
  • 网络Northamptonshire;Northampton;Northampton County
  1. 我们迁往北安普敦郡,置身于一派树篱和田野的新景致中。

    We moved to Northamptonshire and a new landscape of hedges and fields .

  2. 他很快就要离开北安普敦郡,就连这点小小的委屈也不会常要你来承受。

    He leaves Northamptonshire so soon , that even this slight sacrifice cannot be often demanded .

  3. 警方希望Leicester大学的这项研究能帮他们锁定嫌疑犯。研究人员了解到,北安普敦郡的盗贼中有52%都穿锐步。

    It is hoped the University of Leicester 's findings will help police to narrow their search while catching criminals . Researchers learned the Reebok Classic brand was worn by 52 out of 100 burglars in nearby Northamptonshire .

  4. 本公司是一家跨国公司,总部设在英国北安普敦郡。

    We are a multi-national company headquartered in Northamptonshire , UK .

  5. 因此,从九月起,北安普敦郡的莫尔顿科学院的学生将被迫穿合身的黑色长裤。

    Instead , from September , students at Moulton School and Science College in Northamptonshire will be forced to wear black tailored trousers .

  6. 去年8月,安妮·萨克拉斯的汽车在北安普敦郡美军基地外与一辆摩托车相撞,造成摩托车手死亡。

    Anne Sacoolas 's car collided with a motor bike outside a U.S. military base in Northamptonshire last August , killing the motorcyclist .

  7. 他大部分时间都回到了他位于北安普敦郡的庭院和花园里,并将规模和范围都加大了。

    A large part of him went back to his grounds and gardens in south Northamptonshire , where he has intensified their scale and scope .

  8. 英国北安普敦郡曾经欣欣向荣的鞋靴制造业如今已所剩无几;数十年前,当地制鞋业曾雇佣了5万名员工。

    Very little remains of what had been a thriving boot and shoe manufacturing industry that was based in Northampton , where 50000 people were employed a few decades ago .

  9. 布朗表示,他目前的首要目标是找到一个买主,使本田车队得以幸存,这将使他能够尽可能多地保留那些在北安普敦郡基地的工作人员。

    Brawn says his number one priority now is to work to keep the team alive by finding a buyer that would secure as many jobs as he can at the Northamptonshire base .

  10. 范妮话很少,只是偶尔对这句话那句话表示同意,听到恭维丝毫没有流露出感激之情,听他夸奖北安普敦郡也不去随声附和。

    She said little , assented only here and there , and betrayed no inclination either of appropriating any part of the compliment to herself , or of strengthening his views in favour of Northamptonshire .