
  • 网络ego-control;regulation;control;Regulatory control
  1. PI调节控制是功率变换器线性电流调节器的常用控制方法,但自适应能力较差。

    PI regulation law is one of the common methods applied in linear current controller of the power converter while its adaptive performance is poor .

  2. 二次调节控制系统的模糊神经网络自学习自适应控制

    The Fuzzy-neural Network Self-learning and self-adapted Control of Secondary Regulation System

  3. 利用Matlab对热工自动调节控制系统和电器系统进行了仿真。

    The heat , power automatic control system and the electric appliance system are simulated with Matlab .

  4. 控制系统:采用进口电器,具有自动开机自动关机功能,温度PID自动调节控制。

    Control system : adopting imported appliances , with automatic startup automatic shutdown function , temperature automatic regulation PID control .

  5. RBF神经网络整定的模糊控制在二次调节控制系统中的应用

    The Application of the Fuzzy Controller Rectified by RBF Neuro - Network in the Hydraulic Control System with Secondary Unit

  6. 效率高、稳定性好、调节控制自动化的高压电源在以X光管作为激发源的X荧光分析系统中起着十分重要的作用。

    So it is quite important for the XRFA system with X-ray tube excited resource that HV power supply has high reliability , good stability and automatic regulation .

  7. 对二次调节控制系统,提出了一种基于模糊控制的复合控制方法,此方法利用了模糊控制的优点,又保留了传统PID控制的长处。

    A multiply method based on fuzzy control for secondary controlled hydraulic system is given , which uses advantages of fuzzy control , as well as the traditional PID method .

  8. 仿真结果表明,采用一阶自适应控制方式比PI调节控制方式的性能好,达到了制动性能指标。

    The simulation results show that the adaptive control mode of one order is better than the PI regulation , and approaches the specification of brake .

  9. 其工作原理简单的说就是在开环控制的交直流电机的基础上将速度和位置信号通过旋转编码器、旋转变压器等反馈给驱动器做闭环负反馈的PID调节控制。

    In brief , the principle is that velocity and position signal are returned to drivers to adjust feedback negative close loop for PID by rotate encoder or rotate transformer on the basis of AC or DC motor for open loop control .

  10. 我们认为,热处理温度和气氛的调节控制是获得单一相热色VO2薄膜的技术关键。

    It has been concluded that the controlling of the heating temperature and oxygen pressure is the key for obtaining single phase thermochromic VO2 thin films .

  11. 6-RTS并联机器人对中装配调节控制量计算方法

    Method for Computing the Adjustment Volume of 6-RTS Parallel Manipulator on Assembling

  12. 另外汽轮机DEH(电液调节控制系统),目前都是由汽轮机配套厂家来完成,相对于余热发电DCS控制系统是一个独立的孤岛。

    In addition , Steam turbine electrohydraulic control system ( DEH ), it is completed by turbine manufacturers . It is an independent " island " to the waste heat power generation DCS control system .

  13. 本文提出了一种新的电力电容器调容方法,该方法基于PWM控制原理,用电力电子开关控制两组电容器的投切,通过调节控制脉冲的占空比连续调节电容。

    The paper presents an new method of continuously varying capacitance , which is based on the principle of PWM . Two power capacitors are switched under the control of IGBT or Power MOSFET and the capacitance continuously varies when pulse duty cycle is changed .

  14. 结合工控机、PLC与DCS直流调速控制器的功能、工作原理和试验工艺要求,开发了六轴机车滚动试验台最关键核心的负载调节控制系统;

    Have developed a control system of mechanical loading , which is the most important key focus for Roller Rig for Rail Vehicle , on basis of industrial control computer , PLC and DCS direction current v-regulation 's function , working principle and test process requirements .

  15. 进行了自动开关控制设计,并设计了MCU电路控制,实现激振装置振动频率和振幅的调节控制,满足振动力量训练中附加不同频率、不同振幅的振动刺激的需要。

    Finally , the design of the automatic switch control for the vibrating device is provided . Meanwhile , amplitude and vibrating frequency regulation control is designed by using MCU , which satisfy the demands of different vibrating frequency and different amplitude in vibration strength training .

  16. 总之,水曲柳幼苗叶片氮含量通过调节控制Rubisco的活性间接实现其对光合速率的影响,因此可以说Rubisco活性是影响水曲柳幼苗光合作用的一个重要的生物学因素。

    Supply more nitrogen nutrition to seedlings properly can induce leaf nitrogen content accordingly and accelerate leaf photosynthesis , be propitious to bio-mass accumulation . In general , one of the important biological factors , which influence leaf photosynthesis of Manchurian Ash seedlings , is Rubisco activity .

  17. 介绍华能上安电厂一期工程2×350MW机组2号机2台给水泵汽轮机电液调节控制系统(MEH)改造背景、系统配置、主要功能及其评价。

    The background , system layout , main functions and evaluation of retrofitting electro-hydraulic control system for 2 steam turbine driven feed-water pumps of unit No. 2 in the first-phase project of title power plant have been presented .

  18. 液压碎石机性能参数调节控制的研究

    Study on the Adjusting Control of Performance Parameters of Hydraulic Rock Breaker

  19. 闭环调节控制在热风炉自动燃烧系统中的应用

    The applications of closeed loop adjust Contral in burning of blast furnace

  20. 无级调节控制的液压冲击机械研究

    The Research of Hydraulic Impact Machine with Stepless Control for Working Parameters

  21. 六轴机车滚动试验台负载调节控制系统的设计

    Design of Control System of Mechanical Loading on Roller Rig for Rail Vehicle

  22. 液压节能汽车制动能量回收及动态调节控制策略的研究

    Research on Strategy of Regenerative Braking and Coordinated Control for Hydraulic Energy-saving Vehicle

  23. 烟气能量回收机组的调节控制

    Governing and Control of Flue Gas Energy Recovery Sets

  24. 冷却除湿机通风量调节控制装置的研制

    Design and development of an air flow adjusting controller in cooling dehumidification machine

  25. 烟草黄矮双生病毒中双向启动子的活性及其调节控制

    Characterization of promoters from tobacco yellow dwarf geminivirus : the activities and regulation

  26. 连铸二冷配水比例调节控制模型优化

    Optimization of control model for adjusting secondary cooling water rate on continuous casting machine

  27. 汽液两相流水位调节控制装置使用局限性的探讨

    Vapor-liquid Two-phase Flow Water Level Control Device for Regulating the Use of the Limitations

  28. 自动调节控制系统在炼焦工业中的应用

    Automatic adjustment control system used in coking industry

  29. 试论植物光呼吸的生理意义及其调节控制

    Physiological Meaning and Control of Plant Photorespiration

  30. 彩色印刷自动调节控制系统

    Colour-printing Automatic Regulation and Control System