
  • 网络Chinese literature
  1. 论日本汉文学史

    A Brief Comment on Japanese History of Chinese Literature

  2. 汉文学表现自强不息的中华民族精神。

    Chinese literature represent the Chinese national spirit of constantly strive to become stronger .

  3. 《看不见的人》与《小癞子》等流浪汉文学的异同

    The Similarities and Differences between Invisible Man and Other Picaresque Novels

  4. 汉文学作品中的模糊语言及其模糊性

    On Vague Language in Chinese Literary Works and Its Causes

  5. 韩国文学批评从1900年开始都是汉文学批评。

    Literary Criticism in Korea has been Chinese literary criticism since 1900 .

  6. 日本古代汉文学的发展轨迹与特征

    Tracing the Development and Characteristics of Chinese Literary Composition in Ancient Japan

  7. 日本汉文学是一笔数量十分可观的文学遗产。

    Ch in ese literature in Japan is a literary heritage of treasure .

  8. 导论总结归纳蒙汉文学比较研究领域中的几个重大课题。

    The introduction summarizes some topics in the field of comparative literature between Mongolian and Chinese .

  9. 与传统的古典汉文学相比,燕岩体在美学风格上具有了一定的现代意义。

    Compare with the traditional classic literature , it has some modern significance in a certain stage .

  10. 中国人不可不知道的一段文学史&琉球汉文学概述

    A Literary History The Chinese Could Not Be Unknown : A Summary of Han Literature on Ryukyu Islands

  11. 但是,在正统的朝鲜古代文学史上有记载的汉文学作家大都是男性。

    However , according the orthodox Korean ancient history of literature , the recorded Han writers are mostly male .

  12. 本部分阐明了越南汉文学在越南古代文学史上的地位,阐述了包括汉诗在内的越南汉文学的研究现状,说明了本论文的研究方法和研究意义。

    This part clarifies the positions of Chinese literature and Chinese poetry in the history of Vietnamese ancient literature .

  13. 对汉文学在日本文学史上的地位,当代日本人有两种截然不同的看法和评价。有些日本人对汉文学过于轻视、鄙薄,甚至认为是殖民地化的文学,这是不对的。

    About the position of Chinese literature in Japan , there are two views and judgments of complete difference .

  14. 鲁迅给我们留下了两部文学史著作:《中国小说史略》和《汉文学史纲要》。

    Lu Xun left two works of the literature history " Chinese novel outline history " and " Chinese literature history " .

  15. 琉球汉文学大致可分为早、中、后三个时期。

    The Han literature on Ryukyu Islands can be divided into three stages , the early , the middle , and the late .

  16. 双方出使的文臣往往经过精心挑选,汉文学水平较高、文化底蕴较深,有相互交流的基础和条件。

    Civil chancellors of both sides well-chosen have a high degree of Chinese literature and profound cultural foundation and have the qualifications for mutual exchanges .

  17. 你是否可预测一下,将来,中国以及汉文学的最高水平区会移向珠江流域吗?

    You can predict the future , China and Chinese literature , the highest level in the Pearl River Basin District will move to it ?

  18. 这部日本汉文学史从宗旨、纲目、分期、撰述的方法与具体材料的处理都应该提出新的独立的见解。

    This new volume should put up new and independent viewpoints in its aim , scheme , periods , the ways of writing and concrete materials .

  19. 古代朝鲜的汉文学成就卓著,其中许多汉文学大家在中国的古代文学史上都占有重要的地位。

    Han literature achieves eminently in ancient Korea , in which a lot of Han writers play an important role in Chinese ancient history of literature .

  20. 元代蒙古族的汉文诗歌、散曲创作,是在当时蒙汉文学文化交流的大背景下展开的。

    Mongolian creation of Chinese poems and non-dramatic songs of Yuan dynasty were under the great background of the Mongolian and Chinese exchange at that time .

  21. 研究日本汉文学史,首先就是一种挖其古坟、文化寻根的工作。同时,对日本汉文学作鉴赏评析,也是为了充分实现其艺术价值和思想价值。

    The study of Chinese literature in Japan , first of all , means a hard work of digging up ancient tombs and seeking for cultural roots .

  22. 越南汉诗是越南汉文学重要的组成部分,在越南古代文学史上占据着显著的地位。

    Chinese poetry in Vietnam was an important part of Chinese literature in Vietnam . It occupied a outstanding place in the history of Vietnamese ancient literature .

  23. 日本诗话《彩岩诗则》之著者奥彩岩究系何人,自该诗话出版面世之日起,近百年来一直是日本汉文学史上的不解之谜。

    The author of Japanese poetry talks " Cai Yan Shi Ze " has long been a puzzle in the Chinese literary history of Japan since it 's publication .

  24. 这些诗作内容丰富、特色鲜明,对其进行深入研究,将对蒙汉文学关系以及元代诗歌研究起到积极的促进作用。

    Studying the poems in this period would be of great help to the study of the relationship between Mongolian and Chinese literature and to the research of poetry in Yuan Dynasty .

  25. 欧阳修的文章不仅在中国有着巨大的影响,并且很早就传入了韩国,在韩国的汉文学史上有着十分重要的地位。

    Being greatly influential in China , his works have been spread in Korea for a long time and play a significant role in the history of Chinese literary studies in Korea .

  26. 这些文学活动推动了越南古代文学的发展,促成了域外汉文学向母体的回流,同时也显示了汉文学作为一个整体的内在联系。

    These activities propelled the ancient literature of Viet Nam forward , facilitated a backwash from Han literature in foreign land to its parent , and showed the internal relation of " Han literature " in its entirety at the same time .

  27. 直到第11名才开始出现一些社会科学类专业,比如汉语言文学、外国语和新闻学专业。

    It 's not until No. 11 that some social science majors such as Chinese language and literature , foreign language studies and journalism1 appear .

  28. 汉语言文学专业学位论文的英文摘要写作

    English Abstracts Writing for the Thesis in Chinese Language and Literature

  29. 现代汉语是汉语言文学专业的一门专业基础课。

    Modern Chinese is a required course for Chinese literature specialty .

  30. 关于汉语言文学专业教改的几点思考

    Several Ideas on the Reform Research of Chinese Literature Teaching