
diào chá bào ɡào
  • investigation report;inspection report
  1. 之后,法庭将要求出具裁决前调查报告,报告将在四周内返回。六周后进行裁决前调查报告简述会,八周后宣布量刑结果。

    Then they will order a pre-sentencing investigation report , " returnable in four weeks . " That will be followed by a briefing on the pre-sentencing investigation report six weeks from now and " eight weeks from now we will have sentencing . "

  2. 10户鼻咽癌高发家庭EB病毒感染情况调查报告

    Investigation report on Epstein Barr virus infection cases in 10 families of frequently occurring nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  3. 委员会将在几周内发表他们对公共医疗服务的调查报告。

    The committee will publish their report on the health service in a few weeks .

  4. 哈斯忙于写他的调查报告。

    Haas occupied himself in writing his research paper .

  5. 消费者越来越厌倦企业提供的服务了:埃森哲咨询公司发布了一份来自28个国家的2。8万名消费者的调查报告,结果表明,消费者不再像以前那样痴迷于科技。

    Consumers are becoming increasingly bored with what companies have to offer : A survey of 28,000 consumers in 28 countries released by Accenture found consumers are not as excited about technology as they once were .

  6. 克格勃把他的调查报告扔在一边,不闻不问,反而说他往同志脸上抹黑

    The KGB pigeonholed his report and reprimanded him for denigrating a brother officer .

  7. 调查报告指出,我国每年在粮食储存、运输及加工等餐桌外环节的粮食损失高达350亿公斤以上。

    The country also sees over 35 billion kg of grain loss at pre-consumption stages including storage , transportation and processing , the report added .

  8. 这份调查报告的作者认为,U形效应是人性固有的特征。

    The authors believe the U-shaped effect is intrinsic to human nature .

  9. 在消费占据GDP份额的统计之中,上述调查报告和零售额数字都被计算在内。

    Both this survey and the retail-sales figures enter into the GDP measure of consumption .

  10. 最新公布的《2013年美国消费者金融调查报告》(2013SurveyofConsumerFinances)给了我们充分和别人进行比较的机会。

    The newly released 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances offers ample opportunity for the latter .

  11. 遗传性肾炎(Alport综合征)&一个家系的调查报告

    Hereditary nephritis ( alport 's syndrome ) & on an of pedigree

  12. 全球最大的旅游网站TripAdvisor于4月9日发布了一份关于女性旅游的调查报告。

    The world 's largest travel website , TripAdvisor , released a survey on female travel on April 9 .

  13. 咨询公司REL和经济学人杂志的姐妹篇《CFO》发布的关于美国大型上市公司的调查报告突显了这个趋势。

    A recent survey of large public companies in America conducted by REL , a consultancy , and CFO , a sister title of The Economist , highlights this trend .

  14. 智库“城市中心”(CentreforCities)近日的一份调查报告称,伦敦有35%的工作需要大学学历,三分之一的英国居民在二十几岁时迁往伦敦定居,年轻人和外国移民的流入要多于年长者的流出。

    A report by the Centre for Cities this week found that 35 per cent of London 's jobs are graduate level , and a third of UK residents who relocate in their twenties move to London . This inflow of the young and foreign immigrants more than offsets an outflow of older people .

  15. 毕马威(kpmg)将在周一首度发布的一项调查报告显示,信托公司在中国扮演着一个独特角色,集私人银行业务、资产管理和私人股本业务于一体。

    Trusts play a unique role in China , bringing together private banking , asset management and private equity operations , according to an inaugural survey of the sector by KPMG , which was released on Monday .

  16. 根据一份人们期待已久的对苏格兰皇家银行(rbs)三年前濒临灾难性破产一案的调查报告,英国应修改法律,将破产银行的董事自动逐出董事会、处以罚款并剥夺其薪酬。

    UK laws should be changed to allow the directors of failed banks to be automatically banned , fined and stripped of their remuneration , says a long-awaited report into the catastrophic failure of Royal Bank of Scotland three years ago .

  17. 正如经合组织(OECD)在一份对中国的新调查报告所指出,鉴于大约一半人口仍居住在农村,通过农村居民继续向拥有更多高生产率城市工作的城市迁移,可以进一步提升总体生产率。

    As the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development notes in a new economic survey of China : Given that around half of the population still lives in rural areas , further productivity gains can be achieved through continued migration to cities , which host more productive urban jobs .

  18. 皇家特许测量师学会(rics)今日发布的全球房地产调查报告显示,今年第一季度资本价值下滑速度加快,同时,几乎世界所有国家的租金都出现下滑。

    The pace of decline in capital values accelerated in the first quarter , while almost every country in the world is reporting a slide in rents , according to the global property survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors , released today .

  19. 我国北方粮食仓库建设与使用情况调查报告

    Investigation on construction and application of grain bins in North China

  20. 兰州铁路分局292名列车乘务员口腔健康调查报告

    Oral health investigation of 292 train attendants in Lanzhou train substation

  21. 内镜消毒现状调查报告

    Investigation report about the present sterilization state of endoscopes in China

  22. 南京市水产业发展现状调查报告

    Survey Report on the Status of Fishery Industry Development in Nanjing

  23. 434例麻风第一块皮损的调查报告

    Survey of the First Skin Lesion in 343 Cases of Leprosy

  24. 2001年全国制造业、服务业企业质量管理现状抽样调查报告

    Report for 2001 Nationwide Survey on QM Statement of China Enterprises

  25. 泰国汉语教学志愿者项目调查报告

    A Research Report of Chinese Language Teaching Volunteer Program in Thailand

  26. 北京千户新房迁居户问卷调查报告

    Report on The Survey of A Thousand Relocated Households in Beijing

  27. 2004年安徽省血吸虫病抽样调查报告

    Report on sampling survey on schistosomiasis in Anhui province in 2004

  28. 医院感染现患率调查报告

    A Report of the Investigation of Prevalence Rate of Nosocomial Infection

  29. 培智教育课程改革需要课程观念的优化&北京市培智学校课程现状调查报告

    Optimizing the Curriculum Ideas for Educational Innovation of the Mentally Retarded

  30. 福建省大型抗风浪网箱养殖调查报告

    The Investigation on Aquaculture in Anti-Stormy Waves Cages in Fujian Province