
  1. 乙醇调和汽油可有效降低汽车尾气排放,其碳氢化合物、CO、氮氧化合物等有毒气体排放都有所降低。

    Gasoline blending with ethanol can not only decrease the discharge volume oi automobiles , but also decline the poisonous gases , for instance , hydrocarbon compound , monoxide and nitrogen oxide .

  2. 混合型抗爆剂在石脑油调和汽油中的应用研究

    Application research on mixed type antiknock used in refine gasoline interfused with petroleum naphtha

  3. 用近红外光谱仪快速测定调和汽油中芳烃、烯烃的含量

    Fast Determination of Aromatic Hydrocabon Content and Olefinic Hydrocabon Content in Blended Gasoline by NIR Spectrometer

  4. 溶剂油以前大多用作调和汽油的组分或一般溶剂,造成了极大浪费。

    190 # solvent oil is often used for blending gasoline or as ordinary solvent , causing great waste .

  5. 目前连三甲苯主要存在于偏三甲苯的副产物溶剂油中,由于纯度较低大多用作调和汽油的组分或用作一般溶剂,造成了资源的很大浪费及较低的经济效益。

    But now , hemimellitene , which is mostly from the solvent oil of by-product of pseudocumene , is often used as a component to gasoline additive or as general solvent for its low purity .

  6. 不过,4%的下调幅度,无助于调和政府内部在汽油定价政策上的长期分歧,特别是在推动燃油税方面的分歧。

    However , the 4 per cent cut does little to reconcile the persistent split in the government on pricing policy and in particular the push for a petrol tax to promote more efficient consumption of fuel .