
  • 网络Nottinghamshire;Notts
  1. 瑞伊·斯梅尔(ZoieySmale)来自英国诺丁汉郡,今年28岁,6月荣获英国小姐桂冠,本来正在筹备9月将在厄瓜多尔举办的世界小姐比赛。

    Zoiey Smale , 28 , from Nottinghamshire , was crowned Miss UK in June and was preparing to compete at Miss United Continents in Ecuador in September .

  2. 英国演员唐纳德·沃尔菲特爵士出生于诺丁汉郡。

    1902 Sir Donald Wolfit , English actor , was born in Nottinghamshire .

  3. 布拉克赫斯特农业学院,在诺丁汉郡绍斯韦尔附近

    Brackhurst Agricultural College , nr Southwell , Notts .

  4. 诺丁汉郡议会将削减200个工作岗位,以逃避地方税限额。

    Notts County Council is to cut 200 jobs in a bid to escape being rate-capped .

  5. GreasleyBeauvale小学位于英国诺丁汉郡的纽索普,该小学根据家长对孩子教育的参与情况,将他们划分为A到D四个等级。

    Parents of pupils at Greasley Beauvale primary school , in Newthorpe , Notts , are marked from A to D based on their involvement with their children 's education .

  6. 我出生在诺丁汉郡,在五个孩子中排行第三。

    I was born in Nottinghamshire and was the third of five sons .

  7. 一位业余的英国寻宝猎人,在诺丁汉郡一块农田里,发现了一枚稀有的硬币。

    And an amateur Enlish treasure hunter uncovers a rare coin in a Nottinghamshire farmer 's field .

  8. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(1885-1930)出生于英国诺丁汉郡伊斯特伍德镇的一个矿工家庭。

    David Herbert Lawrence ( 1885-1930 ) is born to a miner family in Eastwood , Nottinghamshire , England .

  9. 两年前家住诺丁汉郡的72岁老汉杰克-费舍修剪自家屋外的树篱时,突发奇想地计划将树篱改蒸汽火车头的模样。

    When Jack Fisher , 72 , began clipping the hedge outside his house in Ordseal , Nottinghamshire , two years ago he planned to make a steam locomotive .

  10. 从电吉他到芭蕾舞鞋,英国诺丁汉郡一家葬礼公司推出的一系列疯狂棺材定会让你瞠目结舌。

    From an electric guitar to a ballet shoe , Nottingham-based funeral firm , Vic Fearn and Company will make you a customised coffin , built to your specific requirements .

  11. 巧的是,英国皇家邮政最近一项研究最近也发现去年有2600起犬类伤害员工事件,其中诺丁汉郡遇袭频度最高。

    The research coincides with a recent study from the Royal Mail which revealed there were 2600 dog attacks against their staff last year , with attacks in Nottinghamshire being the most frequent .

  12. 英国诺丁汉郡考斯顿的一位编年史家是这样描述一次比赛带球的:控球球员用脚向前移动或推动球。

    A chronicler in Cawston , Nottinghamshire , described the act of dribbling the ball at one of these games , writing that players would move forward or " propel " the ball with their feet .

  13. 罗宾汉和他快乐的伙伴们住在诺丁汉郡的舍伍德森林里,身穿绿衣,头戴尖顶帽,寻欢作乐,胆大包天,生活中充满了冒险。

    In the story , Robin Hood lived with his band of merry followers in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire . They wore green suits and pointed caps , and they were gay and bold . Robin Hood and his men had many exciting adventures .

  14. 1861年,他娶了19岁的范妮·博伊德,并离开剑桥,定居在诺丁汉郡。在那里,他们一共生了十个孩子,有两个幼年夭折,剩下的四男四女,全靠他的牧师薪水维持生计。

    In 1861 he married nineteen year old Fanny Boyd and left Cambridge for a living in Nottinghamshire , where he fathered ten children . Two died in infancy and the surviving four girls and four boys were brought up in a regime of respectable poverty on a clerical stipend .

  15. 诺丁汉在郡内大肆掠夺。

    Nottingham has plundered the shire .