30. 在内战时期,汉普郡成为双方激烈争夺的目标。

    During the civil war , the county of Hampshire became the drastic target that was contested between two sides .