
  • 网络Harmonic analysis
  1. 小波理论是调和分析几十年来工作的结晶,是Fourier分析发展史上里程碑式的进展。

    Wavelet theory is the elite of harmonic analysis . It is a milestone in the development history of Fourier analysis .

  2. 典型域的调和分析和复Clifford分析

    Harmonic Analysis in Classical Domains and Complex Clifford Analysis

  3. 将T/P实时卫星数据进行调和分析并与数值模型进行同化处理。

    And that the analysis of T / P data and its blending with theoretical model .

  4. 本文用理论估计及数值实验两种方法研究了有限调和分析中考滤资料误差情况下如何确定Fourier展开式最佳截断项数的问题。

    With data errors the optimum number of truncated terms of Fourier expansion is determined .

  5. 紧致齐性空间上的调和分析(Ⅳ)&Riesz变换与Bessel变换

    Harmonic Analysis on Compact Homogeneous Spaces (ⅳ)── The Riesz and Bessel Transformations

  6. 作为一种快速高效、高精度的近似方法,小波分析构成调和分析领域中Fourier分析的重要发展。

    As a fast , efficient , accurate approximation methods , promote the wavelet analysis in the field of harmonic analysis Fourier analysis of the important development .

  7. 采用快速离散傅立叶变换(FFT)、潮流调和分析以及小波(wavelet)变换等方法,分析了一个位于大陆架边缘海域定点连续观测站上的海流记录。

    Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ), Tidal Current Harmonic Analysis ( TCHA ), and Wavelet Transform ( WT ) are used to analyze current observations in the continental shelf sea area .

  8. 本文用AR谱分析方法分析了1976&1980年地球自转速率的资料和大气环流的资料,以及用调和分析计算了各周期项的振幅及相位,并计算了大气环流的激发函数。

    In this paper , the rate of the Earth 's rotation and the atmospheric circulation in 1976 & 1980 are analysed with AR spectral analysis and Harmonic analysis .

  9. 经气压改正后的水位调和分析得出Mf波和S1波的潮汐因子的改正量分别达到70.7%和76.2%。

    The differences of tidal factors of wave Mf and S_1 between with and without air pressure correction are 70.7 % and 76.2 % .

  10. lorentz空间是调和分析中的重要研究对象,二指标二维lorentz空间∧p,2q(w)是二维lorentz空间的推广。

    Lorentz spaces are important objects for study in harmonic analysis , and two indexes and two dimensions Lorentz spaces are generalization of two dimensions Lorentz spaces .

  11. 本文应用调和分析的方法研究了一类非线性Schrodinger方程Cauchy问题整体自相似解的存在唯一性。

    In this paper we study the existence and uniqueness of global self-similar solutions to the Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schrodinger equation by using the method of harmonic analysis .

  12. 小波变换(WT)是八十年代中后期发展起来的一项新的应用数学的分支,数学界公认它是泛函分析、样条分析、调和分析、数值分析、Fourier分析的完美结晶。

    Wavelet transform ( WT ) is a new branch in applied mathematics . Research fellows generally accepted that it is a perfect colligation of functional analysis , belt transect analysis , numerical analysis , harmonic analysis and Fourier analysis .

  13. 利用球面到轮胎面上的映射关系,借助圆周上的B样条插值技术,建立了轮胎面上Fourier分析与球面调和分析的关系,实现了地球重力场的自洽调和分析。

    With the application of the mapping relationship from a sphere to a torus and the method of B-Spline interpolation , this paper obtains a relation of Fourier analysis and harmonic analysis on the torus , and realizes the self-consistent harmonic analysis of the Earth 's gravity field .

  14. 针对这一问题,随着数学调和分析理论的发展,Donoho等人提出多尺度几何分析概念。

    Inorder to solve this problem , with the development of Mathematics harmonic analysis theory , Donoho et al propose the definition of multi-resolution analysis .

  15. 本文主要研究在有限反射群(Coxeter群)下不变测度的调和分析。

    The purpose of this dissertation is to study the harmonic analysis associated with measures which are invariant under finite reflection groups .

  16. 黄石台ORBES-81型伸缩仪观测结果的调和分析及海潮改正

    Harmonic analysis and ocean loading correction of observation by orbes-81 extensometer at Huangshi station

  17. 利用MForeman改进的G·Godin潮汐调和分析及预报程序对江苏省辐射沙洲海域的16个验潮站潮位资料进行了调和分析和潮汐预报。

    The tidal height data of 16 tide surveying sites in Jiangsu radial sand ridge sea area are analysed and predicted respectively using the G · Godin ′ s tidal height analysis and prediction programs revised by Foreman .

  18. 在此方法中,使用Hadamard变换的工具先将三维模型表达成一序列球面函数,然后使用球面调和分析提取这些球面函数的旋转不变量。

    In this method , a 3D model is firstly represented as a collection of spherical functions by using Hadamard transforms , and then the rotation invariants of the spherical functions are extracted by spherical harmonic decomposition .

  19. 本文得到了一类次线性算子在Herz型Hardy空间上的有界性判定条件,该算子包括调和分析中许多重要的算子,同时还证明了Bochner-Riesz算子在Herz型Hardy空间上的有界性。

    In this paper , the boundedness properties of some sublinear operators on Herz type Hardy spaces are obtained , and the boundedness of Bochner-Riesz operator on Herz type Hardy spaces is proved .

  20. 本文研究并建立了利用各类重力观测信息恢复地球重力场的轮胎调和分析方法,给出了Legendre函数及其衍生函数的数值计算方法,完善并实现了自洽的重力场调和分析新体系。

    In this paper , torus harmonic analysis method of the Earth 's gravity field is researched . The new system of self-consistent harmonic analysis of the Earth 's gravity field is built up in which the Legendre function as well as their derivatives are obtained .

  21. Foreman改进的G.Godin潮汐调和分析程序对江苏省辐射沙洲海域21个验潮站潮位资料进行调和分析,得到了11个分潮的调和常数及相应平均海平面。

    The tidal level data from 21 tidal stations in radial sand ridge sea area of Jiangsu Province are analyzed by use of G-Godin 's tidal harmonic analysis and prediction programs revised by M Foreman , and the harmonic constants of 11 constituents and corresponding mean sea level are obtained .

  22. 我国洞体应变固体潮调和分析结果

    Results of the harmonic analysis for cave strain tide in China

  23. 深井水位固体潮的调和分析结果

    The harmonic analysis results of the well tides in deep boreholes

  24. 潮汐线应变组合观测的物理力学实质及其调和分析

    The physics-mechanical significance of tidal strain combination and its harmonic analysis

  25. 潮汐调和分析的方法和应用研究

    Investigation on Methods and Application for the Harmonic Analysis of Tides

  26. 紧齐性空间上的调和分析&关于奇异积分

    Harmonic Analysis on the Compact Homogeneous Spaces on the Singular Integrals

  27. 酉辛群上的调和分析(Ⅰ)&Fourier级数的收敛判别法

    Harmonic Analysis on Unitary-symplectic Group I.Convergence Criterion of Fourier Series

  28. 攀枝花地震台应变固体潮调和分析

    Harmonic analysis on strain solid tide at Panzhihua seismic station

  29. 潮汐调和分析的分潮自动优化及预报应用

    Application of tide components auto optimization and prediction in tidal harmonic analysis

  30. 地表的面应变和体应变固体潮理论值计算及其调和分析

    Calculation of theoretical value of cubic expansion tide and its harmonic analysis