
  • 网络Course adaptation;course orientation
  1. 改革经济文献检索课程适应市场经济发展需要

    Reforming the Retrieval Course Economic Documents to Suit Development Requirement of Market Economy

  2. 地理教师素质与新课程适应现状调查分析

    The Diathesis of the Geography Teacher and Diagnoses of the New Courses Adaptation Present Situation

  3. 延边地区城市朝鲜族小学英语教师对新课程适应研究

    A Research on the English Teachers ' Adaptability to the New Curriculum in Yanbian City Korean Primary School

  4. 总体上表现为课程适应水平随着学历增高而增强,年轻教师对新课程的适应程度更高。

    In general , it appears that the level of the adaptation to the new curriculum is higher along with higher school record . 3 .

  5. 在此背景下,研究和探讨如何增进英语教师对新课程适应问题无疑成为十分紧迫的重要课题。

    In this background , researching and exploring the ways to enhance the English teachers to adapt new curriculum will undoubtedly become a very urgent and important issue .

  6. 随着国家示范性高职院校建设计划的启动和实施,职教界广泛认同工作过程系统化课程适应了新的劳动组织方式和新的教育类型,并开发出了相关的课程标准和课业文本。

    With the initiation and implement of nation model vocational colleges project , the courses of systematic work process are widely accepted by teachers of vocational colleges , which could be adaptable to the new labor organization and new educational mode .

  7. 我国研究型大学本科课程改革适应新经济发展的思考

    Thoughts on Curriculum Reform of Undergraduate Courses in Research Universities

  8. 文章就如何讲好《兵器测试技术》课程以适应21世纪高素质人才培养要求,探讨了互动式的教学方法。

    The paper discusses the interactive teaching in Ordnance Test & Measurement .

  9. 继续护理学教育课程要适应卫生改革的需要

    Adjusting the course of continuing nursing education to adapt the demand of hygiene reform

  10. 树立与新课程相适应的教学观念

    Establishment of Teaching Idea Suitable for New Curriculum

  11. 土木工程材料课程要适应时代的发展,就需要对课程教学进行必要的改革。

    Civil Engineering Material should adapt to the times ' development and reform the curricular teaching .

  12. 改革药物分析专业英语课程,适应国际交流的需要与经济的发展。

    International communication and economic development require the course reform on special English of Pharmaceutical Analysis .

  13. 第三部分农村小学教师新课程文化适应的现状和影响因素。

    The third part specifies the current situations and relevant factors of acculturation of NCC by rural primary school teacher .

  14. 根据我们现在所了解到的,我们必须改变我们的方法并改变课程去适应我们的大脑。

    With what we now know , we must change our approach and change the lesson to suit the brain .

  15. 我国从1999年开始启动的新一轮基础教育课程改革适应全球基础教育课程改革的潮流。

    The new curriculum reformation of the elementary education from 1999 in our country fits the trend of the seven seas .

  16. 广大教师必须树立与新课程相适应的教学观念,掌握新课程的教学策略。

    All the teachers must form a new teaching concept corresponding to the new curriculum and master the teaching strategy of it .

  17. 高校开设《人际关系学》课程是适应社会的需要

    To Establish the Course of " Interpersonal Relationships " in Universities and Colleges Is Necessary to Meet the Demands of the Society

  18. 研究型课程就是适应这种时代的需求而设置的,是当前我国基础教育课程改革深化的新尝试。

    Research-type course , which is established up to needs , is attempting to have a further reformation of courses in our basic education .

  19. 旨在使病理学课程建设适应新形势的医学教育需要。

    At last our goal of adapting the course construction of pathology to the needs of medical education in the new situation can be attained .

  20. 教师对新课程能否适应,适应程度如何,直接关系到此次高中数学课程改革的成败。

    Teachers can adapt to the new curriculum and adapt to what extent , directly related to the success or failure of the high school math curriculum reform .

  21. 如何使研究生课程设置适应社会发展与科技进步,使其更趋向合理化和规范化,是目前亟待深入研究的课题。

    How to make the postgraduate curriculum adapt to social development and technological progress , and how to make it more reasonable and standard , which are the urgent and in-depth study .

  22. 与国际基础教育课程相适应,我国为广泛地推进素质教育,培养全面发展的人,启动了新一轮的基础教育课程改革。

    With the international basic education curriculum to adapt to widely promote quality of education and training all-round development of people , start a new round of curriculum reform of basic education .

  23. 大学急需修订其教学计划,使课程体系适应新时代的需求。

    It is high time for colleges to advance a revised teaching program and adapt their curricula to the requirements of new times . Suggestions are made for future revision of the Guide .

  24. 随着世界单片机品种和产量的增长和应用规模的扩大,大学电子专业或计算机专业开设的单片机课程能否适应社会需求?

    Along with increase in variety and throughput of singlechip processor and extension in application scope , Could not the course of the subject set up in the university meet the requirements of society ?

  25. 现在透视教师对新课程环境适应能力的基础上,尝试分析缘由并为今后指明努力方向:教师对改革具有较高的心理认同;

    On the basis of the middle and primary school teachers ' adaptability on new courses , this paper tries to explain and show direction for the future : teachers have more psychological identity on reform ;

  26. 介绍我校工业总图设计等专业测量学课程为适应专业培养目标的需要,在教学内容选择、教学改革实践与思考方面的作法与体会。

    The practice and consideration of the reform of surveying course for the speciality of industry general map design etc. in the teaching content and method for adapting the need of speciality training goal in our institute are introduced .

  27. 本文以学习理论、学习风格理论为基础,依据教学设计理论和软件工程思想,对网络课程中适应不同学习风格的教学内容发送策略进行了系统的研究和设计,并以网络课件的形式予以实现。

    Based on learning theory and learning style theory , the sending strategy for teaching content adapt to learning style is designed and the courseware on the basis of it is developed in this thesis according to instructional design and software engineering .

  28. 同时,论文也研究了学院在中外合作办学发展中暴露出来的问题和目前存在的不足如教师培训和发展问题,引进国外课程的适应问题,海外学生体系服务问题等进行了归纳与总结。

    Meanwhile , it reveals existent shortcomings and problems such as scarcity of professional development and further training for teachers , inadaptation of overseas courses introduction , inefficiency of overseas student service and others in the college of Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools by specifying and summarizing these problems .

  29. 数学课程改革如何适应职业教育发展的要求

    Mathematics Course Reform How to Meet Vocational Education 's Need

  30. 美国的中小学体育课程始终以适应社会为其指导方针之一。

    American physical education always takes socialization as one of its instructions .