
  • 网络Resonant frequency;KHz
  1. SAW应变测量中谐振频率提取技术研究

    Research on resonant frequency measurement in SAW strain sensing

  2. 从得到的散射参数中提取出有效电感、Q值和自谐振频率。

    The effective inductor , Q-factor and the self - resonant frequency are extracted from S-parameters .

  3. 为了改善锁相系统在用于跟踪换能器串联谐振频率fs时的性能,提出了一种新的方案。

    The scheme tracing the series resonance frequency f_S is modified .

  4. 测试结果包括谐振频率和有载Q值。

    Measured results including resonant frequencies and loaded quality factors .

  5. 首先,采用谐响应分析中的Full分析法,分析了大、小两种尺寸的压电片在悬臂梁情况下的谐振频率。

    Firstly , the harmonic frequencies of the PZT bimorphs were analyzed by harmonic response analysis in " full " method .

  6. 双隔离泡H(021)模腔的谐振频率及Q值

    Resonance frequency and Q value of the h_ ( 021 ) mode cavity with a double separate bulb

  7. 根据SAW谐振器谐振频率的计算公式,可以求出表面力负载与SAW谐振器的谐振频率之间的变化关系。

    With the formula of resonant frequencies , the variation relationship between the exerted force and resonant frequency of SAW resonator is obtained .

  8. 制造加工曲面频率选择表面FSS(FREQUENCYSELECTIVESURFACE)的工艺参数不同会产生FSS中心谐振频率漂移以及传输系数降低。

    The machining technics affect the resonant frequency and transmission ratio of FSS ( frequency selective surface ) .

  9. 直流偏置对PZT微传感器的谐振频率的影响

    Effect on resonant frequency of PZT micro-sensor by DC voltage

  10. 通过在矩形贴片上开双U形槽,非常容易获得三频特性,而且可以很方便地实现对三个谐振频率的单独调节。

    By etching two U-shaped slots in a rectangular patch , the triple-band character can be obtained easily .

  11. 若施加频率远小于谐振频率,Q值与频率弱相关。S波衰减峰值发生在饱水度为100%时,而P波衰减峰值发生在饱水度为60%&90%范围内。

    Furthermore , the Q value will weakly relate to frequency if the frequency applied to rock is by far smaller than resonance frequency .

  12. 用有限元分析软件ANSYS对四分压电陶瓷管进行模态分析,得出该陶瓷管的前12阶谐振频率和模态振型。

    Using the ANSYS software of finite element , modal analysis is executed and twelve steps harmonic frequency are obtained .

  13. DSP芯片主要完成控制逻辑信号的产生、外部脉冲信号的采集、晶片谐振频率的计算等工作;

    The DSP chip does mainly such works as producing control logical signal and collecting external pulse signal and calculating resonance frequency of crystal flake .

  14. Stewart平台的综合谐振频率研究

    Synthetical Resonance Frequency of the Stewart Platform

  15. 运用压电微悬臂梁相关理论,分析了高谐振频率的PZT压电微悬臂梁的信号特征。

    Signal characteristics of high resonance frequency PZT cantilevers are analyzed with the theory of piezoelectric micro-cantilevers .

  16. 分析了SAW谐振器表面力负载对谐振器谐振频率和机械损耗产生的影响。

    The variation of the resonant frequency and the mechanical loss of SAW resonators are analyzed while there is force directly applied on the surface of an SAW resonator substrate .

  17. 利用FEM分析次镜在此结构支撑下的谐振频率,是否避开飞机的谐振频率。

    The harmonic frequency of secondary reflector is analyzed by FEM . Whether it can avoid the harmonic frequency of airplane or not is demonstrated .

  18. RLC电路谐振频率测试方法讨论

    A discussion on the method of testing the resonance frequency of RLC circuit

  19. RLC串联电路谐振频率的测量

    On the Measurement of RLC Series Resonance Frequency

  20. 还给出谐振频率的计算方法,该方法经Hill实测验证是足够准确的。

    The approach for calculating the resonant frequencies corresponding to cutoff frequencies is discussed , which has been verified to be accurate enough by Hill 's measurements .

  21. 讨论了正方形空气的边长及旋转角度对正方形空气平板二维光子晶体Q值及谐振频率的影响。

    Then the influence of square air holes ' side length and rotation angle to Q factor and resonant frequency of two dimensional photonic crystal slab was discussed .

  22. 采用Clausius-Mosotti方程,分析了谐振频率温度系数的影响因素以及它和εr之间的相互制约关系。

    The Clausius-Mossotti relation was used to discuss the influence factors of the temperature coefficient of resonate frequency and the relationship between the dielectric constant and the temperature coefficient of resonate frequency .

  23. 应用FDTD结合MP的方法计算了波导加载谐振器的谐振频率和品质因数。

    FDTD coupled with Matrix Pencil method was applied for computation of the resonant frequency and external quality factor of waveguide loaded cavities .

  24. 随La,Nd含量的增加,体系的容忍因子t值逐渐降低,谐振频率温度系数也随之下降。

    With the increase of La , Nd content , the tolerate factor t value of the system and also its temperature coefficient of resonant frequency decrease gradually .

  25. 但是,由于LC滤波器谐振频率附近有较大峰值,致使系统暂态下不稳定。

    However , the higher peak value near the LC filter s resonant frequency results in that the system is not stable in transient status .

  26. 借助用z变换表示各个环节的离散传递函数,设计并优化了跟踪谐振频率的算法。并将此算法在DSP中实现。

    Using the Z-transform to describe the discrete transfer function for elements in the system , a frequency-tracking algorithm is designed and optimized , which has been realized in DSP .

  27. 仿真验证表明,在自谐振频率(self-resonantfrequency)范围内片上集成电感衬底损耗主要是涡流损耗。

    The simulation shows that , under inductor self-resonant frequency ( serf ), substrate loss is mainly caused by eddy current loss .

  28. 微波通信的迅速发展要求开发出具有较高介电常数εr、高Qf值与近零谐振频率温度系数τf的微波介质陶瓷。

    The rapid development of microwave communication systems require the dielectric materials with high dielectric constant , high quality factor and near-zero temperature coefficient of resonant frequency .

  29. 另外,文中还给出了一种利用FDTD方法快速提取腔体谐振频率的人工损耗法。

    In addition , an effective approach by using the Finite-Different Time-Domain ( FDTD ) method to compute the resonant frequency of cavity is given .

  30. 线圈圈数增加,Leff增加,Q值和自谐振频率SRF下降;

    The coil turns increases Leff will increase , the Q value and resonance frequency SRF will drop ;