首页 / 词典 / good

  • virtuous;worthy;able
  • a worthy person;an able and virtuous person
  • 有道德的,有才能的:~明。~德。~能。~良。~惠。~淑。~哲。~人。圣~。礼~下士。

  • 敬辞,多指行辈较低的:~弟。~侄。~契(对弟子或朋友子侄辈的敬称)。


(有德行的; 有才能的) virtuous; worthy; able:

  • 贤人志士

    a person of virtue and ideals


(敬辞, 用于平辈或晚辈):

  • 贤弟

    my worthy brother; your good self;

  • 贤侄

    my good nephew; your nephew


(有德行的人; 有才能的人) a worthy person; an able and virtuous person:

  • 让贤

    relinquish one's post in favour of sb. better qualified; give up one's post to [make room for] sb. better qualified;

  • 选贤举能

    recommend a virtuous and talented person


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 贤英

    Xian Ying

  1. 宋代笔记小说中才女、智女、贤女、恶女形象比较突出。

    In note novel of Song Dynasty , the images of talented women , smart women , virtuous women , and evil women are striking .

  2. 在家庭中,妇女除了要孝敬父母、生儿育女、相夫教子外,还要管理家业,这样才能称得上是贤妇。

    In household life , a virtuous woman must show filial piety to parents , procreate , help her husband and teach children , besides administer property .

  3. 选拔唯贤。

    Selection is based solely on merit .

  4. 我非常喜欢莫里斯,我会成为他的贤内助的。

    I 'm very fond of Maurice and I 'd make him a good wife .

  5. 她是一个好姑娘,将来会成为一个勤劳忠贞的贤内助。

    She is a good girl , and will make a hardworking , devoted wife .

  6. 你有这样一位贤内助,可算得(上)幸福了。

    You can well count yourself fortunate in having such a good wife .

  7. 宋元公张榜招贤,却无人能够解开。

    The king posted a notice to find people with wisdom to undo2 the knots , but nobody could undo them .

  8. 同时还分析了不能举贤的社会原因。N次举牌

    He also analyzed the social reasons why talents were not selected and placed on the right posts . Lift The Plate for N times

  9. T-MobileUS首席执行长利卓贤(JohnLegere)也“惨遭”其他大型通信公司的掌门人点名。

    T-Mobile US Chief John Legere went after his big telecom counterparts .

  10. 汇贤房地产投资信托基金(HuiXianRealEstateInvestmentTrust)将筹集高达112亿元的资金。该基金由亿万富翁李嘉诚控股,依托于他在北京的房地产资产。

    The Hui Xian Real Estate Investment Trust , controlled by billionaire Li Ka-shing and backed by his Beijing property assets , is raising up to 11.2 billion yuan ( $ 1.7 billion ) .

  11. 参与了汇贤(huixian)招股工作的人士,把需求低于预期的原因,归咎于近期欧洲债务问题导致的全球市场震荡。

    People involved in the offering of Hui Xian have blamed the lower-than-expected demand on recent volatility in global markets amid debt problems in Europe .

  12. 汇贤REIT不仅将创下香港市场首例以人民币计价的IPO,而且可能也将是惟一的一例。至少暂时是这样的。

    Hui Xian is not only the first yuan-denominated IPO in Hong Kong , but also may be the only one & at least for a while .

  13. 大厨细野贤(KenHosono)的十道厨师帮办菜单包括十分丝滑的鱿鱼,还有梭鱼、多脂金枪鱼、海胆以及美味的黄油扇贝等。

    The chef Ken Hosono 's 10-course omakase menu featured an exceptionally silky-smooth squid , along with barracuda , fatty tuna , uni and a wonderfully buttery scallop , among other pieces .

  14. 八贤王的历史原型是谁

    Who was the Historical Prototype of " Ba Xian Wang "

  15. 如果贤在你赢的话,以后我不会再碰你一下。

    If hyeonjae wins , we 'll never touch you again .

  16. 不过其他人都觉得我是个贤夫哦

    but a lot of people think I 'm a catch .

  17. 坦白说,贤宇好像不是很大度。

    Frankly , Hyun-woo doesn 't seem to be so broad-minded .

  18. 任人惟贤是以德治国的重要条件;

    Third , appoint people by merit is the important condition ;

  19. 此外,一菲和小贤之间的感情也愈加明朗化。

    Furthermore , the chemistry between Yifei and Xiaoxian is evident .

  20. 获知贵公司正为积极谋求发展招贤纳才。

    Informed that your company is actively seeking to develop fresh talent .

  21. 墨子的尚贤思想及其创新与发展

    Innovation and Development of Mo Zi 's Thought of Respecting Talented Persons

  22. 他们说:'汤真是一位贤王啊。

    They said , 'Tang is a good king indeed .

  23. 用能者为先、用人唯贤的标准选拔和提升人才。

    Use almighty first , employing excel standard selection and promote talents .

  24. 把秀贤带回医院来。

    So bring soo-hyun back to the hospital right away .

  25. 为什么你要问彩贤我在做什么?

    Why do you ask her about what I did ?

  26. 还有,我更想做个贤内助。

    What 's more , I prefer to be the better half .

  27. 第四,龚贤山水画艺术对近现代山水画的影响。

    Fourth , Gong Xian Painting Art Modern Landscape Paintings .

  28. 湖北玉贤变电站电流互感器误差仿真测量

    Measurement of CTs Error Simulation in Yuxian Substation , Hubei

  29. 你没看到我跟贤珠有话要说吗?

    Can 't you see I have something to discuss with hyun-joo ?

  30. 她必须使自己无愧于当贤内助的荣幸。

    She must fit herself for the honour of being a wife .