
kè wén
  • text
课文 [kè wén]
  • [text] 教科书中的正文(区别于注释和习题等)

课文[kè wén]
  1. 这篇课文解释了这位哲学家的早期思想。

    This text illuminates the philosopher 's early thinking .

  2. 这篇课文把相当复杂的主题讲述得深入浅出、通俗易懂。

    The text is approachable , coping well with quite complicated subjects .

  3. 他早期的戏剧作品现在是大学指定课文。

    His early plays are set texts in universities .

  4. 我先朗读一下课文。

    I 'll read the text aloud first

  5. 在旧体制下,学生常常得立正站好,机械地重复课文。

    Under the old system pupils often had to stand to attention and repeat lessons parrot fashion .

  6. 课文索然无味。

    The text is banal

  7. 课文要按难易程度编排。

    The texts should be graded in order of difficulty .

  8. 课文有注音吗?

    Is the text marked with phonetic symbols ?

  9. 这篇课文共分3段。

    The text falls into three paragraphs .

  10. 课文全复习完了。

    We have reviewed the whole text .

  11. 这篇课文很浅。

    This lesson is very easy .

  12. 这篇课文是根据《中国文学》上登载的一篇故事改编的。

    This text is adapted from a story in Chinese literature .

  13. 这个课本抽换了三篇课文。

    Three of the lessons in the textbook have been superseded .

  14. 老师把这篇课文分析得很精辟。

    The teacher made a penetrating analysis of the text .

  15. 难点在课文的注释中作了解释。

    The difficult points are explained in the notes to the text .

  16. 这课文增加了这本书的价值。

    This lesson adds to the value of the book .

  17. 继续读课文,记住了才算数。

    Keep on reading the text until you 've learned it by heart .

  18. 你读课文的时候也可以做同样的事情!

    You can do the same thing when you are reading the text !

  19. 继续读下去,在不同的课文中读几遍,你就会熟悉这些单词。

    Keep reading , and you will become familiar with the words after reading them several times in different texts .

  20. 学生们可以自己听课文或看教学视频,并为课堂讨论做好准备,而不用花费宝贵的课堂时间。

    Instead of spending valuable class time listening to texts or watching teaching videos , students can do this on their own and come to class prepared for discussion .

  21. 老师让同学们抄写课文。

    The teacher asked the students to copy out the text .

  22. 他偏离课文讲起了一则轶事。

    He departed from the text to tell an anecdote .

  23. 老师简单地解释了一下课文。

    The teacher explained the text simply .

  24. 当你读懂一个小故事、一篇课文,甚至更长篇的英语文艺作品时,总会让你沉醉入迷。

    It is always fascinating to realize that you understand a short story , a text or even longer pieces of art in English .

  25. 淡淡的忧伤深刻的悲剧&英语课文《ThePresent》的文学赏析

    Light Grief and Incisive Tragedy & Analysis and Appreciation of The Present

  26. Oxymoron的内在联系及理解谈如何在课文教学中加强对句子意思理解

    The Internal Relations of Oxymoron and Ways for Comprehension Ways for Improving Comprehension of Sentences in Text-Teaching

  27. 有关图式理论的研究,西方学者曾提出阅读模型(Cough,1985)和课文理解模型(Kintsch&VanDijk,1978)等。

    In the research of schema theory , the western scholars once posed Reading Model ( cough , 1985 ) and Text Comprehension Model ( kintsch and van Dijk , 1978 ) .

  28. 论精读教学中的课文整体教学法

    The Whole Language Approach of the Text in Intensive Reading Teaching

  29. 如何提高初中英语课文教学的效果

    How to improve the teaching effect of junior middle school English

  30. 基于自学辅导书的非英语专业英语课文教学策略的调适

    The Reference-book-based Adjustment of English Text Teaching Strategies for Non-English Majors