
  • 网络Negotiation Cost
  1. 在特定的环境中,谈判成本、司法干预成本和市场机制是影响自我交易规制原则效率的主要因素。

    Negotiation costs , adjudication costs and market mechanisms are the crucial factors in influencing the efficiency of controlling rules .

  2. 从效率的角度出发,笔者着重分析了影响自我交易规制原则效率的各种因素,包括信息成本、谈判成本、司法干涉成本和市场机制等。

    From efficient point of view , the factors influencing the efficiency of controlling rules include information costs , negotiation costs , adjudication costs and market mechanisms .

  3. 应用层次分析法(AHP)对未来可能的交易对象进行综合评判并确定混合战略的选择概率,以达到交易双方找到合适的交易对象、降低长期合同交易的谈判成本,从而成功签订交易合同的目的。

    The analytic hierarchical process ( AHP ) is applied to synthetically evaluate potential bargainers and obtain the selected probability of mixed strategy so as to find the appropriate bargainers , reduce the cost of long-term contract negotiation , and finally sign the contact successfully .

  4. 首先研究了谈判成本的构成问题,分别为显性谈判成本和隐性谈判成本。

    First , the constitution of negotiation cost was studied , and it could be classified as explicit and implicit cost .

  5. 网络中成员间的高度信任能够使交易过程中的谈判成本、监督成本降低,机会主义行为减少。

    The high degree of trust among the network members could lower the cost of negotiation and inspection and decrease the opportunism behavior .

  6. 考虑消费者的谈判成本,厂商选择不标价时,其利润和谈判能力呈倒U型关系。

    Given the bargaining cost , when the firm chooses price-hiding strategy , the relation between the profit and the bargaining power is inverse U shape .

  7. 从科斯的视角看:企业是一种能够降低生产市场运行的成本、信息搜寻和契约谈判成本的制度结构。

    From the perspective of Caose , Enterprise is the system structure to reduce production and operation costs , and the cost of searching information and negotiation of contracts .

  8. 过低又会降低市场深度,增加交易谈判成本,影响交易效率。

    Larger tick size increases the level of bid-ask spread and lifts the trading fee , smaller tick size may reduce the market depth , add to negotiating cost and affect trading efficiency .

  9. 本文将从经济学的视角来分析今天的产权制度,指出其存在着谈判成本、运行成本高昂,资源配置效率不高,所有权虚置等问题。

    This thesis analyzes the present property system from the view of economics , pointing out such problems as negotiation cost , high price of operation inefficiency of resource distribution and false property ownership .

  10. 诱致性制度变迁自身存在的外部性和搭便车以及谈判成本高、实施难度大等特点,导致制度供给总是少于制度需求,因此强制性制度变迁占据了制度变迁的主导地位。

    Owing to the externality and hitchhike and the high cost of negotiation and difficult execution , the institutional supply is always lower than institutional demands . Therefore , the force-derivation institutional changes run by government occupies the leading position of institutional changes .

  11. 实证分析显示:农户规模、价格波动、谈判成本都对由农户和龙头企业组建的农产品渠道联盟稳定性有显著性影响,而信誉认知,心理预期和产品专用性的影响不显著。

    Empirical analysis shows that the scale of farmers , price change , and the cost of negotiation has a significant effect on stability of alliance formed by farmers and leading enterprises . However , psychological expansion and the specification of product have less significant effect .

  12. 造成这一结果的原因在于由于权利分割提高了农业用地流转的谈判成本,使得供求双方的预期收益下降,从规模和收入水平两方面限制了农地流转的效率。

    The reason of this result is due to the right segmentation improves the negotiation cost of the agricultural land transfer , making the expected revenue of both the supply and demand sides decline , from two aspects of scale and income level limits the efficiency of agricultural land transfer .

  13. 此学科的学位要求学生学习合同法,商务谈判,成本分析及复杂工程的管理。

    A degree in this field introduces the student to contract law , principles of negotiation , cost analysis , and the management of complex projects .

  14. 交易成本中主要包含了运输成本、信息收集成本、谈判签约成本等。提高交易效率可以降低交易成本。

    The transaction cost mainly includes transportation cost , information collection cost , negotiation and endorsement cost etc. High transaction efficiency gives rise to less transaction cost .

  15. 由于农地流转中包含着众多的交易成本,如收集信息的成本、起草合同、谈判的成本、签订合同、执行合同的成本、事后的交易成本等。

    As in the transfer of agricultural land contains a large number of transaction costs , such as the cost of gathering information , the drafting of contracts , the cost of negotiations , signed a contract , the cost of the contract after the transaction costs .

  16. 本文研究的服装加工快速报价系统是一个用来在贸易谈判中用成本加成法快速计算服装成本费用及其他费用的系统,适用于外贸公司和服装生产加工型企业。

    The garment fast quotation system is used to calculate the cost of garments and other cost quickly , which is suitable for foreign trade company and processing enterprises .

  17. 为了控制基于网络谈判过程中的谈判成本,提出了一种基于最大时间控制策略的零部件供应商谈判方法。

    A negotiation technology for the parts & components suppliers based on the maximum time control strategy was proposed aiming to control the cost of negotiation process through Internet .

  18. 私人部门与企业的谈判可能会由于谈判成本过高而失效,此时需要政府在强力后盾的支持下进行干预,如用控污津贴、排污标准等措施使污染恢复到社会最优程度。

    But negotiations may fail because of the high cost for pollution treatment . So government intervention , such as pollution allowances and waste-draining standards , are needed as a back force .

  19. 由于交易成本的存在使WTO以及其他多边体制谈判屡屡受挫,迫使各国转向谈判成本较低的各种FTA,促进了其发展。

    Because of the existence of trading cost , negotiations of WTO and other multilateral systems are frequently frustrated , forcing many countries to turn to various FTAs with lower negotiation cost and , as a result , promoting their development .

  20. 应用谈判技能和供应商进行价格谈判,达到成本最优化,并同时提高物流和质量水平。

    By using advanced negotiation skill to get optimal price , at the same time get better delivery and quality .