
fěi bànɡ zuì
  • libel;crime of defamation;crime of slander
诽谤罪 [fěi bàng zuì]
  • [slander] 指对受害人造成了实际的损害,并指明是由口头说话造成的,无论是出于恶意明知故说,还是出于无心缺乏考虑而说

  1. 他起诉那家报社犯有诽谤罪。

    He sued the newspaper for libel .

  2. 如果陪审团裁定诽谤罪成立,那就必须考虑其对史密斯小姐的职位的影响。

    If the jury decided there was a libel , it would have to consider its effect on Miss Smith 's position .

  3. 巴赫博士目前正以诽谤罪起诉该公司。

    Dr. Bach is now suing the company for slander

  4. 他声称自己的话被错误地引用,并威胁说要以诽谤罪起诉这家杂志。

    He claimed that he had been misquoted and he threatened to sue the magazine for libel

  5. 他以诽谤罪提出起诉。

    He sued for defamation .

  6. 巴赫博士目前正以诽谤罪起诉该公司

    Dr. Bach is now suing the company for slander .

  7. 5.bankruptvt.使破产,使枯竭,使极端贫困为诽谤罪辩护的诉讼费几乎使这家小杂志社破产。

    The cost of defending the libel action almost bankrupted the small magazine .

  8. 去年,他还出版了一本类似的书籍谈及莫斯科市长YuryLuzhkov,后者随后以诽谤罪告他胜诉,并强迫他收回关于市政府腐败的言论。

    Last year he published a similar book about Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov , who won a libel case and forced him to retract a statement about corruption in the city hall .

  9. 中伤典型你本应该控告他犯有诽谤罪的。

    You should have brought an action against him for slander .

  10. 传统的诽谤罪已不能更好的规制网络诽谤行为。

    The traditional Libel can not better regulatory internet libel .

  11. 这位知名的女演员正以诽谤罪起诉数家通俗小报。

    The famous actress is suing the tabloids for libel .

  12. 她以诽谤罪对《周末记录报》提起诉讼。

    She brought an action for libel against the weekend record newspaper .

  13. 她以诽谤罪控告这家报纸并索赔300万美金。

    She filed a $ 3 million libel suit against the newspaper .

  14. 你不希望反被他以诽谤罪起诉吧!

    You don 't want him suing you for slander !

  15. 中国古代诽谤罪兴废时间考辨

    A Study of the Starting and End Time of Libel in Ancient China

  16. 控告某人的不诚实行为控告某人犯有诽谤罪。

    Accuse sB . of dishonesty bring an action against sb for slander .

  17. 我已决定以诽谤罪控告他。

    I have decided to sue him for libel .

  18. 海因兹控告他犯诽谤罪。

    Hinds brought an action for libel against him .

  19. 他告一家报纸犯有诽谤罪。

    He slapped a libel suit on a newspaper .

  20. 该杂志将应诉首相所告的诽谤罪。

    The magazine will fight the libel action brought by the prime minister .

  21. 为诽谤罪辩护的诉讼费几乎使这家小杂志社破产。

    The cost of defending the libel action almost ~ ed the small magazine .

  22. 向被控犯诽谤罪的某人送交令状。

    Serve sb with a writ for libel .

  23. 报纸对她的私生活进行污蔑,她决定起诉其犯有诽谤罪。

    She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her rivate life .

  24. 他被裁定犯有诽谤罪控告某人犯有诽谤罪。

    He is find guilty of libel bring an action against sb for slander .

  25. 我会以诽谤罪告�

    and I will sue you for libel .

  26. 以诽谤罪控告某人。

    Bring a slander action against sb .

  27. 我要告她犯诽谤罪。

    I 'll sue her for slander .

  28. 金妍儿5月份以诽谤罪起诉了黄相口,但在6月中旬撤诉。

    Kim sued the professor for defamation in May but dropped the charge in mid-June .

  29. 诽谤罪,人们并不陌生。

    Libel , people is not new .

  30. 作者被指控犯有诽谤罪后,该剧便停演了。

    The play was taken off after libel charges has been laid against its author .