
  • 网络Sino-Vietnamese
  1. 《断肠新声》中字喃的谐声系统对研究汉越音提供重要的依据。

    System Chu Nom in is good prfiles provides the important basis towards studying the Sino-vietnamese phonetic .

  2. 英汉音韵表意功能对比探微由中古汉语三十六字母到汉越音声母的演变具有规律性、系统性。

    Comparative Approach to Ideographic Functions of English and Chinese Phonology Sino-vietnamese phonology system keeping up the middle ancient Chinese phonology .

  3. 汉越音的八个声调与中古汉语的四声八调有着较为整齐的对应。

    Middle Chinese four tones separate to uper tone and lower tone .

  4. 借助汉越音、汉越词对越汉语词汇教学

    On the Teaching of Vietnamese and Chinese Vocabulary with the Help of Chinese and Vietnamese Phonetics and Words

  5. 越语中的汉越音与汉语的语音对应规律浅探

    A View on the Corresponding Regular Pattern in the Chinese - Vietnamese Sounds in Vietnamese Language and the Chinese Sounds in Chinese Language

  6. 该文从声母、韵母和声调三个方面将越南语中的汉越音与汉语的语音进行对比,得出一些语音对应规律。

    A comparison between the Chinese – Vietnamese Sounds in Vietnamese Language and the Chinese Sounds in the Chinese Language from the three aspects of the initial consonant of a syllable , the vowel and the tone , a phonetic corresponding regular pattern is obtained .