
  • 网络pattra-leaf culture
  1. 贝叶文化的社会经济价值

    Pattra-leaf Culture is a Precious Cultural Resource with Great Socio-economic Value

  2. 贝叶文化的学术价值和研究难点

    The Academic Value of Pattra-leaf Culture and its Research Difficulties

  3. 西双版纳傣族贝叶文化与植物多样性保护

    Palm Leaves Buddhism Sutra Culture of Xishuangbanna Dai and plant diversity conservation

  4. 不过贝叶文化所包含的内容啊远远不止这些。

    But Palm-Leaf Culture covers a lot more than that .

  5. 就在我们身后的贝叶文化村啊。走。

    In the Palm-Leaf Culture Village just behind us . Let 's go .

  6. 韩佳,贝叶经应该是贝叶文化的重要组成部分吧?

    Han Jia , are palm-leaf scriptures an important component of Palm-Leaf Culture ?

  7. 贝叶文化的现代价值与西双版纳旅游业的发展

    The Modern Value of the Pattra-Leaves Culture and the Tourism Industry Development in Xishuangbanna

  8. 贝叶文化与南方丝绸之路

    The Pattra-leaf Culture and the Southern Silk Road

  9. 增加贝叶文化含量提高旅游业的整体水平

    Increase the Contents of the Shell Culture to Raise the Total Level of Yunnan tourism

  10. 贝叶文化的内涵和特点

    He Connotations and Traits of Pattra-leaf Culture

  11. 贝叶文化是指以贝叶经为核心的傣族传统文化。

    Pattra-leaf culture refers to the traditional culture of the Dai nationality with Pattra-leaf scriptures as the core .

  12. 贝叶文化十论

    Comments on Pattra Culture

  13. “贝叶文化”的研究代不乏人,近年已有专书专论出版。

    Studies on Pattra culture have continued for generations and many papers and books of this field have been published .

  14. 韩佳,刚才我们在赏心悦目里看到了,这贝叶文化村的雕塑特别多。

    Han Jia , just now we watched many sculptures in the Palm-Leaf Culture Village as shown in the Feast for the Eyes .

  15. 文化优势。金四角旅游区属贝叶文化圈,大部分人口都有着共同的佛教信仰。

    Cultural advantages : the golden quadrangle tourist region belongs to the Bayeux cultural circle , most of the populations share a common Buddhist faith .

  16. 西双版纳的旅游业要在激烈的旅游市场竞争中得到大发展,就必须提高贝叶文化在旅游业中的含量。

    If the tourism in Xishuangbanna will be developed greatly in acute competition , the intension of ″ shell culture ″ in tourism must be raised .

  17. 贝叶文化的内涵和特点主要表现在绿色文化、农耕文化、信仰文化、和谐文化、开放文化、柔情文化等六个方面。

    The connotations and traits of Pattra-leaf culture find expression mainly in green culture , farming culture , belief culture , harmony culture , opening-to-the-outside culture and tender-feeling culture .

  18. 摘要贝叶文化是我国傣族地区的一种“活着的”文化形态,不仅具有重要的社会人文价值,而且蕴含着巨大的“文化经济”开发潜力。

    Pattra-leaf culture , a " living " cultural form in the Dai area of china , has not only great social and cultural value but also great potential of " cultural economy " .

  19. 贝叶文化的学术探讨,是运用多学科、大视角对民族文化进行综合研究的有益尝试,也体现了全球一体化背景下民族文化研究的发展趋势。

    The academic study of Pattra-leaf culture is a good attempt at a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary study of an ethnic culture , which reveals a research trend of ethnic cultures in the process of globalization .