
  • 网络Negotiation Objectives;negotiating goal
  1. 如果巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)希望避免陷入针对伊朗的冲突中,他与他的盟友必须设定现实的谈判目标。

    If Barack Obama wishes to avoid being sucked into conflict with Iran , he and his allies must set realistic negotiating goals .

  2. 为什么我如此渴望实现这个谈判目标?

    Why do I deserve to have my goals met ?

  3. 我们的军事行动必须与明确规定的谈判目标一致。

    Our military operations had to be geared to clearly defined negotiating objectives .

  4. 他认为,初步谈判目标应包括香港和新加坡,可能还有澳门。

    He believes the prime negotiating targets should be Hong Kong , Singapore and possibly Macao .

  5. 它应该确定的谈判目标方面的重大问题进行讨论;

    It should define the negotiating objectives in terms of the major issues to be discussed ;

  6. 实现双方文化融通、利益双赢的国际商务谈判目标。

    Achieve the cultural intermediation , the international business interests of a win-win goal of the negotiations .

  7. 这个问题逐渐转变成对今年谈判目标及主题的不同解释。

    The matter turns on differing interpretations of what is properly the subject and goal of this year 's negotiations .

  8. 法案增加了议员所要求的数十个谈判目标,他们仍然有权否决已经达成的所有协议。

    The bill adds dozens of negotiating objectives requested by lawmakers , who still could vote down any deal struck .

  9. 另外,外交官们表示,他们在设定谈判目标方面已经取得进展,这增加了下月召开部长级会议以推进多哈回合贸易谈判的可能性。

    Separately , the chance of ministers meeting next month to push forward the Doha round of trade talks increased on Sunday after diplomats said they had made progress on setting goals for the negotiations .

  10. 各成员,决定为发动符合《埃斯特角城宣言》所列谈判目标的农产品贸易改革进程而建立基础;

    Members , Having decided to establish a basis for initiating a process of reform of trade in agriculture in line with the objectives of the negotiations as set out in the Punta del Este Declaration ;

  11. 根据了解会谈内情的人说,该公司最重要的谈判目标之一是,确保在交易达成后,《我的世界》的社区将得以存续,而且该公司较年轻的开发人员能保有自己的工作岗位。

    Some of the most important objectives for the company , according to people briefed on the talks , were ensuring that the Minecraft community would be preserved and that younger developers at Mojang would have jobs after a deal .

  12. 米切尔说,谈判的目标仍然是在一年内达成一项解决这个长达数十年冲突的决议。

    Mitchell said the goal continues to be a resolution of the decades-long conflict within a year .

  13. 谈判的目标一直是达成一个以2012即将到期的1997京都条约为基准的协议。

    The aim of the negotiations has been to broker an agreement building on the1997 Kyoto Protocol , which expires in2012 .

  14. 相对于一些人曾指望哥本哈根峰会达成的新气候协议框架,今年11月墨西哥坎昆气候谈判的目标更为保守。

    The ambitions for the Cancun climate talks in Mexico in November are more modest than the new climate treaty framework that some expected from Copenhagen .

  15. 中国主张,新一轮谈判的目标应当是:第一,有利于建立公平、公正和合理的国际经济新秩序;

    China proposes the objectives for the new round of negotiations as follows : First , to be conducive to the establishment of a fair , impartial and rational new international economic order ;

  16. 这两位知情人士称,百度将会启动与银行及银团贷款债权人的谈判,目标最高估值达到100亿美元。

    The company controlled by search giant Baidu is about to kick off negotiations with banks and deal arrangers and is shooting for a valuation of as much as $ 10 billion , the people said .

  17. 看来,纽约谈判人员的目标可能会再次与战场上勇士们的目标发生冲突。

    The aims of the negotiators in New York again seem likely to collide with the aims of the warriors in the field

  18. WTO多边贸易谈判的最终目标是推动贸易自由化,农业议题是其中的焦点和难点。

    The ultimate goal of WTO multilateral negotiation is to enhance the trade liberalization , with the agriculture issue being the focus and the difficulty .

  19. 市场类中层更看重捕捉机遇与谈判能力及目标导向。

    The market middle-level manager regards capture opportunity and negotiation ability , goal guidance .

  20. 李明博重申,任何谈判的终极目标都应该是拆除平壤的核弹头。

    Mr Lee reiterated that the ultimate goal of any negotiations should be decommissioning Pyongyang 's atomic warheads .

  21. 自始,谈判的主要目标是理顺农业贸易内的不合理因素。

    From the start , the round 's chief ambition was to straighten out some of the kinks in agricultural trade .

  22. 谈判的核心目标是,按照科学建议,把升温幅度控制在高于所谓的工业化前水平不超过2摄氏度。

    The core aim of the talks has been to limit warming to no more than 2 degrees Celsius above so-called pre-industrial levels , in line with scientific advice .

  23. 并购双方特别是并购方,谈判前应对目标企业进行科学、细致的估价,设定并购的最高限价,避免支付过高的并购溢价,造成并购成本过高,导致并购的失败。

    Both side of the M & A , especially the purchase enterprise should estimate the object enterprise carefully before the negotiation . The purchaser should fix the ceiling price , avoiding the overflow payment .

  24. 而且,乌拉圭回合农业谈判的主要目标之一就是鼓励成员从有高度扭曲作用的政策,即黄箱和蓝箱政策转向与生产脱钩的支持政策,即绿箱政策。

    Moreover , one of the main purposes of URAA is to encourage Members to transfer the policies from those of high trade-distorting effects i.e. yellow box and blue box measures to those of no , or the least trade distorting effects , i.e. green box measures .

  25. 齐克有几名同样也在寻找新机会的同事就他们的薪资目标以及如何与公司谈判来实现该目标共同制订了行动策略。

    Several of his colleagues , also looking for new opportunities , strategized together about what salaries they were aiming for and how to negotiate to get there .

  26. 内政之所以重要,是因为它们会限制通过谈判可实现的目标(例如,可以减少多少二氧化碳排放,或降低多少贸易关税)。

    Domestic politics matter because they limit what is achievable in negotiations ( for example , over how much carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced or tariffs cut in trade ) .

  27. 美国六方会谈首席谈判代表希尔说,谈判的最终目标很明确。

    Ambassador Hill , the leading U.S. diplomat to the six-party talks , says the ultimate goal of the negotiations is clear .

  28. 多哈回合农业谈判历时九年至今仍未完成谈判目标,不仅给农产品贸易自由化蒙上了阴影,还对当前萧条的世界经济恢复信心产生负面影响。

    On the other side , the nine-year-lasting Doha trade negotiation so far is still on the negotiating table , producing adverse effect on the confidence of world people on the liberalization of world agricultural trade and the recovery of the depressing world economy .

  29. 其次,从三个角度对谈判模型进行分类,并确定基于Agent技术的谈判系统的目标和特征;

    Secondly , it divides negotiation models into eight ones according to a set of standards and locates the suggested model in one of them and then defines the objectives and characteristics of negotiation support systems based on the agent technology .