
xián rén
  • worthy;a person of virtue
贤人 [xián rén]
  • [a person of virtue] 德才兼备的人

  • 自古贤人。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • 明阴洞阳,贤哲罕穷其数。--《西游记》

贤人[xián rén]
  1. 贤人林回在逃亡途中,因不堪重负,扔掉了价值千金的家传玉璧,背着自己刚刚出生的儿子,继续逃难。

    During his abscondence , the overburdened wise man Lin Hui cast away his invaluable1 jade2 passed from his ancestors and chose to advance with his newly born son .

  2. 总督是由一个贤人组成的提名委员会选出来的。

    The doge was elected by a nominating committee of wise men .

  3. 贤人离去,国家就会衰弱。

    If the Capable depart from the state , it will become weak .

  4. 这里的颜子和仲尼就分别作为贤人和圣人的理想代表。

    YanHui and Confucius as a sage and saints respectively the ideal representatives .

  5. 古代贤人政治思想对廉政建设的启示

    Enlightenment on the Incorruptness Construction from Political Idea of Ancient People of Virtue

  6. 梭罗:一位西方文化贤人

    A Cultural Sage in the West : Henry D.Thoreau

  7. 宋朝的贤人开始研究孔子学说中关于哲学和政治的探讨。

    Song intellectuals sought answers to all philosophical and political questions in the Confucian Classics .

  8. 欧芹,贤人,迷人的罗斯玛丽和百里香。

    Parsley sage rose merry and thyme .

  9. 治理国家的原则,在于依靠贤人和民众。

    The basic principles of governing the state is to rely on those that are capable and the people .

  10. 他们三位就是曾经研究过如何解读天空星象的东方三贤人。

    They are Magi , who have studied how to read the signs of the sky and interpret them .

  11. 自从《论语》成为儒家经典后,后世贤人对其进行了各个方面的研究。

    Scholars have done much research in varieties of respects on The Analects since it became the Confucian classics .

  12. 所以恩泽及于民众,贤人就会归向他;

    Therefore , if the ruler 's beneficence extends to the people , the Capable will give their allegiance .

  13. 我毫不质疑他们把佛陀当作了一个先知,贤人或上帝。

    I never was able on questioning to understand if they consider Buddha a prophet , wise man or a God .

  14. 智主要表现为对贤人及其品行的认知以及一种作为丈夫应具有的德行。

    The wisdom mainly performances the understanding of a worthy person and one kind of conducts that the husband should have .

  15. 威廉用由他的土地承租人组成的大议会取代了安各鲁撒克逊国王的顾问团-贤人会议。

    William replaced the witan , the council of the Anglo-Saxon kings , with the Grand Council of his new tenants-in-chief .

  16. 埃塞尔雷德死后没有留下有实力的撒克逊继承人,于是贤人会议选择了丹麦首领克努特为国王。

    When ethebred 's death left no strong Saxon successor , the Witan chose Canute the Danish leader , as king in .

  17. 有一句俄罗斯谚语说,你须拥戴贤人,庸者仅会自顾。

    There 's a Russian proverb that goes : you must support the most talented people because untalented people will support themselves .

  18. 儒家思想占据了中国古代统治思想的主流,在其性本善思想下崇尚贤人之治,倡导人治而非法治。

    Confucianism occupied the mainstream of ruling thought in ancient China , upholding ruling by people of virtue and by men not by law .

  19. 三贤人可能得到金、银币作为报酬,也可能得到珍贵的香料和其它珍宝作为赏赐。

    The Magi 's pay might have been in the form of gold and silver coins , but also in valuable spices and other items .

  20. 我们得让一些高尚仁慈的贤人和僧人连续多个晚上呆在象棚外面。

    We must send wise men and monks , who have a high-minded kind nature , to spend just as many nights outside the elephant shed .

  21. 服装:衣服的大致形状源自圣·尼古拉斯,当然与东方三贤人的传统着装也不无关系。

    Costume : The general form of the cloak probably derives from St Nicholas , although the traditional costumes of the three Magi also may have contributed .

  22. 所以马利亚和约瑟带着婴儿逃亡埃及,也许一路上的盘缠和以后隐居生活的开销就用的是三贤人的赠礼吧。

    So Mary and Joseph took their infant to Egypt , perhaps using the gifts of Magi to pay their way and support them while they were in hiding .

  23. 孔庙,是祭祀孔子及其夫人亓氏和七十二贤人的地方,是推广儒家教化而兴建的重要礼制性建筑。

    Confucian Temple is the place where people offer sacrifice to Confucius and his wife and 72 sages and it is an important feudal ethical building for promoting Confucian culture .

  24. 能在我主身边侍坐的智者贤人寥寥无几,我主却将愚者拥入怀中,还让我做祂永远的仆从。

    Few are the wise and the great who sit by my Master , but he has taken the foolish in his arms and made me his servant for ever .

  25. 最后,他们还创立了议会(贤人会议),向国王提供建议,这就成为了今天仍存在的枢密院的基础。

    Finally , they created the Witan ( council or meeting of the wisemen ) to advise the king , the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today .

  26. 约瑟在梦中被指示,东方有星,博士,也就是贤人,首先去见希律。

    Joseph has a dream , he 's warned , the star appears in the east , the Magi , the wise men , come and they go to Herod first .

  27. 诺曼征服以前,英国的贵族会议被称作贤人会议,它在税收、立法、选举国王等重要问题上拥有较大权力,有力地限制了王权。诺曼征服以后,贵族大会议取代了贤人会议。

    Before the Norman Conquest , the council of baron was addressed in the Witenagemot , which has greater authority over the significant problems such as taxation , legislation and throne election .

  28. 韩非的非道德政治观超越了先秦其它思想家的道德政治观以及贤人政治理论的局限,肯定了追求利益行为的正当性。

    Han Fei 's immoral political views have surpassed other ideologists ' moral political views and limit of some wise men 's political theories , and affirmed the rightness of seeking profits .

  29. 于是当三贤人找到新降生的犹太国王耶稣时,他们给了他国王和王子王孙们赐给他们的同样礼物&黄金、乳香、没药作为礼物。

    So when the Magi find the newborn king , they give him the same royal gifts that they have received from princes and king & gold , frankincense , and myrrh .

  30. 贤人治理不是中国社会的发展趋势,但就中国的国情而言,贤人治理仍将在相当长时间内存在,而且高度的法治社会需要贤人政治过渡。

    Although it is clear that the former is not the dominating trend of Chinese society , rule of wisdom will still prevail in future with China 's actual condition taken into consideration .