
diào lèi
  • tone category
调类 [diào lèi]
  • [tone category] 有声调的语言中声调的类别。古汉语的调类有四个:平声、上声、去声、入声。普通话的调类有五个:阴平、阳平、上声、去声、轻声。(有的说四个,不算轻声)

调类[diào lèi]
  1. 试论资本范畴海南闽语声调的调值与调类研究

    Studies on the Tone Pitch and Tone Category of the Tone of Minnan Dialect in Hainan

  2. 其终点始终为缺省值L,属音系学范畴。三字组S+N+S中的轻声起点与前字终点协同发音,轻声终点受前、后字调类影响。

    In the pattern S + N + S , while the starting point of the intermediate neutral tone co-articulates with the end point of the preceding tone , the end point is influenced by its surrounding tones .

  3. 非线性空间上的大范围周期轨道之同调类

    The Homology Classes of Large_Scale Periodic Orbits on Nonlinear Space

  4. 外部结构包含三个层面,语法结构、调类结构和意义结构。

    The external structure included grammar 、 tone and meaning .

  5. 论壮傣侗水语古汉语借词的调类对应&兼论侗台语汉语的接触及其语源关系

    On the Correspondence of the Tones of Ancient Chinese Loanwords in Kam-Tai Languages

  6. 浅谈森调类课程考试改革

    Study on the test reformation of forest investigation courses

  7. 社会因素与北京话清入字的今调类

    Social Factors and the Evolution of Ru-sheng Characters of the Unvoiced Initials in Beijing Dialect

  8. 古入声字在河南话与普通话中的调类分派比较研究

    The Study on the Tone Category of the Ancient Entering Tone Words in Henan Dialect and Common Speech

  9. 湖北咸宁方言的调值和调类&兼介绍《桌上语音工作室》软件

    On the Tone Pitches and the Tone Categories of Xianning Dialect & A Brief Introduction of the Software Mini Speech Lab

  10. 文水方言是晋语并州片的一个方言点,共有19个声母,42个韵母,5种调类。

    Wenshui dialect is an embranchment of the Jin dialects as a whole , which consists of 19 vowels , 42 consonants and 5 kinds of pitches .

  11. 祁县方言音系:包括19个声母,39个韵母,5个调类。

    Qi County dialect belongs to the Jin Dialect , and 19 initials , 39 simple or compound vowels , 5 tone types are included in its syllabary .

  12. 可以看出,清代山东方言中古入声字的调类和韵类已经与现代方言的特点基本一致,并且表现出与现代方言基本一致的地域差异,清代到现代的变化是比较小的。

    From the comparison between Qing Dynasty and today , we can find that the features of Qing Dynasty are similar to the features of modern times in Shandong dialect .

  13. 我们在实地调查的基础上,通过《桌上语音工作室》软件的精密分析,从而确定咸宁方言的调值和调类,目的在于为方言语音的调查寻求一个相对统一、客观的标准。

    On the base of spot investigation , we confirm the tone pitches and the tone categories of Xianning dialect , Hubei province , with the delicate analyses by the software of MiniSpeechLab .

  14. 没有撮口音、没有轻声,但有两个普通话中没有的音[io]、[iu];有四个调类,调值均不同于普通话。

    Summarized no accent , no neutral tone , but there are two Putonghua not sound [ io ] , [ iu ] ; transfer four categories , transfer values are different from those of Putonghua .

  15. 我们认为,除了音高因素之外,汉语普通话声调听感的影响因素还有很多,这些因素对不同调类间感知影响的程度也是各不相同的。

    Therefore , we hold that except the pitch factors , there are some other influencing factors in perception of Chinese tones , and it differs in degrees of these factors ' influences on the perception between different tone categories .

  16. 从教育发展规律上阐述了考试改革的必要性,指出了传统的森调类课程考试中存在的诸多问题,提出了相应的改革方案和评价模式。

    According to the law of educational development , it clarifies the necessity of the lest reform , points out the problems that lie in the traditional tests of the forest investigation courses and suggests suitable reform proposal and evaluating pattern .

  17. 文章指出了《普通话水平测试指导用书》(江苏版)的创新性,即阐述了汉语轻声是独立调类,进一步论证了现代汉语五调之新说;

    The essay firstly affirms that the book " A Guidebook to the Level Test of Putonghua " by Jiangsu Province is of an innovation , in which the light tone in mandarin is classified into a distinct category and the five tones in mandarin are defined .