
diāo pí
  • mink;marten;fur of marten;pelt of marten;fur or pelt of marten;mart
貂皮 [diāo pí]
  • [marten;fur of marten;pelt of marten] 貂的毛皮或生皮

貂皮[diāo pí]
  1. 貂皮是一种极贵重的皮毛。

    Marten is one of the most valuable furs .

  2. 东北三宝,人参、貂皮、乌拉草。

    There are three precious things in Northeast china , i.e.ginseng , marten , and Wula sedge .

  3. 有些人喜欢穿貂皮大衣,戴钻石首饰。

    Some people like to dress up in minks and diamonds .

  4. 肩上披着的貂皮衬托得她更加优雅,手上的钻戒则光彩夺目。

    Her shoulders were graced with mink and her fingers sparkled with diamonds .

  5. RalphRucci则推出了一款貂皮大衣。

    Ralph Rucci lined a puffer coat in mink .

  6. 购买者可采用任意数目的虚拟组合,定制自己的cubejacket系列,可加入内置貂皮背心、狐皮袖口和连帽坎肩等。

    Buyers can virtually customise their own cube jacket in any number of combinations , adding inner mink vests , fox cuffs and hooded body warmers .

  7. 中国检察机关周四对四川汉龙集团(SichuanHanlongGroup)原董事长刘汉提起刑事公诉,曾以一身貂皮大衣和黑色法拉利轿车闻名的刘汉是中国最具争议的富豪之一。

    Prosecutors on Thursday brought a string of criminal charges against one of China 's most controversial magnates , a man once known for his mink coat and black Ferrari .

  8. 据国际皮毛协会CEO马克攠滕(MarkOaten)介绍:光全球貂皮业的年销售额就达到了37亿欧元,狐皮的销售额也有8.8亿欧元。

    According to Mark Oaten , chief executive of the International Fur Federation , the global mink industry alone is worth 3.7bn , while fox fur is worth a further 880m .

  9. 王薇薇(VeraWang)设计的一款毛绒绒的黑色貂皮手袋被归为了“价格另洽”行列,意思就是设计师为上门特别订单赶制的。一位发言人证实,这款手袋不会用于零售店销售。

    Vera Wang 's cuddly black mink tote is listed as ' price upon request ' - which is designer shorthand for ' come in and special-order it . ' A spokeswoman confirms the bag wasn 't produced for stores .

  10. 例如,可以去看看burberry的黑色无毛貂皮军装大衣,以及brioni用南美栗鼠皮镶边的羊绒短外套(不过,3万美元的建议零售价可不算便宜)。

    See , for example , the black shaved mink trenchcoat from Burberry and chinchilla-lined cashmere top coat from Brioni ( not exactly a snip at $ 30000 suggested retail price ) .

  11. 尽管依然是烈日炎炎,但消费者已经可以从Saks买到皮草手袋了,例如博柏利(Burberry)的貂皮单肩包(2295美元)、华伦天奴(Valentino)的貂皮单肩包(售价5395美元)。

    With the weather still toasty , Saks has an array of fur bags available , from Burberry 's adoptable-looking mink shoulder bag ( $ 2295 ) to Valentino 's mink shoulder bag ( $ 5395 ) .

  12. BrunelloCuccinelli则推出了外部有两个口袋的貂皮双肩包,尼曼(NeimanMarcus)对其定价为7830美元,这样的双肩包或许不在小朋友返校需添置的物品之列,但却将奢华发挥到了极致。

    Brunello Cuccinelli 's mink backpack with two exterior pockets , priced at $ 7830 from Neiman Marcus , might not make many children 's back-to-school lists , but it marks the height of the trend .

  13. 托本尼尔森(torbennielson)是丹麦皮草拍卖商哥本哈根皮毛公司(kopenhagenfur)的首席执行官,他说,皮草价格较去年翻了一倍,特别是貂皮与波斯羔羊皮很热销。

    Torben Nielson , chief executive of Kopenhagen fur , a Danish fur auction house , says prices of fur have doubled on last year , with mink and Persian Lamb in particular selling fast .

  14. 买那件貂皮大衣,你一定花了大价钱。

    You must have paid the earth for that mink coat !

  15. 有些富婆在钻戒和貂皮外套上挥霍金钱。

    Some rich women splurge on diamond rings and mink coats .

  16. 她穿着一身蓝色的套装和一件貂皮大衣。

    She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat .

  17. 买一件新的貂皮大衣是不可能的。

    Buying a new mink coat is out of the question .

  18. 她用甜言蜜语诱他买貂皮大衣给她。

    She wheedled him into buying her a mink coat .

  19. 这位女子甜言蜜语地说服她丈夫给她买了一件貂皮大衣。

    The woman sweet-talked her husband into buying her a mink coat .

  20. 这种貂皮大衣,高贵典雅。

    This kind of mink coat is noBle and elegant .

  21. 朱莉:我不要貂皮大衣。

    JULIE : I don 't want a mink coat !

  22. 出一件貂皮大衣的价钱,你就可以找到爱。

    You 'll fiind love for the price ofa mink .

  23. 你知道现在供养一个长虱子的貂皮大衣要多少钱吗?

    You know what it costs now to feed one lousy mink ?

  24. 毛皮中我只喜欢黑貂皮和水貂皮。

    The only furs I like are sable and mink .

  25. 用黑貂皮做的围巾(或装饰品)。

    A scarf ( or trimming ) made of sable .

  26. 只有貂皮无沿帽独自呆在那里,她笑得更加明快了。

    The ermine toque was alone ; she smiled more brightly than ever .

  27. 昨天晚上你穿的那件黑貂皮大衣实在是太完美了。

    Last night you looked so fabulous in that wonderful full-length sable coat .

  28. 人造毛皮越来越多地取代了貂皮、狐皮之类的自然毛皮。

    Artificial fur is increasingly replacing natural furs such as mink and fox .

  29. 我用我的真皮夹克换你的貂皮大衣。

    I 'll trade you my genuine leather jacket for your mink coat .

  30. 我喜欢我的新人造貂皮大衣,大爸。

    I love my new faux mink , daddy .
