
zhān wàng
  • delirium;phrenitis;deliration
谵妄 [zhān wàng]
  • [delirium] 神志错乱、迷惑、语无伦次、不安宁、激动等特征并时常带有妄想或幻觉的暂时性神经失常

谵妄[zhān wàng]
  1. 载脂蛋白E基因多态性与术后谵妄的关系

    Association of apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism with postoperative delirium

  2. 强化护理干预对ICU患者谵妄转归效果研究

    The effect of intensive nursing intervention on delirium inpatients ' prognosis in ICU

  3. 教育干预后再次进行ICU护士谵妄的知信行调查及评估。

    Educational interventions carried out again after ICU nurses KAP survey and assessment .

  4. LC术后谵妄发生的观察

    Observation on delirium after LC

  5. ECG改变与急性酒精中毒患者的相似,且亦出现在急性戒酒综合征(特别是震颤性谵妄)中。

    ECG changes similar to those due to acute alcohol intoxication are also present in acute abstinence syndrome , especially in delirium tremens .

  6. 目的探讨慢性酒精中毒患者发生震颤谵妄(DT)的高危因素。

    Objective To explore the high risk factors of predictive capacity for the episode of delirium tremens .

  7. 体外循环(CPB)术后并发昏迷、谵妄、消化道出血及肾功能衰竭等将严重影响患者的顺利康复和术后生活质量。

    Complications such as coma , delirium , gastrointestinal hemorrhage and renal failure after cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) affect rehabilitation and postoperative quality of life seriously .

  8. 布伦南在记录中将此事称为“幻觉(hallucination)”,这是谵妄的一个警示信号。

    In her notes , Mrs. Brennan described the episode as a " hallucination , " a red flag for delirium .

  9. 临终关怀中心的许多患者都患有谵妄(delirium),患病率在住院的临终患者中可高达85%。

    Many in hospice suffer from delirium , which can affect up to 85 percent of hospitalized patients at the end of life .

  10. 结果:本组36例CPB术后精神障碍表现为抑郁状态16的,谵妄状态8例、精神分裂样状态2例、神经衰弱综合征10例。

    Results : There were 16 patients with depression state , 8 patients with delirium state , 2 patients with schizotypal state and 10 patients with neurasthenia 's syndrome in 36 patients .

  11. 在人们理解了服用LSD后的体验与经历震颤性谵妄的相似性后,精神病医师着手了一系列的实验。

    After perceiving similarities in the experiences of people on LSD and people going through delirium tremens , the psychiatrists undertook a series of experiments .

  12. 结果本组CPB术后精神障碍的发生率为3.17%(38/1200),38例精神障碍表现为抑郁状态16例,谵妄状态10例,神经衰弱综合征9例,精神分裂样状态3例。

    Results After operation , the occurrence of mental disorder was 3.17 % ( 38 / 1200 ) . There were 16 patients with depressed state , 10 patients with delirium state , 9 patients with neurasthenia 's syndrome and 3 patients with schizotypal state .

  13. 保护组术后谵妄发生率低于对照组(分别为5.3%和41.9%,P<0.05),术后住院时间少于对照组(分别为9.1±3.2d和16.7±5.8d,P<0.05);

    Postoperatively , the protection group had a lower incidence of delirium than that of the control ( 5.3 % vs 41.9 % , P < 0.05 ), a shorter hospital stay ( 9.1 ± 3.2d vs 16.7 ± 5.8d ; P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 生活因谵妄而兴盛,因倦怠而荒芜。

    Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui .

  15. 奥氮平治疗脑外伤后急性谵妄综合征的临床评价

    Clinical evaluation of management of acute delirium after brain trauma with olanzapine

  16. 颅脑损伤致谵妄的综合性护理干预

    Comprehensive nursing intervention on patients with craniocerebral injury induced delirium

  17. 神志迟钝加甚,且可发生谵妄。

    Mental dullness is prominent , and delirium may occur .

  18. 老年痴呆伴谵妄与非痴呆老年谵妄的比较研究

    Comparative analysis between senile dementia and senile non-dementia delirium patients

  19. 谵妄在急性颅脑损伤中的评价

    The appraisement of " Delirium " in Active Head Injured

  20. 老年人急性谵妄综合征━附8例报道

    Clinical study on acute senile delirium & Attaching 8 cases

  21. 骨折伴脑外伤性谵妄患者的护患关系

    Study on nurse patient relationships of the fractured patients with traumatic delirium

  22. 16例酒精所致震颤谵妄临床分析

    A Clinic Analysis of Delirium Tremens in 16 Patients with Alcohol Dependence

  23. 目的:探讨谵妄的病因和临床特点。

    Objective : To study the etiology and clinical manifestations of delirium .

  24. 精神病院中谵妄病人的临床分析

    A clinical analysis of the delirium patients in psychiatric hospital

  25. 目的:探讨老年患者麻醉手术后发生谵妄的影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the impact of postoperative delirium in elderly patients .

  26. 结论本组患者中谵妄的发生率为25.7%。

    Conclusion The incidence of delirium in the study group is 25.7 % .

  27. 老年患者术后谵妄与术后认知功能障碍的相关性研究

    The relation of postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction

  28. 纳络酮治疗酒精中毒震颤谵妄的护理

    Nursing of treatment of naloxone to tremor and delirium induced by alcohol intoxication

  29. 酒精戒断致震颤谵妄患者脑电图异常与预后的关系

    Relationship between EEG abnormalities and prognosis of patients with alcohol withdrawal-induced delirium tremens

  30. 老年心肌梗死患者急诊经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术围术期谵妄综合征临床分析

    Perioperative delirium syndrome of elder acute myocardial infarction patients treated by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty